What's up with all the posts saying how great it is if Trump is just "trolling the Democrats" and will not be Speaker, or making a move to get Jordan elected, or will just be Speaker for a while, and then move on? People sound so excited about these lame outcomes. In my opinion, if Trump gets elected Speaker—as in normal times would be very unlikely—and accepts, that means the votes, or the pressure, are there to clear out Biden and Harris and have Trump move into the White House early. That's what's exciting about this. Getting all excited about these other things seems to make you a cheap date. The country's burning down and we cheer about "trolling"? Give me a break. Is your interest in this matter just to get off partisanly? To annoy the opposition, make their "heads explode lol" (not laughing)? I'll accept it if all that is happening is trolling or getting Jordan in, but I won't be too happy when Trump has signaled so much more, not just his earlier return but with the implication of an astonishing mastery of the politicians in Washington by patriotic forces. If the plan is just Trump not contesting a stolen election so Biden can get in and mess things up, so Trump can be elected again and finally start arresting people with more support than he would have had before Biden woke them up, it's a good plan if it works, but it is not as advertised. And there may be reasons internal to the real plan to have Trump back in earlier.

Maybe you all are enjoying this so much that you don't want it to end. Because Trump's getting back in early would be the beginning of the end. What would we do with ourselves after the Millennium has arrived? Read the second half of Isaac Asimov's Second Foundation for a hint.