I hope you guys realize this. Apart from us, AI and quantum computing systems that can interpret and take in massive amounts of data to return answers would be the future of the world. We are millions strong, and our brain power together, aimed at the right target, will comprise the most powerful computational potential on the planet, making us the most powerful tool to save humanity. In every sense of the word, us and people like us, when combined together, are the only possibility for ending the tyranny of the global cabal. Our brain power combines to make us capable of moving mountains. But we must be diligent. We must remain open minded and learn from one another, so that we can all wind up at universal truth and awaken the world. Keep pushing.
What do you think happens when paper money or gold and silver are replaced with electronic central bank controlled currencies? What do you think happens to your privacy, or your capability of financing or purchasing what you want?
I cant believe people are so stupid they believe that a digital currency, in the age of tech tyranny, is actually a good idea.
We need a shift AWAY from electronics that are ALWAYS controlled by a small group of people.
Take for instance India. Bitcoin and other private cryptos will be made illegal, meanwhile government central bank issued cryptocurrency is being developed. What does that sound like to you? Sound like a good proposition?
Wake up people. We need to scrap fiat currency and return to gold and silver. Dont listen to the shills saying crypto is the way of the future. It is not. It is the way to enslavement.
Furthermore, the SHA256 algorithm upon which Bitcoin and most cryptos are based, was created by the NSA. Therefore the NSA would be the only organization in the world to have the backdoor to everyones wallets. Until central banks get involved.
The solution is not magic internet money. It is abolishing central banks, and furthermore, returning to sound currency based on precious metals, that are untraceable and provide us with freedom, security and privacy.
Please crypto people, stop selling yourself a utopian dream.
I read that Friday was the deadline to fuck the multitude of institutional investors shorting Gamestop. If so, did we do it? Did we win?!
Thanks appreciate it.
- There is never surety in anything in life. From measurements to chemical concentrations, everything is an approximation. The same goes for Q and the "Plan". There cannot be surety because the truth is WE DO NOT KNOW. It is certainly a possibility that you have been LARPed, and it is also possible that the opposite is true. The point being, I am of the opinion that we should hedge our bets.
- My suggestion: We are like minded individuals who see the flaws in the government, banking, and decision making processes all over the country and world quite frankly. I propose that while we may still observe the plan, and trust Q, we also begin to redact our own peaceful approach to our ends. We can no longer sit idle and watch with inaction due the uncertainty mentioned above: WE DO NOT KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN.
- Therefore, if we end up being wrong, we will be left embarrassed and demoralized with absolutely no backup plan whilst the Republic deteriorates into a worse state than it was prior to our endeavours. It is my opinion that it is time we put our heads together and begin formulating a contingency plan, slated to begin execution consequent to an agreed upon goalpost marker by which we will determine collectively that Q was in fact true or not. We cannot keep kicking the can down the road with justifications that "if we just wait a little longer" we will see the brilliance of the entire plan.
- Time is of the essence.
- If Q was created by a group of people, then it is inherently fallible for the people themselves are not infallible, and thus it is possible that even if Q is real, that it may fail. We must recognize this, and it is for these reasons I propose to you, my fellow Patriots, that it is time not to overshadow Q or debase it, but rather to work parallel to it in order to create a contingency by which we can ensure the safety of our Republic, and it's redirection into better, more free and amazing times. If you agree with me, and want to participate in this endeavour, please send me a direct message.
- I want to be totally transparent: A group including myself have been working on this contingency for quite some time and I am in the process of redacting a draft to outline the foundation of said plan moving forward. This is in essence a voluntary recruitment, and if you wish to join, simply message me and I will begin the vetting process.
- We are not looking for partners that are narrow minded or dogmatic in their belief systems. It is necessary, in order for this to work, that we form a group of empirical and logical thinking individuals who will work together.
- I will not give any further details about the mechanics of the plan, or the parties involved until you have been thoroughly vetted, if you wish to join.
- For everyone else, please consider what I have said above, for you too will likely play an integral part if Q does not come to fruition. Thank you to all the Patriots who read this. God Bless you all and God bless America.
- 33
I don't know what to think of this line. Is he making a point? Or is he saying it's over?
Seems like pretty bad fucking news if you ask me. Trying not to doom but being realistic.
I think it may be over people. As much as no one wants to accept the fact that Trump threw in the towel, and that the Military COULD do something if they wanted, it certainly is starting to seem like it's unlikely.
If anyone other than Trump himself were to know about Q, it would Don Jr., and for him to say this ... idk.
Tell me what you think.
Lets be real here, a chief Marshal from DC swamp land named Lamont swore them in? I'm going to go out on a limb here and say a police chief from the crooked swamp in DC that happens to be an African American is not going to be a Trump operative. Everyone on here is cheering this like it's a good thing, however you don't even know who the hell the guy is. Ive done research and can't find a thing other than his history as a US Marshal. So let's get this clear here:
- ALL other DC police is corrupt.
- DC mayor is corrupt.
- DC politicians are corrupt.
- But now the black Marshall chief who's swearing in the weekend soldiers is not corrupt, and is certainly part of Trump's plan to overthrow the DS. Are you people losing it?

What’s the plan for Jan 21st if our vision is not accurate?
In this image Pompeo tweeted today:
3099B is right in focus, probably more crisp than the others.
Q Post 3099:
5740813 WRWY!!! Q
Another Pompeo post: https://twitter.com/SecPompeo/status/1349468765860323331/photo/1 Time in picture - 1:03:57
Q Post 103: Time: 19:34:57
148151281 POTUS You are all heroes. Come home safe. Godspeed.
Delta = 18:31
Q Post #1831:
Does POTUS make statements that are false? Knowing what you know now….. [Start @ 12:00] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOUFsCS7xYE? Think Haiti [14:40] Think Watergate Commission [removed_why_investigate]. Listen very carefully. TRUTH. Surrounded by EVIL. NEVER STOP PRAYING. WWG1WGA!!!!!! Q
@ 12:00 Mark:
"I'm told Hillary went to confession before tonight's event"
Trumps hand gestures during his speech changed only during the time where he said:
"Choose actions [and] rise above"
With an emphasis on CHOOSE ACTIONS RISE ABOVE.
That is 22 letters.
Post 22:
22 Nov 01, 2017 12:57:15 AM EDT Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No. 147445681
Who controls the NG? Why was the NG recently activated in select cities within the US? Can the NG work in coordination w/ the marines? Do conditions need to be satisfied to authorize? What former President used the military to save the republic and what occurred exactly? Biggest drop to ever be provided on Pol. Study and prepare. The masses tend to panic in such situations. No war. No civil unrest. Clean and swift.
It's also literal:
Dont over-react and get pissed: Choose you actions wisely.
Rise Above: We will win and rise above the evil blanketting the country.
Someone else mentioned CARA:
C= 3 A = 1 R = 18 = 9? 7? A = 1
= 3191
Post #3191:
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: c555e0 No.5894159 ? Mar 25 2019 21:13:42 (EST)
[Picture of Trump exterminating Obama]
Link to : https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1110357222406737921
Why did the Joint Chiefs of Staff send that letter about Biden becoming the 46th President?
Is it part of the plan [backup from any Q posts]? If they are corrupt does it matter? Does Trump's power trump their power? Are they allowed to lie? Would there be precedent? What's the play?
I'd like your analysis.
All the headlines read “the storming of the Capitol”.
Confirmation? Who else noticed this?
Hello Everyone,
Where I currently reside, the qalerts.app has crashed, I do not know if it has been removed or not.
I am trying to solve a puzzle I'd like to work with others on. In one of Q's latest posts, I believe it was Nov 12 or 3rd, there was a picture of an American flag.
What was odd about this is that the name of the picture was:
This is obviously a hash or some form of encryption. I believe it is a SHA256 hash, but I cannot find the meaning behind it. It's clear that this is a crumb put in there for us to understand. The previous picture posted by Q has a legible name in ASCII characters, so what is it that this hash hides?
Let's work on this together, it may reveal a proof of some sort, or give us a hint as to what will happen in the coming days. Thanks Patriots, let me know what you think!
hey guys, Canadian patriot here, there is now m@rt!al l@w here in Canada, and i do not know what will happen to people like me. Talks of c0v!d c@mp$. This is beginning to feel a lot like WW2. I have no idea whats about to happen, and we're freaked out, with no one to protect us. We have no power here, and many Canadians do not go along with this. Q if you read this is there any way you can help us?? We have Americans here, and Canadian patriots who are in desperate need of some help. I've never been this freaked out, my girlfriend is freaking out, because we have said our views publicly, and online, unfiltered, and are actively fighting for our rights and for Trump and the American people. Now I feel as though we may be targeted. It is not your issue, but we are heading into dark times it looks like, with no where to go, and absolutely no help. Please UPVOTE, and spread awareness. We could use help from our stronger neighbouring country during this time.
SOS. I worry time is running out, and so will our freedom. Maybe our lives.
Canadian Patriot here. I’ve liked Trump since I was around... I’d say 17 years old. Great, great guy. Doing great things. We are surrounded by bad politicians, bad actors, and bad people all around both in and outside of the USA. I’m engaged to an American who lives here in your neighbouring country, watching closely every day. I pray for Trump! STOP OUR STEAL! I pray Canada will be a part of the clean up too; for the restrictions are worsening, and I’m increasingly hearing jets overhead hovering low.
Q, if you see this post, can you ensure the safety of your fellow neighbours here above you? If so, please mention the word “serene” in a message.
Up here we will continue the fight and always stand by trump and America. Prayers to you Patriots. Wishing we could be there too, but for now all we can do is Support with Our best Spirit and prayers. ?????
Hi everyone, I'm not new to Q by any means. I used to follow it loosely but never really got into it and never truly believed that it was real, although I was never sure. I guess it just seemed like a long shot to me.
With some of the events in the past few days, I now fully believe that it is real, and I'd like to catch up on everything I missed. Is there anyone who does a comprehensive analysis of all the posts, and breaks down what they mean and how they relate to events that happened, or provide proofs for each individual post?
If so, please link it to me, so that I can be fully awakened. Thanks pedes. WWG1WGA
From Trump's odd "concession" speech yesterday ... if we'll even call it that, here are some still frames:
Notice that from 1:27 to 1:28 there is a shift from the President talking head on to a sideways view of the President talking.
Again from 1:44 to 1:45 the shift comes back from that awkward angle to talking straightforward towards the people.
Note that "1" is often used to describe a President. He is referred to as the 1.
so 1:27 represents president 27, 1:28 president 28 and so on so forth.
Let have a look at who the 27th President of the US was: Taft, who died in a bathtub.
Odd enough, but lets look at the 28th President: Woodrow Wilson. He allowed the Federal Reserve to be established in 1913, and also made America enter WWI which some speculate really ended up causing the rise of Hitler. He is commonly referred to as one of the worst Presidents in history.
So we get some metaphor, you are looking at the President from a crooked shifted angle, when we go from 27 to 28, which is exactly what happen when the Globalist bankers bought out the United States Congress and instilled a garbage President.
We obviously know the 44th President was Barrack Hussein, which then shifted to Trump #45.
Isn't it odd that at 1:45, the shift back to Trump brings us back to looking at the President straight onward, and away from that crooked awkward angle?
You tell me. The period in the US between president 28-44 was run by corruption and puppeteers parading as politicians of the people. Is Trump symbolizing a shift back to norms and truly making the country great again? What does MAGA even mean? You tell me.
"The heinous attack on the United States Capitol"
Who attacked? This was a routine protest. It's happened many times before in history. What about the traitors who declared war on us yesterday? That was a heinous attack on our freedom, and they also killed a patriot.
"I immediately deployed the National Guard"
This is contrary to what the media told us. He's saying they lied, he deployed the NG which is in accordance with what we would expect and again reveals the lies of MSM.
"The infiltrators have defiled the seat of Democracy"
Seats are commonly used as a term to describe a Congress person's actual spot in the Congress.
"To those who broke the law, you will pay"
The acceptance of Biden was totally unconstitutional, not to mention it finished on Jan 7th, which is passed the constitutional due date.
"My campaign vigorously pursued every LEGAL avenue"
In other words, I tried to do this the right way. I tried to use the courts. I am no longer capable of this, and will now overstep the courts.
"I was fighting to defend Democracy"
What he as about to do may be considered undemocratic as it was when Lincoln said enacted insurrection, but Lincoln also said although he knew it may be somewhat unconstitutional, it had to be done.
"A new administration will be inaugurated on Jan 20th"
Again no mention of Biden, anywhere. Not one. Why wouldn't he say 'I will be transitioning power to Biden' if he were actually to quit.
"Smooth Orderly and Seamless transition of power"
SOS transition of power.
"A renewed emphasis on the civic values of PATRIOTISM and FAITH"
These are the values that we already hold, and he tells us to have faith.
"Serving as your President HAS been the greatest honour of my lifetime"
Not was, but has. And will continue to be.
Speaks for itself. Sting operation is live.