iver_mectin 0 points ago +2 / -2

Please point out the fallacy?

Read through the thread again, sweetheart. You must not be that good at reading comprehension.

I like Mike. He's a likeable guy. I watched Absolute Proof. It had a lot of good shit in it, even some tracelogs of foreign IPs interacting with certain government servers got through programs like Wireshark. I just want him to stop screeching that he has the all goods and start releasing said goods. If you had the incontrovertible information / evidence that would undoubtedly lead to the 2020 election being overturned in favor of the true winner, would you make 100 posts about it or would you get to work on disseminating that information / evidence? What is Mike waiting for? Another MyPillow sale?

The only thing that makes sense is he's waiting on the release of the AZ Audit report, though I don't know why one would if what one had was incapable of being argued. He's been saying he had it all since before the AZ Audit even began, however. So that theory doesn't even hold much weight. What is the guy waiting for?

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iver_mectin 1 point ago +1 / -0

I really don't think incontrovertible evidence will backfire, if he has any that is.

iver_mectin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anyone have confirmation?

iver_mectin 5 points ago +6 / -1

I was going to say the Jewish Bolsheviks but the CCP was created by them so the death toll stacks into one.

iver_mectin 4 points ago +4 / -0

I believe there's an awakening happening. I believe there were and are many plans in action from many people. I do not believe it was the single plan of white hat hackers and GEOTUS to expose the deep state and save the world. I believe a lot of people from various walks of life were sick of the way things were and their answer was Trump. I believe his Presidency exposed the swamp and now we're seeing a slow drain through the people finally demanding their reps represent them, engaging in audits, etc. I believe that even Trump himself had no idea what the extent of DC's corruption was, and that it caught him by surprise, and that his Presidency was marred by that level of corruption endlessly, which would suggest control was not his entirely and not even ours entirely. I do believe that ALMOST nothing can stop what is coming, but I don't believe what is coming was a master plan, rather the natural course of things to correct themselves over time now that the corruption has been adequately exposed.

To suggest, given the current state of things and the way we got here, that white hats and GEOTUS have been in control the whole time and that this whole Biden Presidency is just a grand movie to "show the world what it would be like" is simply ludicrous pipe dreaming. The stolen election was not part of the plan, nor was allowing it to happen and going along with the results. That's not to say there haven't been plans and massive moves made. That's just to say they're not all under one wheelhouse and control over things has been going back and forth the whole time, as it does in any war.

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iver_mectin 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wasn't on Reddit. I was on The Donald when it was on Reddit. Were you not? Are you that new?

iver_mectin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population

ensuring the ensuring the safety & well-being of the population

ensuring the safety & well-being of the population

Can you explain to me how the population is safe and being well right now?

removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success

That isn't happening and hasn't been happening.

defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes

Also not happening. Source: The US-Mexico Border and ISIS being back.

freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc. etc., should not be participating in discussions." Q

Also not happening.

Look, I get it, everyone who disagrees with you is clearly just a grumpy fool. You're standing on a pedestal of knowledge and confidence no single mortal could ever hope to achieve. You know what's right and everyone else are just doomer shills that can't comprehend the 500IQ 4D chess plans that are clearly definitely 100% being enacted. I got all that. All I'm asking is that you acknowledge the very real possibility that you're wrong.

iver_mectin 0 points ago +1 / -1

Said the Reddit user, championing Reddit style banning and mob mentality.

Seriously, wake the fuck up.

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iver_mectin 0 points ago +1 / -1

I hear you. Like I said, we definitely have people in place with plans enacted, but the notion that we are in complete control and always have been just seems silly to me.

iver_mectin 4 points ago +7 / -3

Ah, the plan that allows a Communist takeover to happen? Sorry homie, I don't buy there being a set plan. I buy there being multiple people with multiple plans on both side that may or may not coincide or clash with each other, most of which have evidently already failed and been reformulated. The plan used to be Executive Order 13848. Then it was the Insurrection Act. Then it was allowing the fraud to be certified which means a crime actually took place, where Pence was going to be the savior. Then it was the 1000s of signed affidavits and lawsuits. Then it was the Texas suit.

Just accept that there was never a master grand plan and that we're actively fighting a back and forth war that we could very well lose if we're not careful. The only path forward is audits and decertification. If that fails, it's 1776 time which is in direct conflict with the stated goal of Q, there being an awakening with the least amount of civilian casualties and collateral damage.

I'm a sane and rational person. I am all for the destruction of the cabal. But to insist that there was some massive plan and we were always in control when there is clear evidence to the contrary is ludicrous. This is war. This is the ebb and flow. The back and forth. We are not in complete control and never have been. It's an active fight. Don't lose that fight trusting blindly in plans and people that you don't even know truly exist.

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iver_mectin 4 points ago +4 / -0

The Maricopa Board of Selection Officials has already been subpoenaed for this hardware and information and has outright refused.

Not sure what another subpoena is going to do. Hope these fuckers hang for their treason.