jojoQ1 2 points ago +2 / -0

i have this error that tells me i am still logged in - even when i am not

you have to go into settings - cookies and delete the cookie

if you don't wanna lose stuff for other websites find the GA cookie and delete it

jojoQ1 4 points ago +4 / -0

brilliant - all those mountains great for his new anti pleb, holocaust bunker....

jojoQ1 20 points ago +20 / -0

They are just propping him up for another 1-2 weeks until Harris takes over permanently.

Joe will have a sudden stroke and there will be a big out pouring a huge state funeral - one reason for the military still there....

Usually the President and VP don't appear in public together very often as they are supposed to be a back up for one another - incase of an assasination or bombing etc... or just a plain accident....

but Harris holds Biden's hand even when he goes to the crapper.

jojoQ1 2 points ago +2 / -0

the Dems will need at least 16 i would have thought, we are into day 2, so 8 hrs a day ?

I guess the action starts 2moro or Friday then....

Maybe not until Sunday, I know it's closed for Sabbath, the lawyers asked for that....

Funny the US being such a fine Christian country and all :-)

Until about 1920 the stock market used to trade on Sat AM - no prizes for guessing why that was stopped :-)

jojoQ1 2 points ago +2 / -0


Can you find a pic of Alwaleed and Hussein or Clinton or other US politicians? L.

Heard you can't sleep anymore. Don't come here again. Q

who could be L. ?

Lin Wood ?

jojoQ1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Q 300 or 1500 ?

Anyone ex Mil. might know who is running these accounts, cos it could be some underlying just putting out nonsense for cheap thrills.

jojoQ1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Interesting - not my thing - but interesting - what gear do you buy ?

by Wwg1wka
jojoQ1 5 points ago +5 / -0

Joe : When will my bitcoin wallet be filled up again ?

Xi : Sending now, does Hunter need another shipment of Fentanyl ?

Joe : No sold the last lot you sent, he prefers hookers and crack

Xi : OK will see what I can do

Joe : OK thanks, speak soon

Xi : Great, let me know when we can start the invasion

Joe : Oh yes that won't be a problem just lining that up now

Xi : Great speak soon then

jojoQ1 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't see why that would be necessary at all.

A president or senator or anyone in office is neither immune from heavy crimes while they are in office - nor immune afterwards.

jojoQ1 7 points ago +7 / -0

those photos in the daily mail look heavily scripted to me.....

jojoQ1 1 point ago +1 / -0

so that explains why he let Bannon and Flynn fall aside and replaced them with guys like Bolton ......

It only takes one person to change the world.

He didn't even pardon fkg Assange and Snowden.

jojoQ1 5 points ago +5 / -0

tell me did Washington or Cromwell give a shit "what it looked like" ?

did Fidel Castro say hang on let's wait a couple of years while the gringos build 3 more casino hotels ? then we can act it will look better ?

Did Hitler worry about what it might look like ?

How about Lenin and Stalin, maybe Mao ?

Did Pinochet who made Chile into a 1/2 decent country, the only one in Lat Am that is not a total mess - did he worry what it would look like.

No - he locked them up and shot them all. Got the job done.

Does it matter about the 10% that support Biden ? What is all the pussy footing about for ?

It's a nation not a beauty contest.

jojoQ1 4 points ago +4 / -0

not if it also has access to your prime bitches and a fridge full of fresh meat - which is basically where Biden is now.

jojoQ1 1 point ago +3 / -2

At the end of the day, Biden is in the position to order a coup of his own.

They can put out video of Hunter eating live babies and DNA evidence - Biden can still maintain power if he has TPTB on his side.

jojoQ1 3 points ago +3 / -0

darnkess Unsettling disturbing pain

Sleepless nights of darnkess


that said it's not in the webster or the oxford english Dic.

so maybe a typo on that website - but maybe Q thought people would look it up and find it

jojoQ1 10 points ago +10 / -0

There are only really 2 outcomes here now

1.) There is some grand plan and the delays were necessary to expose everyone completely and absolutely.

2.) Nothing is going to happen and the Trump team were either worked over and pushed aside and disabled - or b.) they were in on it - manufactured opposition.

Even if Trump comes back in - you still have the problem of the flip side of the psy-op where everyone suddenly wants to join the military and be a big hero Q spy..... and China is the big bad nasty and on we roll into WW3.

Not to doom, of course I'd like to see it work out - but when the ship is 1/2 full of water and tipping over at one point you stop hoping for the best and start manning the life raft.

It really makes very little sense not to act when you have the chance - military could have been brought in to deal with the swamp and the election - just redo the election FFS.... Birth Cert. or Passport or DLs - REDO -it wasn't that hard.

All the fumbling about and BS went no where. Where is the common sense ?

Who ever won the Nov election should win it again just the same in Dec. Infact it would be better to have a do over immediately ASAP.

Either that or start locking ppl up.

You have to hit the nail on the head - so what some snakes were missed, some remain - 80% done ! is a helluva lot better than the minus 50% result we have for now.

All this pussy footing about cos a few loonie lefties - big deal - a few live rounds will soon put them in place.

jojoQ1 -1 points ago +2 / -3

The women wrote themselves out of a job 100 years ago with feminism and barging into the work force.

Soon they will be entirely obsolete and babies born in a robotic uterus.

Why do you think they want everyone to be gay ?

jojoQ1 2 points ago +2 / -0


or as Einstein said

Religion without Science is blind

But Science without religion is lame (or more accurately lost !)

without consciousness you just have a horrible robotic logical existence of progress for the sake of it.

jojoQ1 2 points ago +2 / -0

they must be digging out sleepers and turncoats ?

they could also be about to bring down the 3 gorges dam which would be better done in March April, when the snow has melted - July Aug Sept would be best.....

suddenly Biden is out and the election was a fraud and - hey - couldn't have been your pet commie puppet could it - once that dam breaks, CCP and Chyna is finshed.... FINISHED !

how are you gonna do it without starting WW3 ?

put in in their guy ! put in the rigged manipulated insider chicom guy....

jojoQ1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Barak Obama ?

You think NASA was leaking info - or Space X is a front ?

jojoQ1 3 points ago +3 / -0

someone bought loads of puts on Tesla in fact they bought nearly 250000 puts - which is 100 shares per put, so it's 25M shares short basically - but they bought them miles out of the market - at $20 - when TSLA is trading at over $800 right now... it's a nutso trade... and it's cost money to do this.... at least 1c a share of something.... it's not small money....

before 9/11 there were very strange trades on United and Delta made with options...

options are like insurance against the stock price falling

why do you need a huge amount of insurance on TSLA trading under $20, when it's at over $800 ?

basically someone is betting on TSLA going to zero and if it does they would bank 25M x $20.... it's a $500M trade if TSLA collapses to zero.

very strange activity.

jojoQ1 1 point ago +1 / -0

what was it Q was saying about Space X _ NK ?

and was Trump's rocketman on a suicide mission Kim or Musk ?

438, 437

IRAN Nuke deal. NK Nuke/Missile Tech. SpaceX.

211 23-Nov-2017 12:10:13 AM EST

NK _ SpaceX. Q

jojoQ1 5 points ago +6 / -1

considering that Macron is a 100% Rothschild asset - that's all part of dragging America into Lat Am. status.

jojoQ1 3 points ago +3 / -0

In all fairness we are at the point in the story where we need to see some action.....

no action = the whole of the last 4 years were a BS waste of time.

the leader takes responsibility for the outcome, regardless of how it happened.

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