As seen on Russian Telegram Channel "No One is Forgotten":
"A horned witch was shown on Ukrainian TV on Christmas Night
A horned witch with an inverted Algiz rune on her face performed on ICTV — this symbol is called the "rune of death" in Nazi mysticism. Accompanying the character of the witch is Shaitan — literally.
So the Ukrainian authorities are trying to devalue and mock the great symbols of Orthodoxy on TV."
Video clip:
Original post:
I was just referred to a new site called The Canadian Patriot, run by Matt Ehret (still learning about him), who is a historian, I believe, and very well-informed, it seems. He's got some very interesting views on what's really going on in China (Shanghai lockdowns, in particular), which seems to be subject to the same globalist disinformation campaign that Russia and Trump have suffered. (I lived in China as a teen in the 90s for a year as the child of a Canadian engineer, so this is quite illuminating on a personal level, as well.) Just watching a fascinating talk about China's take on the Covid crime-against-humanity now. Wanted to share with those who are interested. This will be very informative for when shit hits the fan in Taiwan soon (ie, more US/cabalist bioweapons labs?).
...and, of course, as an added bonus, in case you haven't already, check out Cynthia Chung: