jhlee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Misinformation Disinformation. The tragedy of a warrior fighting evil In South Korean media, it is difficult to find the right information due to the influence of China and North Korea, but in modern history, the distinction between good and evil is clear. It's like Trump in Korea. It was buried as dirty as the evil forces feared.

jhlee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Communists deny the failure of communist countries. I think it is always perfect. However, under the principle of always failure and integrity, we create a deformed society. And always say. Let's realize the perfect communism and fool people into saying the impossible is possible. Summary Communists don't even know what communism is.

jhlee 1 point ago +1 / -0

대한민국 국민입니다.모든 조건을 배제하고 한국전쟁 이후 남한과 북한을 보면 이념 논쟁은 의미가 없습니다. 그러므로 공산주의는 지구에서 사라져야할 엘리트들의 통치도구 입니다. 공산주의에서는 악한1%로만 사람답게 살수 있습니다. 영어가 능숙하지못해 번역기로 글을 써서 의미가 이상할수 있습니다. 요약 한국과 북한을 비교해보라.

jhlee 2 points ago +2 / -0

I always live without forgetting my gratitude to the United States for saving Korea from the Korean War. However, the Republic of Korea is sick with the beast of China. President Trump's victory is also the way for the United States to save the world. I want to fight with my gun, but I will pray and pray. Save the world again. Don't swear because you don't speak English and it's written with a translator.
God bless you.