I see a lot of people here worrying about what biden does or says or whatever, why?? considering that:
- biden and the other cabal members were arrested long ago
- biden's inauguration was fake, he's not president
- MSM is playing along under trump's order so that the sheep won't freak out
- the military and trump are in full control
- therefore everything biden does or says is in fact just direct orders from Trump, so even if he signs EOs they're not fake, they were decided by trump/military
- trump will probably have control for the rest of his life and then he'll appoint someone else to take over like the mypillow guy in order to never let the power fall in the hands of the cabal ever again We won big, it's over, we should just kick back and chill and let "president" biden do his thing and let the sheeple think they won, they will wake up at some point anyway and realize it was all a dream