I did. Just sharing out if curiosity.


Eisenhower laid out the exact specification for the United States flag in the order.

Those specifications state nothing about a gold fringe for a maritime flag. When I first saw that, I felt like I'd been had. But then I realized, the president doesn't have to officially order anything related to military jurisdiction. He can tell the military to make and fly whatever flags he wants.

Golden fringe theory is a go with me.

We call the things of the sea marine, maritime, etc. because the sea was a place of war for most of our country's history.

The wordpart mar has root in the word Mars, which was the latin-speaking, roman version of the greek god of war, Ares.

They're not called marines because of water activity. They're called marines because they are disciples of war.

We love and support Trump. We do so in spite of his character flaws. Remember Pussy Pence saying "he is a deeply flawed man"?

It is well known that God will have His glory when He moves.

Biden shuffles some papers around and mumbles and rambles. And look at the praise he receives for this!!!

Has this case ever been made so blatantly clear by the universe?

The powers of the earth are colluding to suppress those who hold in them the spirit of God The Almighty. And now they are parading it around like Germany if it won WW2.

The hope:

One thing I have learned early on in my faith is that God will always retain His "hopeful few". God will never taste defeat.

Our God knows the meaning of appearing weak when He is strong. Did you know that muslims have famously ridiculed christians for this belief?

You catch the most flak when over the target.


Are they just gonna push him out and let him smack the ground on live TV? Asking for a friend....