Went to vote today and there was no obvious trickery going on, which isn't surprising because I'm in a semi-rural small town area that's mostly red.

That said, the line was way bigger than even in the presidential election and everyone was talking about it there. For reference, it probably took me 8 minutes to get in and out in 2020 and today it took over an hour.

People are fed up!


Do you all remember the next couple days after the 2020 election and the fogginess, confusion and uncertainty that gut punch left you with?

That's a lot of the Brazilian people right now.

Most of us know how much that sucks, but hopefully things will work out better and quicker in their country than they have so far in ours. Either way, wouldn't hurt to throw a prayer their way.


Earlier I was outside and saw 3 ospreys stacked up flying overhead, which is weird. Then I went outside again and within 20 minutes or so another osprey flew overhead in the same direction.

Very unusual for this area. Is some kind of exercise going on or what?


Haven't had a ton of time lately, but seems like it just fell off the radar? Are they ongoing or did it fizzle out? I remember speculation on the authenticity of the posts, but no conclusive outcome.


Do you all remember last year when a real high level Chinese official defected to the US? The news cycle goes a million miles an hour now, so this story was probably forgotten for the most part, but does anyone know whatever happened with that?

Seems like it's one of the many things that just fell off the radar over the past few years.


Step mom is now in the hospital with blood clots in her lungs and perhaps elsewhere. Likely know what the culprit was.

Prayers appreciated! Although they don't understand this level of this war, she and my dad are certainly based in other ways.


A few minutes ago I saw a weird looking aircraft go by. It looked like an osprey, but instead of the propellors oriented like a helicopters, it looked like they were vertical but facing outward

It was literally the weirdest thing. Seems like it couldn't even fly. Any idea what this thing was or was my angle just bad?


right when we get a member of the communist party in the White House.

How coincidental!?

I wonder how long until the narrative shifts back to us needing to spend more money in the ME in order to assure ourselves of "national security?"


Who can aware me on this?

I saw the telegram going around but assumed it was fake (like many of these telegrams.) Is there substantial reason to believe this is legit? Thoughts from you fine detectives?


Anybody remember the cabal grunt who came on here a few months ago for an AMA?

Sure would be interesting to get a round 2 from that dude.


Hey guys, this is a two part post. First of all, a general question: what kind of training/preparations are you all focused on? Right now, we face a greater level of uncertainty than we've seen in recent history. Since we're all fairly proactive, I figure you all are on top of things.

Secondly, to those who aren't doing this currently, a recommendation: start training and preparing. Even if it's very basic and just for your general confidence and nothing else. Now is a great time to start jogging or walking more, working out, learning basic repairs or weapons manipulations.

Our country is going through a lot, as we all know. It's very difficult to make even basic predictions about the state of the nation a few months out. It's time to pull it together and get any advantage you can.


I remember a post about a month ago that showed that ol Nancy had designated a speaker pro tempore for every day the house was in session as of that time. Has that changed yet, or is that still true? Anyone know?

New Steve Pieczenik video (www.infowars.com)
posted ago by hondo1 ago by hondo1

Any word from Steve yet???

I haven't heard or scene anything but I would be interested to know what he's thinking.


Go back in time to your mentality about 3 weeks ago, when we were all wanting Trump to cross the rubicon. Now imagine me telling you 3 weeks ago that on January 18th there would be over 20,000 troops in Washington DC in what looks to be some kind of fortified outpost. You would have known the rubicon has been crossed, and you probably wouldn't have believed it when I told you that the media is actually on board with Trump having 20,000 + troops locking down the country's capitol.

This is how 4-d chess works. Mind-blowing when you step back. No more dooming.

With Michael Jaco, where he said that Biden will be inauguarated and it is still a part of the plan, is:

He spent the beginning of the interview discussing AI and how it is more or less incapable of inferring abstractions from art/memes/etc and also how it is using all data points to keep the situation fresh -- what if he is saying this as a means of feeding bad data into the machine?

He said both topics were connected and he also said that the machine deals in black and whites (not abstractions,) so what if this is a disinfo dump, assuming Juan is legit?

He basically confirmed plan in place and arrests to start soon (as an insider.)

It was on infowars.


11/4/20 TDW was the absolute worst. We bounced back then and we'll do it again!

That said, I'm loving great awakening. Way more optimism currently and more people approaching this with a similar perspective to the one I've had regarding this whole thing for a few months now.

4 more years!


When do you all think we start seeing what we would consider to be big moves?

We've got 13 days til the 20th. So, if we're working with the 20th as an actionable date, what do you all expect?

Also, could the 10 days be referring to 10 days without communication from Trump, as this is wrapped up? If so, we might be in for an interesting ride.