Imagine if Trump was openly anti-vax for a moment.
If you think Trump supporters are persecuted now by the mainstream public and MSM, imagine what it would be like if we were associated with an anti-vax leader? Then it would almost imevitably be total all out war in society between the two clearly delineated sides. The pro-vax side would almost certainly be calling for the heads of any and all Trump supporters. With Trump promoting the vax, however, it muddies the divide quite a bit and helps prevent the civil war from breaking out that the good guys are so desperately trying to stop from happening. And then each of us still has the choice (somewhat anyway) of choosing to take it or not. So maybe, once again, Trump is throwing himself under the bus and being hated on by his own supporters all for the greater good. To buy us precious peaceful time while we get things straightened out with the audits etc. Remember, we need to avoid civil war at all costs. Otherwise we all lose.
Any thoughts on this theory?
Hi everyone,
I'm a Canadian living abroad in South Korea. Have been here for quite some time. Have a wife and a kid on the way and plan to at least be here for another couple years until things are a little more stable. With this whole mask craziness though, I've got a real moral dilemma on my hands.
On one hand, of course I hate the masks and think they're not only useless but also physically and socially harmful. You know, the whole nine yards.
On the other hand, however, I also believe that when you are in someone else's "home", you should play by their rules. Generally speaking, anyhow. In South Korea here there is virtually no (visible) resistance to wearing masks. Everyone totally swears by them. They happily put them on their young kids (even babies). Even while they're playing outside. And I'd say with no exaggeration that 99.7% of people wear them even while walking outside. Even in the park while they're in amongst nature etc. It's obviously insane behavior to me, but that's just how it is right now. And it makes me feel morally conflicted. Because one thing that I should point out is that they have a very strong sense of "us and them" here. You're either a native Korean or you're an outsider. So as a foreigner here, it feels perhaps more than in other countries as an immigrant that I'm a "guest" here living in someone else's home. And with that feeling, I do feel more pressure to be a courteous guest and play by their rules. And when everyone (and I mean E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E) is wearing a mask all (ALL!) the time, there's no question about what the "rules of the house" are.
So to my moral dilemma...I hate the masks and want to be a role model in showing people how stupid they are. And I have started not wearing it while I'm outside (even though I'm always the only one without one on). But I also believe in being a courteous guest in someone else's home/country. So I do feel a bit morally conflicted.
Any advice for me? Or general thoughts on how I can try to turn the tide here against the mask madness? For mask haters, Korea seems like a total lost cause!