It was silly to think that they were all going to be arrested live on TV with celebrities and wives and children there.... kids watching etc.... that woulda been such a drama... thats for the Jack Bauer 24 series only.... we watch too much TV..... guns don't fire with dirty harry kick backs... cars don't explode in balls of flames when they crash and baddies don't get taken down by the good guys in full swing..... its just not how the real world works....

next few days lets see.....

get on twitter and public places and make some fkg noise.....

the country was stolen... demand it back....

Has it occured to anyone that all the efforts you have poured into Q could have been put into real science and taking measures against an actual real threat that is being rolled out as we speak.

The rushed, badly tested, vax which is actually an MRNA Gene Therapy... a failed cancer treatment quickly rebrand is being banged out by the day......

One of the biggest pblms with any kind of immune tweaking shot is pathogenic priming.. that means after you get the shot.... and later catch the live virus your immune system goes bezerk and you die of basically a head cold...... this is why there is no cold vaccine....

They have not tested any of these vaxes for pathogenic priming... barely animal testing nothing..... they are creating a pandemic for next season....

This is the evil breathing down your necks... who is El Presidente of an indebted corrupt dying empire is no longer important....

Go do some reading about the vax.

All the angling and manoevering the last few weeks was to make a deal... and prbly Trump made a deal and backed off....

Q was a part of that deal making....

The last minute Sec. Def and NSA lawyer also deal making... all pressure tactics....

There is a tiny hope that the mil. could do something in the next 24-48hrs.... but its remote... because the chain of command is now fouled up... the juniors are not gonna stand aside if shennanigans start up... now its gonna be more like a military coup....with possiblilty of loyalists taking sides and etc.....

If Trump wanted to let the military take over he coulda resigned 2 days ago and rolled them in.... (see Lat Am) many examples... But he didnt ... he strung it out to the last minute.....

It appears he sold everyone out....

Just a reality TeeVee show.... winner takes all... viewer finds a new channel to watch.....

When they said nothing can stop what is coming.... they meant the vax and 666 tag.... not arresting a few swamp rats.

There is no way that Q was just some hoaxer..... I mean possibly Trump team picked up on it and decided to mess with ppl... but certainly there were inside tracks and predictions and etc. that could only come from inside.....

What this means is that if nothing comes from Q and Trump was just manufactured opposition..... that to carry on pushing this conspiracy narrative online.... such a complex array of puzzles and proofs....

It means they are shit sacred of people like us and saw a benefit in holding people waiting about...

That tells you a huge amount..... and there is time to really stand up and properly fight this.... and i dont mean with legal waffle.... or tweet storms....


In the UK Nigel Farage blew hot air for years...

Leave the EU and lalala... and he coulda been PM of the UK but just limp dicked and now continues to spout hot air....

Pbly just an insider paid to blaa to keep everyone passive... Trump looks the same really....

I bet there's no lawsuits and no tax investigations and he just slips quietly into the sunset... occasions makes some noise about XYZ to distract.

Tell ppl what they wanna hear and do nothing.

All that energy you used up pressing f5.... shoulda been used loading ar15.... all those sleepness nights trusting fake saviors shoulda been used up saving yourself....

No sign of Barry or Big Mike.... stars of the show are missing.

cant upload the image for some reason... but its there....


Not quite there yet but markets NQ Dow SP futures are reading for a pump and dump.... obviously if shit gets real we will have a massive sell off initially.... esp. on tech stocks.


Q talks alot about the Rothschilds... but I cannot see anything about the Rockefellers... and this is a worry.... These two families have been allies and enemies carving up the world for profit for a long time... like two mafia gangs fighting for control... They say Roosevelt was the first 100% Rockefeller president and the Roths have been angling for control ever since.... So whilst the whole Q Trump op looks to thwart the Roths... it says nothing of the other clan.... Once military law is in place.... lots of mission creep can occur.... until it looks like Nazi Germany.... That was a Rockefeller funded operation.....

A real bait and switch... it served its purpose to demolish the British empire and hurt the Roths but it also built the Rockefeller USA Mil. Ind complex.... ops....

They done it b4.... lets say..... not to doom or anything.... but where are the Rockefellers in all this ?

They love to use the Roths as their public punching bag....

The Roths modus operandii is communism....

The Rocks prefer more corporate fascism....

Get on twitter and start reporting all the small bot accounts as spam... they are very obvious......answer them back with cryptic remarks.... and file a report....lets go to town on twitter while we still can.... lets own the bitch....

some new terms you will be needing shortly....

self explanatory.

What if the plan all along by the DS was to asasinate Biden at the inaug.... right after... so Kamala goes straight in as president... AND they have a huge FF excuse to go crazy with gun control.... "the shot heard around the world"....

maybe they let them go ahead with it and then military takes over from there......

this would explain the need to drag it right until the very last moment to show the world just how dirty these people are.... that they would murder their own candidate for propaganda...

first arrest is Kamala.... President of the US.


now you might think fund managers are all wall st. types but many are very creative contrarian and think outside the box... look for any advantage... they also have to mange risk and find an edge.... yet the markets are not showing a sniff of anything... not even inaug. unrest ... nothing... seems odd....