My mom and brother are more open to the truth than my father. This became more apparent to me yesterday when my mom and I were watching a 9/11 documentary. I was exposing her to some of the truths about that day, especially about WTC-7. She hadn't even heard about the third tower until yesterday, and she paused it to talk to my dad about it. He began watching some parts proving there were explosives used to bring the towers down, but he immediately denied it, stating that there were people who had "debunked" all of the arguments. He didn't stay to watch the rest, but thankfully my mom did and it gave her a lot to ponder on.

The question she and my dad both immediately asked was, "why?" Why would our own government orchestrate this? I answered with one word, the root of all evil, "money." Money that leads to power and control over the people as thier liberties are eroded. And while it seemed to click for my mom, it didn't for my dad. My mom stated that it would be hard for my dad to face the reality that our government could betray its people like that. She said, "It upsets him," and "He wouldn't be okay." He was hesitant to even think that it was possible for our leaders to work against us and wish us dead.

This is probably what most people will struggle with when the time comes and all is revealed. It will shatter their reality and any ounce of faith and trust in the leaders and authorities they've lived their whole lives with. I imagine it would be very much like Neo leaving the Matrix, except they didn't have the option of choosing the red pill. They'll just wake up in pods out of nowhere, their perceptions of reality obliterated. After all, the truth would put 99% of people in the hospital, and suddenly being confronted in all directions that your reality is a lie would cause extreme mental damage even to the most sane individual.

Now, my dad is a very logical and intelligent person, as are many other normies around the world whose eyes are shut. I just know that if the right event or information got a hold on him, he'd begin to open his eyes and see. I hope and pray that this occurs before we reach the precipice, and I'd be eternally grateful if those of you here would pray for him and all the rest to wake up, too (even though 4-6% never will).

Maybe it will take us arriving at the precipice to do so, so also pray for us to be there for them and help guide them to the truth when it happens. I've been preparing what I call an "explanation presentation" for when the time comes. It goes through the history of the Cabal, Q, and many events that led us here (at the precipice). It's not entirely finished yet, but I hope that it presents the arguments necessary to help at least wake my dad up, if he's not already awake by then.

Thank you frens for reading such a long post and for your prayers.

Late Night Thoughts: Twitter X = Law of War Chapter 10??? πŸ€”πŸ’­ Theory πŸ˜²πŸ’‘
posted ago by gwgh83 ago by gwgh83

Been learning more about the Law of War through Majic Eyes Qnly on Bitchute. While I was watching, I got the thought that the switch from "Twitter" to "X" back in July might've been a clue/comms of where we are in the timeline (right before the events of Chapter 11). I'm not sure if the topics of Chapter 10 (Internee/Protective Person status, etc.) have anything to do with the switch as well, but this was just a thought.


So, I've been researching what people have been claiming about the Tribulation, specifically that it's essentially around the corner. My issue with this timeline of events is that if the Plan were to work like I know it will and such evil and corruption is defeated, then would it make sense for the Rapture/Tribulation to occur right after? Thoughts?

Late Night Thoughts: Rest in the Storm ✝️ Scripture πŸ•ŠοΈ
posted ago by gwgh83 ago by gwgh83

tl;dr - Took a break. God is good! He is in control!

Every now and then, us anons need a break from cracking Q codes and witnessing all the evils in the world. I've been on a break from this site for a few months, just living and enjoying life, and it's been interesting. I've begun a new chapter in my life, and the only reason I've been able to do so is because God has given me hope in the future. Hope, not just in the Plan, but that He has ultimate control, not the demon-possessed pedos who scheme for control. Not sure who might've needed such encouragement, but there it is. God is good, and He is in control!

Trump Tower False Flag: Watch the News (media.greatawakening.win) Q-analysis!
posted ago by gwgh83 ago by gwgh83
My Uncle is with the Lord Now 🧘Mental/Physical Health πŸ‹πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ
posted ago by gwgh83 ago by gwgh83

Last night, the Lord took my uncle to be with Him. While I know my family is saddened he's no longer with us, we know that we will see him again in eternity. Thank you all for praying for me and my family!


He's staying in hospice care at a hospital for a few days until he goes home to be with my Aunt to celebrate their 54th wedding anniversary, then it's back to the hospital. He may have no more than 2 weeks left, so my mom and I are going to travel this weekend to be with them till the end. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, frens.


Created a discussion thread about one of Trump's recent TS posts: https://greatawakening.win/p/16amPHkYTg/geotus-how-do-you-indict-a-perso/

Then I did some digging and found post #3172, which happens to be a Delta for today: u/#q3172 "MY TURN"



The link takes you to the NASA page that explains the countdown and what they do at each hour/minute milestone before launch, including holding (pausing) to check everything and continue the countdown. T-9 minutes and holding/counting is the last milestone before T-0, Liftoff!

T-9 minutes and holding:

This is the final built-in hold, and varies in length depending on the mission.

Final launch window determination

Activate flight recorders

Final "go/no-go" launch polls conducted by NASA Test Director, Mission

Management Team and launch director

T-9 minutes and counting:

Start automatic ground launch sequencer

Retract orbiter access arm (T-7 minutes, 30 seconds)

Start auxiliary power units (T-5 minutes, 0 seconds)

Arm solid rocket booster range safety safe and arm devices (T-5 minutes, 0 seconds)

Start orbiter aerosurface profile test, followed by main engine gimbal profile test (T-3 minutes, 55 seconds)

Retract gaseous oxygen vent arm, or "beanie cap" (T-2 minutes, 55 seconds)

Crew members close and lock their visors (T-2 minutes, 0 seconds)

Orbiter transfers from ground to internal power (T-50 seconds)

Ground launch sequencer is go for auto sequence start (T-31 seconds)

Activate launch pad sound suppression system (T-16 seconds)

Activate main engine hydrogen burnoff system (T-10 seconds)

Main engine start (T-6.6 seconds)



Need prayer for my Veteran Uncle 🧘Mental/Physical Health πŸ‹πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ
posted ago by gwgh83 ago by gwgh83

My uncle, who is a Navy veteran with pulmonary fibrosis, has come to need hospice care. My Mom and Aunt have found some places as options for him to receive it, now all that's needed is for a spot to open up for him. Prayers for such an event to occur would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Our President has called on us to peacefully protest his arrest, but how are we supposed to peacefully protest when we have seen what happened the last time we tried to do so? Well, I present the Digital Protest!

What is a Digital Protest?

It's a unified message on every social media platform from multiple users in the form of the same or similar profile pictures, banners, hashtags, posts/messages, etc.

We've already seen the Left use this to display their support of things like BLM (changed their profile pictures to black squares), the LGBTQ community (posting their pronouns in bios), and Ukraine (adding the Ukrainian flag). However, what they seek is useless virtue signaling while we seek to unite and declare one single, simple message:

We Stand With Trump!

We change our profile pictures to Trump's TS profile picture, post #WeStandWithTrump in our bios, and add the American Flag to our usernames!

What else is done in a Digital Protest?

The easiest thing an Anon can do in a Digital Protest is what we've been doing since the very origins of the Great Awakening: post memes and redpills!

We septendecuple our efforts and spit out information and truths like machine gun bullets! Inform the masses about what the media is trying to hide from them by showing Trump's arrest, like the collapse of the Global Economy! Wake them up sooner to quickly bring on the Great Awakening!

What about other forms of protest?

We can use other forms of protest to show our support of Trump, though we should NOT be meeting in public for peaceful demonstrations, for obvious reasons. And I know some Anons won't be able to walk out of their jobs or not show up to work at all, but that is the beauty of Digital Protesting. You can show your support for Trump through social media instead!

So when does the Digital Protest begin?

While it may be more effective to start the moment Trump's arrested, we can also start right now! Change your profile pictures, banners, usernames, and bios. Post memes, redpills, Q posts, the phrases "WWG1WGA!" & "NCSWIC!", and "#WeStandWithTrump!", etc. and don't stop till the true Commander in Chief says so!

But, will it work?

Yes, it will. It's how we've been fighting and doing our part in this invisible war all this time, and there's no reason to slow down now! As other Anons have also stated, there is a reason all of Trump's social media accounts have been re-activated, and everyone else who was banned has probably also had theirs re-activated. What better way to use them than continue the fight?!

But don't limit this protest to just Anons. Tell your based friends and family members about the Digital Protest and encourage them to participate as well! Spread the news far and wide! The more the merrier! And the more it shows the Cabal just how much they've lost control!

In Conclusion

Now, we are truly in the Calm Before the Storm and about to enter the climax of the Great Awakening. It's the moment we have waited years, and for some of us, decades for. This battle will be our largest and longest, our D-Day, and we will come out VICTORIOUS!!!

So, prepare your info ammo, your meme canons, and all of your extra supplies, for we don't know how long the battle will last. Realize that there will be many false-flags and lies arising as the Cabal tries desperately to stay in control. Gather your family and friends together to pray for Trump, Q, the Plan and all those executing it, for the masses to awaken, and for Anons helping the masses to awaken.

But most important of all, remember, Patriots are in Control! Where We Go Qne, We Go All! And, Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!


May God protect us all and His Will be done. Amen.


...everyone who voted for Trump stood up and said they did?

No one would be wondering who won the popular vote.

Late Night Thoughts: QClock Counts Down? (media.greatawakening.win) 🧐 Research Wanted πŸ€”
posted ago by gwgh83 ago by gwgh83
Late Night Thoughts: 4-6% Lost Forever πŸ€”πŸ’­ Theory πŸ˜²πŸ’‘
posted ago by gwgh83 ago by gwgh83

4-6% of the world's population is 320,000,000 - 480,000,000 people. I wonder how many people so far have "died suddenly" and/or from "covid", and if this number is factored into these percentages. I think most people assume the "Lost Forever" means "lost mentally forever", but it could just as well mean those who've died as casualties in this war, and are therefore truly "Lost Forever". It's very reminiscent of the "Lost Generation" from WWI.

Shadow President Trump? πŸ€”πŸ’­ Theory πŸ˜²πŸ’‘
posted ago by gwgh83 ago by gwgh83

Just had a thought that if something were to happen to both Biden and Harris, and then McCarthy becomes President, then Trump would be "Shadow President" until 2024. May or may not happen, but is a probable theory.


With Tropical Depression Nine brewing in the Gulf and projected to head straight for South Florida, I can't help but wonder if this is a physical manifestation of The Storm. Would be cool to see what happens once this Storm is upon us!

Theory: Nuclear False Flag to be blamed on Trump Supporters? πŸ€”πŸ’­ Theory πŸ˜²πŸ’‘
posted ago by gwgh83 ago by gwgh83

With the increase in MAGA rallies in support of Trump after the Mar-a-Lago raid and talk of a nuclear false flag event possibly occurring, it's possible that such an event could be blamed on Patriots.


With PedoPeter's son's iCloud gettin hacked and all his info getting leaked, this is the information waterfall that was hinted at a few days ago! I'm referring to this post here: https://greatawakening.win/p/15IY8385i5/dan-on-facebook-waterfall-/c/


So, my younger brother just came home for the summer from his first year of college (hasn't been indoctrinated into the commie college cult, thank God), and this evening I went with him to get some supper for the family. While we're driving down the road, I start talking about why I've recently pushed my family to stock up on emergency supplies. I start with how the economy's going to collapse, as evident by the rise in gas prices and inflation, but eventually go into deeper topics, like the corruption of the government and the deep state, the NWO, and a whole slew of other topics. Now, all the while I'm ranting, he's just driving down the road, soaking in every word I say, and even asking some questions. We end up going the long way to the restaurant where we ordered our food, and I didn't stop talking till we'd reached home.

My brother's never been super into politics, let alone into conspiracy theories, and I didn't mentioned Q to him, but I'm glad I've planted some seeds of truth in him that will hopefully spread so that one day he can handle everything. Like 1 Corinthians 3:2 says, "I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it..." (KJV)

Look to Truth Social??? (Theory) πŸ€”πŸ’­ Theory πŸ˜²πŸ’‘
posted ago by gwgh83 ago by gwgh83

If Twitter is bought by Musk and then merged with Truth Social in some way, then Trump wouldn't have to make a tweet saying "My fellow Americans, the Storm in upon us...", he could say it on TS.

It's also interesting that Trump has only made one Truth on TS so far and said that even if he were unbanned from Twitter he wouldn't go back.