I just listened through Jordan Peterson's interview with BOTH Tim Ballard and Jim Caviezel. A worthwhile listen--especially for me since I've never heard anything from Tim before.

Some notes:

  • Tim addressing the 'Q-Anon' conspiracy theory--whatever that is. Adrenochrome is real, but wrong to allege celebs use it without evidence. @00:07:50
  • Jim Caviezel's next projects - HAITI (movie will be better than Sound of Freedom) and The Resurrection @1:29:00
  • Tim gave a shoutout to Elon. Twitter release of Sound of Freedom likely Mid July (Timestamp) @1:33:15
  • Lots of shoutouts to Angel Studios.



What would it take for you to fall back asleep? For me, it'll take a combination of being convinced of the following:

1... Convinced that there was no fraud that occurred in the Nov 2020 election that would've changed the outcome.

2... Convinced that I'm getting played by the GME/superstonks community--that it's not an overly shorted stock.

3... Convinced that the Covid Vax is safe and effective and there is nothing nefarious behind it, but rather, the vax comes from a 'spirit of good and life'.

4... Convinced that Michael Heiser's "Unseen Realm" is false teaching. I doubt he's into this stuff, but that book has helped me make sense of what I think is going on in the world in relation to a biblical worldview.

What are your thoughts?


My wife and I made the agreement to turn off all news, social media, and any outside consumption of COVID info for 2 weeks and possibly indefinitely. In some way, it is sad that because of this, I won't be lurking GAW--I'm not much of a poster but felt included via the lurking and upvoting over the past 9 months. I'm confident that this is the right decision.

I would appreciate your prayers for me and my marriage. My wife literally thinks I am insane, deluded to follow after Satan and the thought of divorce is crossing her mind. She has admitted to thinking of me in contempt and that our marriage is dead. I believe God lifted the veil over my eyes briefly and I saw a glimpse of His work and plan. I am convinced with every bone in my body that COVID and these mandates have the spirit of antichrist/satan behind them. My wife is pro-mandates, pro-vax, trusts gov't, pro-mask our 5 year old. I guess you can see we're at opposite ends.

Please pray for me and my marriage. Pray for me to truly have discernment and wisdom from God. I truly want to know if COVID and these mandates DO NOT have the spirit of antichrist/satan behind them. I want to know where I am wrong in any of my beliefs that are causing contention. Please also pray that if there are any evil spiritual forces acting upon me, my wife, my son and my marriage--that they be totally subdued in Jesus' name. I really want God to show me a sign that what I have awakened to is true and I really want my wife to be with me.

We're doing all we can.. counselling, pastors, marriage course, agreements in communication. I want this movie to end, but I also know.. letting it play out will be even GREATER!

I'll probably read comments to this post one last time tonight and afterwards lurk https://communities.win/c/Christianity/

Bye frens for now. See you later or in glory! Hope it's not long. From Canada.


The reason I ask is because my local school board, here in Canada, has just mandated masks for kindergarteners (my child's age) so I no longer have the option of sending him to school with no mask.

I want to solicit anyone's experience if they've sent their kids off to school wearing a mask while inside their conscience believing that doing so was wrong--and how, if anyone has done this, did they resolve the conflict in conscience. I want to know if there are ways I can resolve the conflict in my conscience without pulling my kid out of his school.

I really want to be pro-mask, pro-vax, pro-mandate etc because it'll lead to less friction and a more easy life for me (because my wife is all of those), but I can't because my own discernment, examination, and belief of the matter has made it's way into my value system.

My root issue is... What's more important: Less conflict in marriage by violating of my conscience or follow my conscience which will lead to conflict in my marriage? I pray and hope that my wife will wake up someday--that'll help.

Do you think Gary is a good guy? Bad guy? or a normie? https://nitter.net/GaryGensler

He's in a central place re: the financial markets and in the ongoing GameStop story which I believe is part of the plan. His twitter lists he's the 33rd Chair of the SEC. I noticed a transcript of a speech (from back in May) that he linked on his twitter today he calls out the numbers:

  • "there might be 1,700 market participants on this call, so I thought I’d take the opportunity to speak to you all directly."
  • "There’s a reason why the ’33 Act was called the Truth in Securities Law. Telling the truth matters."
  • https://www.sec.gov/news/speech/gensler-finra-conference

I just wonder if you think there's some comms involved. Especially with the numbers of 17 and 33.


Hi everyone,

I'm looking for some tips re: how to have a close, connected relationship with my wife who's asleep. We have been drifting further apart since I started waking up since November. Do any of you have a GOOD STRONG CONNNECTED relationship with your spouse who's asleep? Any tips?

I'm not looking for tips on how to wake her up because often my attempts to red-pill has caused even more disconnect. I'm looking for tips for how to have a GOOD STRONG CONNECTED relationship despite the awake vs. asleep difference.

For context of our difference, my wife was double-vaxxed ASAP and disregards my conclusions about anything when people in authoritative positions say otherwise. We're both Christians, but it's different now. I think I was spiritually woken up and I see the world differently. She's asleep and not interested in waking up and I feel like she wants me to fall back asleep in order to connect. Problem is.. I don't want to go back to sleep. Any tips are appreciated!


I know many of you here are into GME. A big-four accounting firm is GME's auditor. Do you think something big needs to be exposed within the accounting industry prior to GME mooning?

The general premise to Q and GME is that the institutions and procedures that we expect to enforce accountability are not doing their jobs. I think 1 place left to expose would be the independent accounting industry... Or do you think the panama papers was 'it'?

I can imagine a plot twist where a well-recognized independent auditor fudges something in GME for the sake of the cabal to try to drive down the value of the company on its balance sheet.

It's a fictional thought, but so much of these days is fiction! I also know nothing about accounting. Hehe.


My hope in this post is to share how my view of porn has changed as I got into this Q stuff. I hope your mind can be enlightened by this as mine has after thinking about this.

----Prior to following Q----

I generally thought of the makeup of the people in porn as follows:

  • 80% consenting girls
  • 10% manipulated girls
  • 10% trafficked girls

I thought I would be able to recognize the latter 20% and would not get off on that. From an irreligious-morality perspective, that 80% of consenters is not morally wrong.

Being a Christian, I believed all of it was wrong, but it's a struggle--right??


----After following Q----

After I got into this Q stuff, I realized how blind I was.

I found out about the degree of child sex trafficking. Jeffrey Epstein, his temple, and what they do underground. Manipulation. Realness of the battle between Good vs. Evil. Realness of spiritual war. Realness of God, Satan, and demons. Spirit cooking???

Then, I thought... What if the makeup of the people in porn is as follows:

  • 10% consenting girls
  • 60% manipulated girls
  • 25% trafficked girls
  • 5% demon-possessed girls

If this is true, then isn't the porn industry sick? Isn't it sick to get off from a manipulated/trafficked girl? Isn't it gross to think of jerking to a demon?

Consider the possibility that the girl was taken, brought up, and brain-washed to participate in Satanic rituals (like possibly what Isaac Kappy witnessed).

If this is the case, then upon virtually all moral standards--porn is wrong and sick!

Anyways, after this thought, my conclusion is that I'm done with entertaining the thought about looking upon porn. Why even 'think' to satisfy a feeling that wants something that is sick on all levels?

Hope this helps you and I do not mean to condemn any readers. Just sharing my personal journey. Go team!


What do you think will be the 'big ticket events' that still need to occur and in what order do you think these events will occur?

The following are the 'big ticket events' that I think will happen in the not-to-distant future in the respective order:

...1) Wide revelation of corruption in banking/global financial markets

...2) Wide revelation of election fraud

...3) Wide revelation of military tribunals - politicians/celebrities/prominent figures

...4) Wide revelation of Covid and Covid vaccine truth

...5) Wide revelation of magnitude child sex trafficking

...6) Wide revelation of the spiritual war (the good deeds, the bad deeds, the good guys, and the wicked)

...7) Trump inaugurated as President

My main thought is that, for Trump to be vindicated, any revelation of wrong would need to occur outside of his watch as President.

I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts.


Faith in action. You really gotta put your money (action) to where your mouth is believing it will happen and enjoy the ride while realizing that there are possibly millions of other unexpected people enjoying the ride with you.

I bought a few shares of GME just for shits and giggles. It may be Q related or it might not be. I believe it is. And if it is the real deal, in my opinion, it would be a God kinda way of carrying out justice (though not ultimate) to the the financial markets, economies, and distribution of wealth. Unexpected, clever, comedic, strategic, and inclusive.

Truth is stranger than fiction.


I've come up with a theory about angelic involvement in this Q stuff as I have pondered what I know of the Bible vs. what I know about Q.

I'm an evangelical non-charismatic Christian—a layperson with probably above average Bible knowledge. I totally know that these thoughts are not explicit Bible truths and am ready to drop it and would appreciate any correction you may have to my thinking here.


Premise 1 – There are angels engaged in this war in this Q story.

Premise 2 – Significant part of the warfare is informational.


We often think about angelic interaction with us to be physical (fighting battles and protection in physical danger) and spiritual (fighting demons and protection from spiritual danger).

Although we don't typically think about angels being involved in informational warfare, I think angels ARE involved in this Q story's info war component.

I think some influencers are angels. Similar to how I think there are demon-possessed influencers. I think the battlefield is much larger than what we are aware of--across the arts, entertainment, sciences, media, economy, politics, internets… Even here--I think the battle between literal angels and demons is occurring here on GreatAwakening.win via posts and comments. We'll be surprised when we find out people who we thought were people were actually angels.

We talk about Q being a psy-op. I think there is truth here. I think it is God's psy-op to redpill the world to:

  • Show a glimpse of how truly evil is evil.
  • Show a glimpse of how truly good is good.
  • Show a glimpse of His power, His awesome intellect, His 'coolness', and, quite frankly, His badass-ness
  • Give each person a more informed opportunity to decide whether or not to follow Him.

Some Bible references:

  • Num 22-24 – Info war – Balaam
  • 2 Kings 6:8-23 – Info war and army of angels and God's character. Side note: Latter part of this chapter is odd and abhorrent.
  • Zeph 1 - God's character and example of God's judgment
  • Hebrews 1 and 13 – Commonly known passages about angels.

Please don't infer that I'm purporting a specific view of eschatology or that I'm interpreting that the 'Day of the Lord' = the Q outcome. Neither am I meaning to purport a specific view of free will vs. election. I'm just trying to think: If God is behind this, what's going on here?

This thread is meant for evangelical Christian Q-supporters to engage in discussion on the thread topic (Of course, all are welcome to share their thoughts). Please keep it civil and no bashing others who may not hold similar beliefs and respond in such a way per the rules of GreatAwakening.win.


I'm thinking a US Flag + a banner saying:


God says 'Don't f&ck with the children!' - Matt. 18:6.

US Military saves abducted children held as sex slaves

Traitors brought to JUSTICE


And having a sign with Ecclesiastes 3:4:

A time to weep, and a time to laugh;

A time to mourn, and a time to dance;


As you can tell, I am a Christian--I'm not saying a celebration without God/Christian view is inappropriate. We're all free to celebrate in accordance with the beliefs and views that we hold and I respect that!

Please SHARE your plans! (in accordance to the rules of greatawakening.win)


I am new to Q (2 weeks) and a evangelical non-charismatic Christian--a layperson with above average Bible knowledge.

I have been pondering this Q stuff in relation to my understanding of the Bible and I've shared my thoughts over these threads:

Part 3: The Q story and Biblical Parallels

Part 2: Logical Conclusions via Christian world-view

Part 1: Initial discernment re: Q and Christian beliefs

I want to share what I think is the ultimate conclusion to all this Q stuff:


Ultimate Conclusion

If you don't understand Q, you don't understand the world.

If you don't understand the Bible, you don't understand Q.

If you don't understand God, you don't understand the Bible.

If you don't understand the world, you don't understand God.


Therefore, I submit to you my utter realization of what I think of Q:

I believe Q is led by the Holy Spirit! Think about it.

I'm not claiming Q is God. I'm saying Q is led by God, the Holy Spirit.

Please UP VOTE the thread and comment with your thoughts if you like this!

Checkout my other threads and upvote too!

I know there are Q supporters out there who do not hold the same Christian beliefs. This thread is not meant for you as a target audience, but you are also welcome to share.

Please remember the greatawakening.win rules as you're commenting. Notably, keeping discussion focused with Q subject area in mind and to share respectfully and civilly for the purpose of expanding our thinking.

Let's not put down others who hold different beliefs.



Edit 1/13/21: I recognize that the 'Ultimate Conclusion' that I presented, if used as an argument, is circular reasoning which of itself is a logical fallacy. I am not learned in philosophy, cognitive science, psychology, etc. However, my position is not to use that as a proof for an arument, but that--that in and of itself is the conclusion of all this Q stuff. It is not a logical proof. Neither do I think you can come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ strictly through logic alone.

This next part of could be way off... But I think if the 'ultimate conclusion' is true, then I think the reason why the letter 'Q' is used is because the 'ultimate conclusion' itself is circular reasoning. Therefore, for anyone to come to an understanding of that conclusion, it would require an external force to inject the person into that circular-reasoning conclusion. The injection is represented by the 'line' being injected into the 'circle' to make a 'Q'. Therefore, in order to understand this conclusion, an external force must inject you into this understanding (like God himself 'quickening' you). Therefore, this might be the true meaning--from my evangelical Christian perspective--of the Great Awakening.

Of course, I may be deluded and overthinking this which I probably am. But it does tickle your mind, doesn't it?


I am a Q supporter and non-charismatic evangelical Christian—a lay person with probably above average Bible knowledge. I previously wrote about reconciling my evangelical beliefs with Q, assuming that the Q story holds true.

Link to part 2: Logical Conclusions via Christian world-view

Link to part 1: Initial discernment re: Q and Christian beliefs

Please upvote and comment on my previous threads and this thread if you find value in the respective threads so that more people can read and contribute.

For this thread, I want to think about parallels between the Q story and stories in the Bible. Please post and comment with your parallels too as, together, I believe our Bible knowledge and world observation is greater! See if we can get this trending so it can encourage more brothers and sisters who share the same beliefs as us.

First to give you my assumptions of Q in a summary (copied from part 2 of my writings):


Q is a US Military Operation. Behind this Military Operation is actually God working in a significant capacity. Spiritual warfare is also a significant part of this. This spiritual part is inferred from what JFK said about the reason for Special Ops.

In the end of this Q chapter that we're in (~early 2021), the general whole world population will come to the realization of:

  • the wickedness that we've been ignorant of in the world.
  • the general liberation of victims and the world of that wickedness.
  • the nearness of the spiritual world that is so much closer than we normally thought.
  • the prophetic-like manner of Q-drops and the precision and fulfillment.
  • the lies of the world (Gov't, MSM, religious leaders [wolves in sheep clothing]).
  • the likely disruption to the global financial system due to the realization of corruption and the legal consequences of nations, corporations and individuals taking part of corruption.


..Biblical Parallels..

.....WWG1WGA - It's like a rally cheer for the Q good guys. The question is: Who is the '1'? and who are the 'All'?

Possibility 1:

The '1' is God and the 'All' refers to followers of God in the battle against the enemy for the purpose of liberty, judgment, and justice. Obviously, true liberty, judgment, and justice will be done by God alone in eternity.


Possibility 2:

The '1' is Trump and the 'All' refer to all the supporters, few--but strong, fighting along with him against the enemy for the purposes mentioned aboe.

Either way though, it makes me think of the Bible stories where God has 1 guy (figurehead) with few supporters to fight the enemy in impossible odds and WIN! Which ends up being demonstrative evidence of God's existence.


  • Abraham with his 318 trained servants to rescued his nephew Lot, Lot's family, Lot's people and his stuff. (Genesis 14) There are MANY other parallels here, but I'll leave that for you to comment! Or ask me for me. Haha.
  • Gideon and his 300 valiant men. (Judges 6-8) Many parallels also. I'll leave that for you to comment. My thought is... did you consider how Gideon trimmed his forces to 300 men? THINK ABOUT IT in light of Trump's 'concession message' and Trump's border wall message today (1/12/21) at Alamo, TX.
  • The Holy Spirit and God's few disciples at the very beginnings of the Church.

Do you have more? Please SHARE!

.....Ezra Cohen-Watnick - Current US Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence

He seems like one of the key players in all this. Ezra in the Bible was a scribe and was instrumental in brining God's people back together from exile which eventually led to the rebuilding of the Temple.

Per part 2 of my writing, I believe these events that we're experiencing now are instrumental in the building of the Third Temple in Jerusalem. And Mr. Ezra Cohen-Watnick is a big part of it.

.....The Q Story - Generally, overall, it's another redemption story.

If you take my assumptions about what will occur at the end of this Q chapter (~early 2021), you can imagine how this Q story is like another redemption story that's told over and over again in the Bible.

Following the pattern: Evil/Calamity > Helpless Victims > Unknown before, but God appoints a Christ-like leader > Rescue of Victims > Judgment of Evil > Celebration Victory.

Is TRUMP the Christ? Of course not! But in this story, he's a type of Christ much like Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Jonah, Esther, + many more are types of Christ.

Please upvote the thread and comment with your thoughts if you like this!

I know there are Q supporters out there who do not hold the same Christian beliefs. This thread is not for you, but you are also welcome to share.

Everyone, remember the greatawakening.win rules as you're commenting. Notably - keeping discussion focused with Q subject area in mind and sharing respectfully and civilly for the purpose of expanding our thinking.

Let's not bash others who hold different beliefs.



I'm still new to Q (stumbled upon this 2 weeks ago) and I'm an evangelical non-charismatic Christian—a layperson with probably above average Bible knowledge. I'd like to share my perspective of possible logical conclusions if this Q stuff ends up being true in relation to an everyday Christian (like me).

1-liner conclusion

We, Christians, will believe the Bible to be even more true if this Q stuff ends up being true.

Long answer conclusion

First to give you my assumptions of Q in a summary:

Q is a US Military Operation. Behind this Military Operation is actually God working in a significant capacity. Spiritual warfare is also a significant part of this. This spiritual part is inferred from what JFK said about the reason for Special Ops.

In the end of this Q chapter that we're in (~early 2021), the general whole world population will come to the realization of:

  • the wickedness that we've been ignorant of in the world.
  • the general liberation of victims and the world of that wickedness.
  • the nearness of the spiritual world that is so much closer than we normally thought.
  • the prophetic-like manner of Q-drops and the precision and fulfillment.
  • the lies of the world (Gov't, MSM, religious leaders [wolves in sheep clothing]).
  • the likely disruption to the global financial system due to the realization of corruption and the legal consequences of nations, corporations and individuals taking part of corruption.

Therefore, if this Q stuff is true, here are my theorized conclusions:

..Possible Conclusion 1: The Church will be emboldened to declare the gospel. Did someone say, Revival?

I predict that the Church will be emboldened to declare the gospel and that this revival will both be in numbers of people coming to Christ and in the holiness in each individual Christian's life. I think there is a potential for a general world-wide moral revival based off of the disgust of the wickedness exposed.

When I write 'revival', I believe the intensity of it will be 1,000x more than what we picture when we think of revival right now. God tends to work in unexpected ways. Master strategist.

Although we know the truths of the Bible, we still come up with excuses not to do what is right. Right now, we are not emboldened for the winning of souls who do not know the gospel of Jesus Christ. Due to the whole world realization mentioned in the bullet points above, 90% of the reasons why we don't "soul-win" right now will be gone.

Current reasons for not soul-winning:

  • Fear of what others will think of you. Dismissed because everyone's world-view will be shattered and will be looking for a new world-view to help them make sense of the world. MSM and current world narrative = SHATTERED.
  • Lack of faith in God. Dismissed because the prophecy-like manner of Q-drops and the precision of fulfillment will empower the Christian to realize the power of prophecy in the Bible i.e. Historical Prophecy and Fulfillment in JC and prophecy of the end times that have yet to be fulfilled.
  • Other priorities. Dismissed because, I predict something BIG is going to happen to money that will make us realize the futility of garnering up treasures on earth.
  • Winning Catholics. My own thinking is that Catholicism and evangelical Christianity is close, yet so far. As a generalization, my basic understanding is:

Catholics believe ultimate truth = Catholic Church teachings + Bible.

Evangelical Christians believe ultimate truth = Bible.

If the Catholic Church is revealed to be vile and disgusting, I believe Catholics would be more ready to be won over.

..Possible Conclusion 2: Clearer interpretation of Biblical eschatology.

Note: I am NOT learned in eschatology at all. Very basic knowledge of this. I wouldn't be able to give you a timeline nor passage nor give you an overview of different valid Christian points of view. I'd also prefer the discussion to go more towards talking about the practical every-day implications rather than Biblical eschatology since I live in the present and truly am more interested in the present day-to-day life. :P

.....2a: NWO and Anti-Christ.

It may be that the peace in the end times for which the Anti-Christ will be part of is actually legitimate peace that was God-allowed and brought forth by the good-guys. The new world order might not be the NWO started by nefarious villains, but rather a new world order started by the good-guys that later gets perverted and the Anti-Christ rises from that. This goes the same for money.

.....2b: Third Temple.

I don't believe the Third Temple has been built yet (this is my father-in-law's belief. I don't study enough so I'll take his view). If it is to-be built, it may occur soon. As more and more peace deals are worked out between Israel and other nations, the Third Temple could be built at the proper place WITH THE PROPER MONEY. I remember an elder in my church talking about "following the vessels". In the Old Testament and early history, you follow the vessels (i.e. temple treasures) and determine whether they're with Israel or not--that's the general direction God is working. Don-cha-think money is going to be siezed from countries, entities, people from this? I heard the Rom Catholic Church has lots of it. I think I heard Romans plundered the temple/Israel in the early AD (I could be wrong on this).

Ironically, the supposed key player involved in this Q thing is named Ezra. And the guy with a PHD in math who, supposedly, reverse engineered what the DVS was doing is named Edward Solomon. Check out his YouTube—he live-streamed his analytical process so it shows his work from scratch.

Haha. Names matter.

..Possible Conclusion 3: More evidence of God's Character

.....3a: God's love, mercy and grace.

I always, up to 2 weeks ago, held the view that things will go bad—worse and worse—then the Church will be raptured, then the tribulation. Let's not talk about pre-trib, post-trib here, millennial kingdom stuff here.

The more important thing is: If great revival occurs--this honestly gives almost EVERYONE a chance to come to know Christ prior to the 7 year tribulation (if you hold the pre-trib view). And this ability to broadcast this message becomes more and more possible as technology advances and as global adoption of this technology occurs. Perhaps the time is now?

.....3b: God—the ultimate comedian.

I have this view of God that he's the ultimate comedian. My favorite form of comedy is irony. Think of all the ironies about this Q stuff. There are 1000s and probably more. Someone should start a thread on that.

God is also the ultimate troll! Think about it.

.....3c: God—the ultimate strategist.

I've also pondered: If God is behind this… Why did it start on an underground message board? I think the reason is due to the target audience. It's a commission to the age-group that can most relate to receiving information from internet message boards. The general target audience is not the ~70-90 year-old grandmas and grandpas. I believe the target audience is approx. the ~12-50 year-olds who would be familiar in getting info from message boards to bring the gospel to this generation. The 12-50 year-olds are the type of people who understand this.

You can also tell how this Q strategy is so spectacular. It's literally the most thrilling ride I've been on and brilliant thing I've experienced… ever! P.S. Q is not God

The state of the church now also makes sense with its many denominations. Some people say:

"If the church is to be one, why are there so many different denominations?"

I believe the answer now is to equip her to fight false prophets and false teaching. Think of the US Constitution and the different branches of government. The separation is there for the checks and balances for a more perfect union—the framers knew it wasn't going to be perfect. Apply the same to the church. Different denominations are there for the checks and balances for a more perfect union.

I also believe the ability for the Church to discern and fight false prophets and false teachings will be elevated even more as the spiritual world becomes more of a reality to our physical world. Many will be deceived.

Thanks for reading my write-up and would be happy to know your thoughts. I'd prefer a bit less on the eschatology and more re: practical implications but you are all free to share what you share. I'm sure I got some facts wrong and I'm also not American. I'm a Canadian rooting for you guys!

This is a part 2 since I did a write-up of other initial observations here: https://greatawakening.win/p/11RhOxc8Q7/believing-q-while-being-an-evang/

Of course, this Q stuff can all end up being a massive lie and rather, the ultimate LARP ever done. Which would be disappointing, but wouldn't shake my faith one bit.

If you like this post, please upvote and comment this thread so we can get more people to see and give their input.


I'm a newbie Q supporter (2/10 self-rating on Q knowledge) and evangelical Christian (3/10 self-rating for Bible knowledge).

Posting this out there to share how I've been examining my interests in Q with my evangelical beliefs.

1: Is supporting Q acceptable as an evangelical Christian?

Yes, if you believe any of the following:

  • Q is a Military Operation. OR
  • (grey area) Q's knowledge is brought by spirit/metaphysics/quantum mechanics that is of God—not demonic.


You do not believe Q is God himself and you have examined the 'spirit' of Q and have determined that it is of God, not a false prophet.

2: If you support Q, what to be cautious of?

  • The perverted Devil. Satan perverts the good and things of God. If you believe Q is of God, then Satan would pervert it. Be cautious of Q-like ideas and Q-like followers who entice you with curiosity into the world of the occult. There is symbolism and numbers involved with Q. Both God and Satan use symbolism and numbers which is not a conventional topic in mainline evangelicalism so we need to tread carefully.
  • Your own lust. Q exposes sick evil in the world. The very idea of specific evils may trigger your own unique lusts that you're sensitive to that leads to sin.
  • The Human pride. When the good guys win—all glory should go to God. All other heroes are anointed/appointed people by God to do his work. Respect and rejoice with people, but glory goes to God. Be cautious in getting into the tower of Babel pride mindset.
  • False prophets. I can't speak too much into this but _______'s name is brought up in things (Lin Wood's fireside chat 6, videos about Trump). I haven't delved into this nor do I have the time but brief glances say he's a false prophet. Edit 1/13/21: I retract this. Bible says beware of false prophets and there are tests mentioned in the Bible about how to test a prophet. There very well could be true prophets in our days. As a non-charismatic evangelical, anything to do with prophets outside of the Bible is foreign to me and not something that I typically would study so I will refrain from judging specific modern day people who claim to be prophets.
  • Having Q consume your heart, soul, and mind. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind.

Lastly, I've been pondering that the Bible says THE antichrist will come. No doubt about that. If we are true to ourselves, the antichrist can come both ways through the NWO peace brought by tyranny or the NWO peace brought by good people. But in the end, God wins!

I'm Canadian, but I'm rooting for all you USA patriots! Go team go!