Starts with Digital noise. Im analyzing the noise pattern in the image to see if its truly just noise. Transitions to darkness and then to light revealing the watch face. Dark to light = Exposure
Hands on the watch 10:10:10 -Binary 101010=42 Q#42 We serve at the pleasure of the President. DJT
End of the video kinda tell us to Chill, DJT is still POTUS.
Couple that with drop 1811 from the two dates. 18 is first. 11 is in the brief image later. DO YOU BELIEVE matches the question in the video. Questions refer to Jeff Bezos connection to Amazon, Washington Post, treasonous agencies.
Look close at the head on the post. It looks like Jeff. images on the wall are a man in surrender. Trident in the background
The minute hand has a Trident at its rear end facing 8. There appears to be a 7 artifact in front of the 8oclock post. 87 perhaps? Trident aimed at 8-7. Trident is US Navy. Black Knights - Need some minds helping on this one
Im thinking Bezos exposure/arrest will bring that whole operation into view.