I was (and sort of still am) a believer in the US gov being in control by the patriots, starting from the inauguration ceremonies (or lack thereof) by the US military, the fake white houses, etc. Also the big one is Biden keeping Trump's EO's online for allowing pedo's to be arrested, and we are indeed seeing pedo's being arrested and CEOs dropping off like flies.

But then the big question is, why is Biden allowed to advertise the vaccines like he did in his latest speech? Are they trying to work off reverse psychology or something, so that those on the fence will develop suspicion? It seems crazy that his handlers would let him do these things (if they are the good guys) that could screw over millions of Americans.

What do you guys think is going on? He's being controlled by Patriots and set up to fall at the expense of millions of American lives? He's not being controlled by Patriots, and is being allowed to do what his 'evil' handlers want him to do? Patriots maybe not in control of that branch of the gov?


Bigger than any technological advancement ever made, bigger than any piece of history ever told (except Jesus Christ). Not only are we fighting for freedom and truth, but we are fighting to conquer evil on a scale never before seen.

There is no nonsense-world-war where everyone is dying for their puppet masters. There is only the heroes and followers of Christ, flaying the deepest roots of the Devil that grasps every nation in the world.

From this day on, it will be the true beginning of the Land of the Free. You were here. This is a legacy to be passed down for generations, so savor every moment of it. Remember every detail. Make this the story that you will never forget, and that will be passed on to your children, and their children.

God bless us all. Amen.

I've been making innocuous posts on Facebook regarding the election. Managed to get involved in conversations with some folks regarding election fraud. I figured this is the best time to do so, because talking about it will...get people talking. And when something happens tomorrow, everyone who saw the post will have the seed planted in the back of their mind, "Hmm maybe there is something to this election fraud that people were chatting about the past few days. Why didn't I hear any of this before??"

These conversations will set them up to force the liberals to take a couple of positions:

  • there was NO fraud
  • the media does NOT lie
  • Biden will get inaugurated (kek)
  • Trump supporters are delusional

Basically once they have solidified their position, the resulting...results will come crashing down, and it will challenge all the ideas that they were grasping the days before. It'll challenge them to try to comprehend why this was happening, how was I so wrong and how was that Trump-hole so right?

But most importantly, I made posts to talk about unification, peaceful transition of power, and God. So that no matter the outcome, I will even accept the Biden inauguration (I mean, if it happens I'd have to anyway lol. But we know what the result will be - hopefully ?). And when it doesn't happen, us graceful losers will look like winners, and the sore winners will be even sorer losers (among the eyes of those looking at the convo's).

One guy even said "There is nothing to see! Biden will be inaugurated, and I'd bet anyone $1000 on it ?". All I said was, "O yea?" lol. It really passes the time.


Didn't they say stuff on Obama was supposed to come out Friday or Monday? Just curious why there isn't news about it, or lack thereof. Not trying to doompost, just was curious (while looking for spare hopium).


Hey my Pedes, I know we are seeing small victories and seeing corruption brought to its knees, but please remember to keep your emotions in check. I recommend to not upvote posts that reflect radical emotions. Like the Rothschilds death post, the top voted comment is "Now do Soros!".

This is exactly what the MSM want - seeing chants of death. I believe this is also exactly what the CIA and shills do. They come pose as us and push things to the extreme to give outside people looking in a reason to hate us.

Like Trump said, we need to focus on HEALING. Even if you aren't religious, the best mindset you can have is to think like a Christian in these times. Love your enemies to death. Pray that they have their deeds exposed, that they repent, and so that they may join our side and expose more corrupted folks.

If you are chanting for the death of these evil people without trial, no different than shills chanting for the death of Trump. It's not different if you are on the opposite side of the fence, because at any time, someone in power can move that fence. If you think "they deserve this because of the atrocities they committed, this is an exception," then you are thinking outside the law and are susceptible to manipulation. There is never an exception. Either a good precedence is set, or it isn't. Either we take something back legally, or we don't and we pave the way for the enemy to copy the tactics in the future.

This is what separates US from THEM. If you call for the death of a pedophile without evidence and right to trial, then the enemy will one day flash a news headline that YOU were a pedophile without evidence and a trial.

Things we should be doing:

  • Digging through evidence and exposing corruption
  • When seeing an arrest, look forward to the trial that may or may not prove them guilty
  • Support your MAGA pedes
  • Lend support to everyone else (the normies, the Left, and yes, even the shills because there is no way to prove sarcasm from ignorance. LOVE THY ENEMY)

Things we should NOT be doing:

  • Cheering for lawless deaths
  • Dismissing evidence (no matter how trivial)
  • Speak condescendingly to your Pedes or anyone else (what poisons your spirit is not what goes into your mouth, but what comes out of it).

If you see the emotions of this place turn into an "all-righteous unstoppable train that shuts down all shills with zero tolerance by dismissing all doomers, evidence, and reason" then my friends you have been taken over by the shills. Their goal may not be to sow seeds of doubt, but may be to cause division. Not division amongst ourselves, but division amongst our friends and family on the other side of the fence.

Keep these points in mind, my fellow Pedes. Remain steadfast. And God bless.