lists them as Executive Orders so I'm not sure
>Spends own time finding Q communities
>Spends own time coming up with stupid fucking story
>Spends own time posting stupid fucking story
>Spends own time jerking off to how bad he burned the Q-Tards
>Never does anything but jerk off and shitpost
>Calls us the cucks
Star-Studded? Sounds like this is turning into a red carpet event
When will we have MOAB?
1169290 Should we tell all the good people watching the day & time? Red carpet rollout? Think logically. The world is watching. Q
Been on the boards since Oct 31 2017. It has been a long journey but I'm glad to research, laugh, cry and pray alongside all of my fellow patriots. Also glad to have another platform that's more inviting to newcomers compared to the chans
And the same will happen again in Feb 22: