I see a lot of people, liberals mostly saying that we can't leave NATO or our "allies" because if we do, we will isolate ourselves and our economy will collapse. They do have a point in the reality of the dollar being a global fiat reserve currency. Once the dollar loses the global reserve currency status, we will enter hyperinflation akin to Weimar Germany in before WW2.

We could mitigate that by returning to the gold standard, however will that be enough to compensate for the loss of our trading partners?

Enter Russia.

Currently Russia is slowly experiencing a little renaissance of it's own. It has surpassed Japan's economy as we speak. So how is it possible that a country who is currently sanctioned by most of the civilized world is currently experiencing an economic growth?

The answer might surprise you: they're rebuilding their industry.

You see, when the USSR was destroyed, they still had an enormous industrial base which could have been used to rebuild Russia to a superpower. However, the cabal never intended for Russia to be non other than a resource colony to the west.

Through their assets, aka the oligarchs they "privatized" all the state owned industries and intentionally destroyed them basically turning Russia into a resource colony which they planned to pillage. All the products that were produced locally, now started being imported from multinational corporations.

It was a win-win for the cabal. They got cheap resources and then sold them expensive western trinkets.

That plan was delayed when Putin came to power. However the foundations were there and Russia was still the west's resource colony. Just look at their exports prior to 2022. They exported primarily wheat, oil, natural gas and artificial fertilizers. Not exactly the exports of a well developed industrialized country.

After the war in Ukraine started, the rest of the world imposed some of the heaviest sanctions possible. This forced the Russians to rebuild their industrial sector since they couldn't rely on foreign imports anymore.

As a results, despite the initial drop, Russia's economy has slowly stabilized and is now growing. Their industries are being rebuilt as well. More and more Russians are opening new businesses to compensate for the loss of western products.

So how does all of this apply to the US?

The cabal did something similar to our country as well. Instead of oligarchs, they've used corporations to "outsource" our industrial sector. The logic was that products built with slave labor are cheaper than American made products.

This not only reduced the amount of jobs available, but also the wages in general. As more and more people are now competing for a smaller amount of jobs. This is also compounded that you have illegal immigrants coming in and taking these jobs from Americans.

If we were to do what Russia did and rebuild our industrial sector, that will dramatically reduce our reliance on "external partners". Just like Russia, we have a resource rich country and we have a lot of amazing and hardworking people as well. All that we need is just go back to the gold standard and the biggest crash of our lifetimes can be avoided.

I imagine this is Trump's playbook to when it comes to the economy for the next 20-30 years.

Started a couple hours ago. Still ongoing.

Priest and six law enforcement officers killed in attacks on synagogue and church in Russia’s Dagestan

Attacks have been reported in a church and a synagogue in the city of Derbent and at a police traffic stop in the city of Makhachkala. Regional authorities say 12 law enforcement officers have also been wounded, though it is unclear in which city.


Some serious gun battles too

