Like a lot of you guys I subscribe to "Q Puzzles Weekly" and the cryptogram one on the back page of this issue is really tricky. But I think I've got it.

If I rearrange a few vowels here and there and then look with my glasses, it says "DoN'T fOrGeT tO dRiNk YoUr OVALTINE"

Do you guys have any idea what that means?

We all know Clinton the shapeshifter found a way into epstein's cell whereupon the chokey chokey was committed... but ofc not before he slithered his way into the camera systems and disabled them. I think ghislaine maxwell actually has the voter fraud evidence. her trial is coming up really soon and I think epstein passed it to her before that reptilian clinton snuffed him out. She will either take a plea deal and commit to never releasing the info, or if she is a strong MAGA patriot she will hold the line and one of us is going to need to break her out. Can we make this a megathread for ideas on how to do that? I don't have any yet, but I should have some put together tonight after I watch some episodes of The Office on Netflix.

EDIT: guys I just forgot that Epenistein died before the 2020 election, my bad. slaps head repeatedly tugs at cock a little Ignore all this, just a misunderstanding

I'm just so upset that they stole this election from our great god emperor. I try to explain it to my mom but she just starts hyperventilating and leaves the room. I need to be a holy warrior for my president. I need to prove myself to my sad low energy mother. how do i do this?

eDIT: can some of you guys PLEASE stop suggesting options that involve me having to talk to black people???

idk if anyone realizes this, but when you analyze the footage of GEOTUS leaving WH on the 20th, it's not him. It's very clearly a body double. And melaniea looked nothing like herself. they are both still in that WH.

trust the plan, brothers. Trump is still in there fighting for all of us!