I just saw the 911 doc on Netflix. If this isn’t preparation to wake up sheeps then I don’t know what this is.

I have a feeling 9/11/21 we are gonna watch the movie in its finale

I remember reading thru Q and Q proofs and this concept jumped out at me because the issue we are facing is that laws have been corrupted by corp and lawyers, and the solution is to redo the entire system based on "Golden rules" which can be written in such a way that they are incorruptable?

What was the term called? I thought it was "golden rule" or something but i can't remember. Pls help fellow patriots!



Ppl are awakening from the matrix


In his farewell speech Trump did say “luck” in a strange fashion. Then followed by having “supreme confidence” about the future.

Then today he mentioned the “best is yet to come”.

I actually don’t know whether to trust Q 100%. I think it is true and not a psych op, but I duno. But I do trust Trumps words and his body language which do exert confidence instead of capitulation. Imagine if i were robbed on a galactic scale, I wouldn’t look so cheerful.

5D chess is being played. And this is just one of the move.

We got pelosis laptop. Europe gov stepping down. Leonardo captured. Bishops dead.

The best is yet to come.


When all hope was lost, when darkness set, I found you guys. I found Q. I just saw 17 flags in Trumps speech. That's all the proof I ever need

Love you all. For the first time in my life, I found my fellow patriots.


For years I have come to understand that criminals run this world. Fed system is compromised at the hands of the selected few and they run the entire financial system and all industries. Rockefeller, JP Morgan, etc. This was not covered in any history books, and my own individual curiosity gave me a few small doses of redpill and I'm never the same.

When I graduated from college, I entered a world on the brinks of collapse in 2007. Banks are failing, institutions are falling, etc. But how on Earith did the gov gave all that money to the criminals and nothing happened? Then I moved to China, and I witnessed a totally different world. China in 2010 was bustling. Everyone was making $$$ that put even the most prideful asshole in the US to shame. Money was literally falling from the sky.

Then i studied a bit, and realized Chinese companies copy and steal relentlessly, and not only that, the trade deals were lop-sided and western companies were forced to transfer their technology. My 5-year stint in China was that ppl in the West are in for a world of hurt, and nothing can stop this Chinese behemoth from slowing down.

In 2016 I returned to US, to Silicon Valley to join the tech sector. This is the most creative place on the planet right, so I thought. But upon landing there I realized Silicon Valley and the entire Bay Area is more closed minded than Communist China. Heck, ppl in China know their gov is full of shit, and thus the only that matters is $$$. Not in Bay Area. I met one NPC automotons after another, each one parroting the same narrative that MSM pushes down their throats.

This is Silicon Valley? What a joke. Any company from China and take their lunch and run circles around them, and they will still be parroting the same nonsense. I was the misfit and black sheep here, and I am appalled by the slow subversion of the ppl here.

When Trump won I was laughing dearly inside while Bay Area rioted and burned. Sam Alton, the guy from Y-Combinator, was so shocked of the 2016 result that he had to "visit" the mid-west to see why so many ppl became racist white supremists. Ya why is this so surprising? Why is it so surprising to see SF turning into a shithole while taxes keep going up?

I was alone amidst witnessing the Cultural Revolution happening before my eye. I tried hard to redpill my peers, but to no avail. As COVID and lockdown ensued in 2020, this Cultural Revolution went on an overdrive. Ppl turning against each other, trashing their freedom in the name of all mighty powerful Gov Newsom and his lockdown measures. Really? An infection that has 99% survival rate caused this much panic in people? So much panic that they throw their liberty down the toilet?

I voiced out my views, and the Red Army (CA ppl) vilified me and attacked me. Election rolled around and I witnessed the STEAL happening before my eye, and my liberal friends can't even fathom its possibilities. The Matrix is upon us, and people don't even know it. I am beginning to lose hope, and I moved out of the Bay Area.

In my own self-exile journey, I told myself to detach from the Matrix and all the chaos. I did so because I had lost hope, and I thought no one could step up to the system to fight the CCP and their pals. Where are the good guys, did they lose? Did they try to speak out but got a bullet to their heart? Trump stood out but it looked like the system is taking him down. Humanity's last hope seemed to be sinking down as the tentacles of evil dragged down even the best among us.

Then I found out about Q, and for the first time I saw a sliver of hope. I am not alone -- there are patriots who have been fighting the system for decades. The good guys have not given up. And the Q proofs connected all the dots that I had in mind, and in an instance I knew who the enemies are and what this warfare is about.

Boy aren't I happy to have found out about Q at this moment. When all seemed lost, a ray of hope was shown to me.

We have 48 hours to go, and the light will reveal itself. Patriots of this world, we shall toast to a new chapter in Humanity, one that is guided by Light and championed by the Legions of Light.

I've left a truckload of evidence (pedoring, epstein, election fraud, etc) to redpill my brother, but he still goes by the MSM narrative. Can he ever be saved?

Pls confirm patriots. I’m living overseas

I woke up and now im seeing all the posts regarding TDW being inflamed and such. What's the TDLR?


Democrats unleashed Covid within China cuz Trump was beating them bad.

Unleashed in China to divert Trumps attention to them and at the same time go fullforce into lockdown and the stealing of the election.

Covid is a distraction to remove Trump and go straight into the Great Reset stage and adapt forced vaccinations

Edit: just wanted to say that I just recently found out about Qanon and all this, and finally see the dots connecting and seeing what this is all about. Happy to have found fellow Patriots!

Edit 2: updating my theory a bit, I think Democrats (Gates and his friends) unleashed the virus in China on purpose without Xi really knowing anything as the Chinese are just the pawns of the globalists. But only 10 ppl in the world knows the truth, so my theories are just theories :)


I felt all was lost, until I recalled reading about QAnon in MSM and how they were labeled and demonized. Then I realized this is the same tactic the marxist used against all of us, so I looked up QAnon.

Boy am I elated to have found out about it and what it represents.