First of all, I am not a lawyer. I am honestly asking for help from the law contingent of our community. I watched most of the impeachment trial, and IMHO, Sen Leahy acted disgracefully. Many people would agree with me on that, but I'm also wondering if he acted illegally. First, he had no right to assume the role of Judge in that particular trial. If Pres. Trump is still a president, then the role of Judge should have been filled by the Chief Justice. The mere fact that Roberts refused to participate should have told the Dems something. If the trial could be overseen by a non-SCCJ, then they must have been trying a NON-President, and the Senate does not have the authority to try a private citizen. So did Leahy commit a crime by facilitating an illegal, unconstitutional trial? Also, during the non-trial, it was clearly demonstrated that the prosecution team had modified evidence. My understanding is that in a normal trial, the judge would have shut them down, right there. By allowing this sham to continue, he didn't do his job as a judge. And then, at the end, he stood up during the role call and voted guilty. As a non-legal person, I am asking: Is any of this behavior illegal or just sickening?


Leahy has humiliated himself in this affair.

I wrote a long post about the above, and when I hit the SAVE button, it dumped the whole thing, but the gist was that we should not expect to see Hillary arrested because she already has been....back in 2017 just like Q said.