I am just coming out of a long period of denial. We have said a million times in a million ways some version of "I cant believe black people still vote for the dems. the dems are racist. why do blacks keep voting for people like hillary/biden/whoever else?" After years of waiting for Trump to say one nice or supportive thing about white people, after he talked ceaselessly about hispanics and blacks and their low unemployement, after he raved for years about how cool and meaningful it was to uphold the jews by moving our embassy to jerusalem bla bla, i am still waiting for him to give the barest insinuation that its ok to be white, that our white kids are not villains or 2nd class citizens. just like the dems couldnt win without the black vote, trump couldnt win without ours. why do whites keep giving it? ive had a whisper of this inside of me for so long, loving trump and talking him up. we hold him up, it is time for him to hold us up.

Great price! (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by imemeinpeace ago by imemeinpeace

Eat at Arby's, duh!


I was paraphrasing


AFN or Armed Forces Network is a morale thing (MWR) the DoD does, they pipe it into combat zones and military bases and military housing so military and their families can have something to watch or listen to - its tv and radio.

It's a global group of entertainment networks. Some of the content they just license like reruns of old tv shows and movies, some of it live feeds from like military parades or air shows etc. the content is not the big thing though - just wanted to point out for non-mil people there is a network of tv and radio stations that are run primarly by military members and is owned and run mostly on military infrastructure.

THe military has thousands of professionally trained media people who can and do run what is basically a media company - and if they didnt want it to be shut down it could broadcast without being shutdown, all based on decisions by the military. this takes the GIANT VOICE thing to a crazy next level. Sorry if this has been posted already. I thought to post a couple weeks back and forgot.


Is this the first day of darkness? Darkness as in of the soul. The bad feeling of having evil fuckers trying to damage the country as much as possible in the shortest time possible. tearing shit down, sending money to their evil buddies, looting the country from the moment they get their hands back on the controls

  1. Q and "The Plan" is real. OR

  2. Q and "The Plan" is a LARP for some bad motive (to get attention / to make money / to troll people then laugh at them / to make patriots passive for years / you pick)

If it was #2, wouldn't the last month have been the HOLY GRAIL of times to post? If you just wanted attention, this last month would have been the biggest audience for a LARP, EVER. If you wanted to sell Q Alert apps or Q t-shirts or whatever, you could come on and post all the time and whip people into a frenzy. People have been ACHING for Q news and Q posts for the last month, growing exponentially to today.

BUT that didnt happen. Nothing for like 6 weeks. The highest potential 6 weeks ever IF Q was a LARP. But no. So, then I think, meh, must be #1.


some site supposedly has countdown to some time tomorrow for some kind of Q-related data drop. the name teardrop is attached to it. dont know anything about it. i know 4chan esp has TONS of LARP nonsense this year, could be one of those, but thought worht checking if you guys have heard of it

I posted this at like 330am and it was only seen by a few people, figured it was worth posting again. Will seem off topic at first, but you will see.

As a young guy I followed new age stuff and esp this guy named lee carrol who is supposedly a channeler of a being called kryon. The kryon movement is easily one of the biggest in the new age movement. The guy is rich from it, has dozens of books in print, and does cruises and guided tours all over the world. Anyway, I was young and followed it for many years, then started to realize the globalist tone (once I learned what globalism was). He channels at the UN building in NY, he shills for the Jews being super special beings, and does long lessons about the layers of DNA, which have Hebrew names bc, did I mention the Jews are sacred and special? Also shills for the pope, explains why vaccines aren’t as bad as some say, you get the idea – globalist shill stuff mixed with feel-good, “you are here listening to me because youre an old soul” implying anyone not into him is less evolved/enlightened.

I stopped following this stuff years ago, but recently got an urge to see what stuff he’s shilling for these days. He has recordings of all his channelings posted, so I went through the last couple years and just started clicking around in the recordings to see what topics he was covering.

A couple years back in one channeling he mentions child trafficking and sex slavery, how it is horrible and will be brought to light. Then another channeling, about 18 months back, same topic. Then another about a year back, then one every couple months for a while, then all last fall through Christmas, like every few channelings mentioned how child sex slavery was rampant among the elite and was about to be uncovered. They have only been talking about it since Trump was in office.

It is clear to me who is “handling” this guy. It is clear to me how he is the most successful in his field: because the media owners and publishers want him to be. This kryon movement is pretty big, a few million at least in the US, a few million more sprinkled around the world (books are translated into tons of languages). Huge among middle aged and older white liberals. Why did this kryon brand so urgently need people to be prepared for this child sex thing? It would make sense if globalists thought it would be exposed after election, but after they stole the election, they still kept on w the message, last one was dec 22. (example: https://audio.kryon.com/en/Earthkeepers-DEC-22.mp3 - talks about child slaves at about 14:45 mark)

If Q was a larp, if the pizzagate stuff was a conspiracy theory, why would the globalists be trying to slowly get this message out and prepare people under their control? Globalists have been running this guy since the 1990s! He is a long-term investment with many millions of followers. Remember Q said "All assets deployed”? I bring it up bc it’s a setting where you’d never normally hear such a topic discussed. It really stands out. Aside from the pedo stuff, his message is pure “love the pope/ love the jews/ take your vaccine / have compassion for immigrants”. To me its proof they know that the secret will get out, but they are trying to be on the right side of it and roll it in w the rest of their messaging, and to deflect the blame of it from the real perpetrators.


I dont know if someone has said this before, but Castle Rock is a county seat in CO. It might be notable for a few reasons: it sits right in the middle of a few interesting things it's about 45 min from NORAD and 45 min from peterson af base, where the space command, now part of space force, is/was located. its also about 30 min the other direction from buckley afb which has serious intel/spy capab.covered with "golf ball" antennae if you guys know what i mean its speculation, but so is everything else here, just thought id throw it out


If Q was only a LARP, and the only point was to rile shit up and get attention - then wouldnt the last couple days be the ULTIMATE jerkfest jizz dream for such a person? Couldnt the Q LARPER have everyone hanging on their every word? I gave up on reading Q stuff for a while but I will be honest: I have looked a couple times lately just to see if something was there. Why if it is a LARP, would a pure attention seeker or troll or disinfo agent pass up such a golden chance if that was their motive? Yet no new posts