Do Not Try To Find the Democrats - That is Impossible (media.greatawakening.win) ℹ️ ⚔️ Information Warfare ⚔️ ℹ️
posted ago by jojoQ1 ago by jojoQ1

Has anyone else noticed that google, twitter, facebook etc. all the usual spooks have gone batsh1t with verification logins etc.

Can't check a gmail without all kinds of extra codes, firefox is slammed with cookies and checks....


I guess we give it until the 4th of July then.

There's the redline.

Kek of The Evening - Chin up ! (media.greatawakening.win) ? SHITPOST ?
posted ago by jojoQ1 ago by jojoQ1
Mint Peachy Rundown ? ?️ DISCUSSION ?
posted ago by jojoQ1 ago by jojoQ1

Does anyone have any kind of schedule for the Kangaroo Court activities in the coming few days ?

We know all the blaa the Dems will come out with, so I was hoping to tune in when we get to the actual meat in the sandwich.

Usually in a court case the prosecution lays out it's claims and then the defense starts up. So we know when that might be ? Any timeline ?

Do the Dems have a time limit on their piffle or could go grinding on for a week listening to propaganda ?

Here is an Interesting Thought for you ? These people are stupid!
posted ago by jojoQ1 ago by jojoQ1

The same actors pushing the protests in Myanmar - would be the same actors pushing protests to oust any regime they didn't like - yes ?

Whip up the useful idiots, get all the women and feminists and 'democracy advocates' out in the streets.

Well funded 'freedom groups' like Soros Open Society...... infiltrate unions and get the workers out on the streets - all whipped up for nothing..... better than another day in the office right ?

Those convenient peaceful protests that turn into massive looting - false flag deaths and general hysteria - sound familiar ?

Ukraine and etc. and locally Antifa etc. - we have many col. revolutions to choose from...

This all looks rather well organized and scripted to me........


The same actors rigging an election on Dominion and Smartmatic in Myanmar would be the same actors rigging the US election and they would be those same actors - that would come into play if their man Quid Pro Joe is ousted - accused of election fraud - right ?

Now what IF : You were monitoring all this and what if you wanted to run a simulation - what do military do - before any big operation ? They run simulations, battle plans - and also this is an ideal operation to monitor everything and everyone and know exactly who is acting where and how.....

No co-incidences here......

Myanmar might well be the beta tester for the US - and a massive intelligence gathering operation.

You watch Myanmar for a month you are going to know every actor, every bank account, every one pushing agenda to protest the military take-over - you are gonna know everything.


The last thing the world needs right now is another fkg social media platform.

Everyone talking and no one listening.

Everyone complaining and no one doing anything.

Trump had 4 years in office to take care of the swamp rats and spooks and he did ABSOLUTELY fkg NOTHING

Hilary's emails - zero

Pizzagate - zero

Fisagate / Obamagate - zero

Epstein - zero

the list goes on and on and on and on and on of all the things we were waiting for action on.


So if Trump and his crew reckon the solution is some social media platform - they are very sorely mistaken.

In that case they are simply manufactured opposition and nothing but heel dragging and hot air worse than the people currently in power.



The clock is ticking they have a few weeks left.

After that they are completely and absolutely irrelevant and worse than that they are not on our side, they are complicit in all the coverups. Whether that be by accident or design - you can decide but the vax rollout will give you an elephant sized clue.

When someone fails and does nothing and the results speak for themselves - THEY DO NOT GET A SECOND CHANCE as some hero comeback kid - not at all.

It's the next 1-2 months - or they are irrelevant.


These two families should ALWAYS be mentioned in the same sentence.

Whilst the Roths are more like royalty and dominate Europe, the Rockefellers use them as patsies for banking and NWO conspiracy gossip etc.

WHEREAS - It's the Rockefeller Lock Step Agenda that's behind the Covid Scam (and pretty much everything else) and the Rockefellers behind big pharma and oh do they love to crash oil and then later drive the price to the moon (See GW Bush).

It's like two mafia families - one in the US and one in the EU and around the world (old British and French empires basically) - both working with each other and against each other vying for territory and dominance.

It's not that different to gangland warfare.

It's not the Rothschilds - It's the Rothschilds AND The Rockefellers and the latter are probably far more devious and dark, because they use the former to slide under your radar.

look into it.

I found a brilliant website on their history going back 100+ years, I will try to find the link and post it later.


Can someone explain how this substance, is well known, used as a biological reagent, has been used in experiments, and there are scientific papers written about it.

If you are a lab you can order it online, from chemical suppliers - it's not that expensive and not that mysterious. I am not saying it might not be used for getting high or rejuvenation or etc. I am not saying that it is not abused - but there are a number of logical conclusions here that do not stack up.

1.) If it's so fantastic, then street dealers and black market narcos would be supplying it - at least the low grade chemical form of it - you would have been offered it in the bathrooms of your local nightclub. Meth cooks and E cooks would be figuring out how to brew it up.

It doesn't make sense that's such a secret and yet also quite commonly known about and available.

2.) Has anyone bothered to order some and try it out ? It is stated to stop capillary decade amongst other things, so it has some rejuvenation properties - ok - here is some factual progress on the topic. It is also stated to stop fatigue and give alot of energy.... I mean rockstars all do coke because jetlagged on date 100 of the world tour - they need to blow the roof off the stadium just the same and WTF else can you do in that situation ? you need a bump - politicians the same...

so if Adrenochrome is the rich man's cocaine - how has it been kept such a big secret ?

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14089791/ https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/ie500037x https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14975514/

there is a list of a dozen or so vendors on this page

https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Adrenochrome don't come with speculation that you need "the real thing" or nonsense like - the pure chemical is not the same - in that case there must be other ingredients in fresh blood. i notice this was shut down lately...


FRAUD LAWSUITS AGAINST CV (21stcenturywire.com)
posted ago by jojoQ1 ago by jojoQ1
KEK of the Day (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by jojoQ1 ago by jojoQ1

That's adult prime time....... on a prime free to air station !

Educating the Sheep ?





photo out of the window of AF1

could AF1 be airborn ?


anyone out there who knows how to run deep fake software ?

can provide the GPU resources to crunch material.

Spotting the Trend Yet ? (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by jojoQ1 ago by jojoQ1
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