h203h 4 points ago +4 / -0

military takes Presidency until Pres Trump comes back in declared winner of the election

h203h 4 points ago +4 / -0

will they really let someone who is being investigated into the White House? The military are investigating the fraud that occurred during the election and that is far from over...they will not let Biden in the oval office until they figure out that President Trump truly won and then President Trump comes back weeks later

"...sorry to keep you waiting...complicated business "

h203h 4 points ago +4 / -0

? military takes over Presidency. Flynn becomes in charge and his new team drain the swamp for good! PLEASE PLEASE LET THIS BE TRUE! IT IS THE ONLY WAY

h203h 1 point ago +1 / -0

Potus should have gone scorched on these deep state goons. should have fired Barr and all these idiots and put true patriots like Richard G. and other true leaders like Flynn to drain the swamp. Looks like Pres Trump just gave up but hoping military takes over the Presidency and arrest pedophile Joe and Hunter along with Comey, Brennen and Clapper strzok and page. Obama and his penis Michael Obama all need to be hung for treason