Print this out A4 or A3 and fly poster it everywhere.

I know there are less people out and about these days, but the places they do go to - are their only little outing in the week sometimes. Therefore they are more isolated and more alert.

Fly postering can be extremely effective and impossible to stop. Very cheap and very easy, in a 1/2 hour you can cover 30-40 lamp posts.

Don't forget your mask :)

Q 3411

10-Jul-2019 11:10:07 PM

You are witnessing the greatest ‘coordinated’ misinformation attack (campaign) ever to be launched against the public – all in an effort to protect themselves from prosecution (public exposure) and regain power (control). [Attempted removal of the duly elected President of the United States by illegal [manufactured] means]

They believed they could win [con] public support by controlled assets (media, tech, H-wood…). These controlled assets set out to immediately create division through the use of a pre_designed misinformation campaign.

Groups such as ‘Antifa’ were funded and formed to prevent and/or lessen the appeal for ‘regular’ hard working Americans to gather and express non_narrative viewpoints. Control of this ‘projected narrative’ depends primarily on their ability to ‘con’ the masses into thinking they are the majority.

The mindset of most: If the majority of people believe ‘this’, than ‘this’ must be more true than ‘that’ [CIA_CLAS 1-99_56_Human_Psych_&_Emotional_Distress_IIED]. Without public support – they are powerless.

We, the People, hold the power. UNITED WE ARE STRONG. — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.



This would be a good avenue of exploration I would have thought

Someone can crack into this and we have plenty of clues to start with.

We could get some high end servers and start brute forcing it ?


Try to watch yourself as you go about whatever you are doing in the day.

It's a very unused technique called "self observation"

You will see your thoughts and emotions going on and you can detach from it a lot and you will see all this psyche and noise is not your real conscious self - just machinations.

Then you will see that you feel much more awake and kind of clear - almost child like.

Then what happens is after a while you will nod off into a kinda day dream - the usual state and later on some hour or so later you will "wake up" again and come back to yourself and realize you just spent the last X hours going through the motions, but completely un self aware - like sleep walking the day past.

Then you will have a conscious experience of just how asleep you are most of the time - and then you will really want to wake up and live consciously.

The real fight to wake up - is not election fraud, or NWO Govt - it's actually within your own internal conscious state.

When you engage it nothing can bother you and you can deal with anything, and when you are day dreaming away in mechanical life you are like a leaf on the wind.

Try it !


Remember "Scott Free"

  • that was one of the original Q proofs - where Trump tweeted it in capital letters and the MSM went nuts trying to find out what it meant. Scott Free was the productions company of the movie that WWG1WGA comes from.... White Squall....

So Biden got away with it Scott Free but WWG1WGA.... ahhh.... and now there is a suspected crime that has taken place.... your FISA warrants and your small group of - oh let's say "Space Force" operatives that are under strict classified orders on pain of treason and execution...

start an in depth investigation into all of it -

you may have all of it already on NSA - you may know it 100%, but now you need

a.) to dig out the sleepers and see who is on what side - find the turn coats and the ones you missed....

b.) gather all the intelligence under authorized wire taps and warrants - so you have actual legal case - that doesn't need a military coup.

now the swamp creatures are all comfortable and happy - and surfacing to feed.... you are gonna get them on voice and text and maybe even bug their houses and etc... all under warrant.

There must be some high value targets they are after possibly even foreign Govts. that make it worth the wait for 1-2 months to let it appear that all is lost. and then....


now the troops that are in DC to "protect the constitution" must install the real president !

and the phoney one will have to give a press conference on live TV and resign dozens of resignations and confessions to follow.


some W/E viewing for you https://1337x.to/search/white+squall/1/


According to Lin Wood in Telegram

Observation: The United States Supreme Court has scheduled the Pennsylvania election case, Sidney’s Michigan election case, and my Georgia election case for its February 19 conference.

Haven't cross checked on SCOTUS website..... if anyone cares to sniff about...


It's worth keeping this in mind.

Poker players tend to pay attention to this.

A silly example is the lucky T-shirt - I won last time wearing this T-shirt so I must win again if I wear my lucky T-Shirt.

Of course there is a psychological side to it - maybe you play better when you feel you are dressed for the occasion - but on the whole it's basically superstitious nonsense.

There is a lot of possibility for this when analyzing Q drops and we need to stick to things that can and have been proven and try to project only based on solid clues, not just any random nonsense.


Sadly in this so called modern age these two facets of Consciousness and Intuition a real part of our existence are ignored, abandoned and ridiculed in favor of the intellect.

The intellect is simply a calculating machine. For any argument you want to put forward intellectually, I can come with a counter argument. There is never actually an end to intellectual discussion - it is always BINARY - UNTIL - you consciously have the clear answer - which is not an intellectual process.

For example - we can intellectually discuss a banana or snow - that someone has never seen before - we can postulate all kinds of theories and a person can learn all about those things intellectually - but only once they consciously experience eating a banana or walking across the snow - do they actually 100% know for certain about those aspects of reality. Conscious experience beats intellect every time.

The same goes even more so for Intuition.

You can read biographies of famous song writers and scientists - who will tell you "the song just came to me" - "I didn't really write it myself, it just fell out onto the page"

  • how did that happen ?

It's intuitive.

Einstein's work is more philosophy and conscious intuition than it is logic and intellect.

He said it himself - without imagination you don't have science. Imagination is a part of the consciousness.

With consciousness you can tap into the universal matrix and download knowledge to yourself. If this wasn't the case we'd still be banging sticks and eating fruit in the trees like monkeys do.

We have become religious fanatics in regards to the intellect - that everything must be intellectually perfect - and in doing so we have lost the ability to tap into consciousness and intuition.

It's very easy to feed and to improve consciousness. You just have to be calm and clear and happy - a bit like a child. We could do with some more of this than intellectual masturbation.

I reach for my phone before it rings and I know who is calling me - everyone does this from time to time.

I've been in a 50,000 stadium for a concert with no seating allocation and I find my friends (who I wasn't even sure if they were coming or not) - no cell phone needed, just mosey about and find them in the stands somewhere.... I've had a flat battery and no map in the country side at night and just taken turns on intuition until I found the place I was looking for. How is that possible - statistically impossible ? Consciousness !

Another time you get in a panic and you could drive around all night right past the place 50 times without thinking to stop.

It's not always possible to repeat these things in tests - Sorry I am not a super hero with skills on tap - but the consciousness is far more powerful than anyone gives it credit.

Work on it - try it !

We're trying to puzzle out the Q drops and these two facets will certainly be helpful.


We have many signals and this excellent thread lays out some good ideas


there are lots of clues like this ...... usually with 4 x boom







there is also a




Suicide weekend


We just had a Boom on the COMSEC twitter, so looks like we are close...

We need 3 more Booms and then we're into [NEXT WEEK] which I believe will be the first of 3.

Keep your eyes peeled folks !

Then we should know for certain when the first of the 3 [NEXT WEEK] starts.

Then it's easy count down.

The theory is that Biden resigns live on TV.

Who can argue with that ?

What's the best way to catch a gang of crooks ?

Have them admit and make a full confession.

That way there is NEVER ANY DOUBT !

What's the best victory here ?

The one you would target for if you were running this ?

Would it be a massive lawsuit and lots of pushing and shoving - an end result where plenty of people on both sides are not quite 100% sure ?

Would it be a military coup like a developing world country ? Where 1/2 the population are terrified and it's not clear whether we are into the next Hitler or not ?

Or would it be resignations and confessions ?

A total collapse of the narrative that leaves absolutely no one in any doubt and MSM with massive egg on their face - most of the talking heads and the station CEOs, boards etc. ridiculed - Social media chiefs ridiculed and the path open for massive easy law suits on guilty pleas !

Social Media has already back pedalled greatly on HQCL and other issues - they have been setup to be shot down in my opinion - MZ and JD and others were told by their handlers to go hard on blocking stuff and now it's come out they were wrong -they have had to tone it down - WELL TOO LATE GUYS ! You put your foot in your mouth already- prepare to have your assets seized for election interference.

Look at what you'd want ! The best result !

Art of War - make the enemy defeat themselves.

Then go in afterwards, once you are back in control and go through everyone with quiet lawsuits that will grind along for a few years. Low effort - huge money take downs.

LOCK n LOAD baby ! (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by jojoQ1 ago by jojoQ1

Look - I think the endgame here is a public resignation of Biden live on CNN - Kind of a Nixon 2.0 moment.

He won't have a choice as the capitol is fenced off and heavily guarded. This will obviously be followed by the resignation of the journalists and board members of CNN and most MSM networks, completely discredited across the board for their terrible biased coverage. The companies will tank, if they survive at all.

Murdoch the fox has been playing both sides of the game. They might pull through.

Social Media is in alotta hot water, but has tried to back off lately as they smell something is up. They are a bit more flexible with their their business model, but they are essentially Fkd.

Once the election fraud is admitted to and Biden/Harris resign, the media will be stunned, the country will be shocked, the MSM will fall to pieces in shame and ridicule.

There will be strings of resignations and confessions across the country, governors, senators, house reps. etc. will all have to resign.

DRAIN THE SWAMP - you only have to dig a small channel - and the water just goes pouring out ! It's not a manual labor.

What could be better than having the crooks openly admit to their crimes ! - THIS IS THE WAY. No one will be able to say a word !

And once Trump or a new president comes back in, social media big tech will be gutted and recreated. (huge money in doing that - and huge money in gutting MSM and restoring new stations).

There are laws in place to seize assets of both corporations and individuals that assisted in election fraud. Ops - bye bye Cuckerberg, Soros, Dorsey, Google boys etc. etc. etc. etc. it's a quick Trillion dollars taking that lot down - maybe more ! It's basic law and order. the NG is in DC just to make it clear that anyone who was out of line has no choice but to resign.

Once they are all gone - I assume late Feb to mid March - the new president comes in - I assume and see no reason why it wouldn't be Trump - and he puts his crew back together.

And the law suits and prosecutions will grind in the back ground for a couple of years, as they seize asset and gut everyone that had anything to do with it. I think this is the peaceful solution. The path of least resistance is to make your enemy capitulate themselves. Then everyone knows who the cheat, fraud, loser is - and there is never any doubt- nothing to protest about.

I mean imagine - if your nice neighbor that always invites you to BBQs, gets hauled off by the police for being a serial killer and slammed in courts and jails etc - whilst proclaiming he is innocent - you might be inclined to start a gofundme page and help him fight.

But if he admits to it and tells the police where the bodies are buried - you just be glad you are not one of them - you have nothing to say - in a month or so it barely crosses your mind. That fkg creep had me fooled.

GIVE ME a FkG BREAK ! (media.greatawakening.win) Q-incidence!
posted ago by jojoQ1 ago by jojoQ1

Trump said it - he made it clear : "WE HAVE IT ALL"

He also made it clear "We are a nation of law and order".


What could possibly be better over the next 4-8 weeks than all of these swamp rats, resigning and confessing.

We don't need a military coup - that's nuts. That was a misdirection - totally unnecessary now.

We don't need big public arrests at the inauguration - that's madness - a coup of the worst kind - for Tom Cruise movies only.

USSS go quietly to visit Senator XYZ in his office. Present all the evidence against him. Emails, Comms, photos, pornos, offshore bank accounts, Seychelles companies etc. etc. etc.

What can Senator XYZ do ?

Not to mention that the capitol is now a giant police station with hundreds of troops and 12 ft barbed wire fences - he's completely FkD.

All he can do is resign on the spot.

Security guard quietly posted outside his office until the tweet and official letter is sent out.

One after another.... drip drip drip - they all go down... quietly at first and then woooosh...... as the SWAMP DRAINS OUT !

Some will probably pop a bullet through their head in the office, others will resign and go home and pop 50 sleeping pills, or swing from a lamp fitting.....

But the bulk will resign and issue some sort of confession.

The easier they make it on themselves, the more consideration they will get in court later on - but they will be pleading GUILTY. No deals - just some consideration if they go quickly and quietly and give a full confession.

The lawsuits will not be a huge high drama with massive defenses mounted. They won't have a leg to stand on. You don't need military tribunals when people plead guilty.

The evidence is so damning they won't want it exposed. For their families and friends they will just resign and plead guilty.

Imagine finally Biden and Harris on live CNN - resigning.

What are the lefties gonna do ? They'll have to literally apologize and grovel just to remain slightly credible.

Many reporters will have to resign, heads of TV stations will have to resign.

It will be the most entertaining and sweet, peaceful takedown ever seen.

AND NO ONE - BUT NO ONE will be able to say a word.

It's all in the Q drops - it's all alluded to.

This is the Trump card out come and it has nothing to do with Trump - they brought it on themselves - they will all confess and resign.

This is the way that police handle a murder investigation - you get the guy on his own and quietly show him evidence, until he confesses.

Simple, quiet, low energy, easy, no need for drama.

All done !

[next week] [next week] [next week] suicide weekend

there's loads of it....

It will make the Super Bowl look like a puppy show.

It will be biblical - but what happens in the Bible ? people repent of their sins - they confess.... they ask for forgiveness !

Doesn't have to be a Hollywood event - we all watch way too many movies.


Scavino - tweet - 6.07AM

Q 607 - is something about a Trump tweet and the UK - warrants a look - but it's not related to this.

BUT Q 706 is just this :


so what could that mean ?

a little piece in the jigsaw puzzle you might ignore.... square brackets and a dash.....

what does it match with in the other drops ?

matches with this one :

[next week]

[next week]

[next week]

suicide week

and we also have several references to the super bowl and what comes next and a comparison to a puppy show that have popped up in numbers - hints from Pompeo.

so my take is that [-] = blank week

before the count starts......

so it looks like :

[next week] Mon 8th Feb

[next week] Mon 15th Feb

[next week] Mon 22nd Feb

suicide weekend = 27/28 Feb

(i believe those numbers / dates also match up with some other drops) (i am not gonna get into all the different drops and numbers that led me to this as i've done it kinda on the fly - jigsaw puzzle - but to me it stacks up nicely). so we have the circus of impeachment and then it's gonna start falling apart on them....over 3 weeks.

i believe the military is not the way actually - they are there for protection and to police things - to impose rule of law - it's both an enforcement - a big stick - a psychological - "you have no way out" - and also a bluff - a mislead in Q posts.....

what would be the best outcome possible ? think about it.....

imagine a murder trial - we've all seen law and order tv show....

the murderer is pleading innocent - "wasn't me"

then the prosecutor gets new evidence - and has a meeting with the judge and defense lawyer in the judge's chamber....it's damning evidence - there's no argument any more......

NOW - the DA and the Judge put their foot down !

Your client can plead guilty and make a full confession and we will take it into consideration in sentencing - that's not a DEAL !!! - that's a : you might be shown some mercy if you repent and show remorse - you see the picture ?

A deal would be : ok..... he did a murder in cold blood - but if he pleads guilty we'll reduce it to manslaughter and he gets 10 yrs - out in 3-5 for good behavior - that's deal.

All these spooks - resigning - and then confessing - and Biden on live TV - declaring the election a fraud - Kamaltoe resigning in crocodile tears - then carted off in shame - how can anyone argue with that ?

Will there be justification for riots ? Is it a coup ? Is it Trump's fault ? How many other politicians are suddenly gonna get questioned ? ALL OVER THE WORLD !!!!

This is the greatest show on earth - not poxy arrests and a military coup - have some class - USA is not Myanmar....

They will be made - forced by their own situation - (and 12ft barbed wire fences) to recant everything and to resign and confess everything.

Did SoS in PA need to be arrested - well that might come later - but SHE RESIGNED !!!!!!

One by One they all go...

Rat face in Georgia - AZ - PA - WI - MI - one by one they all resign - all the way to the damn top. Then the trials can start later on.

BUT IF THEY stand down - they resign - they confess

The left is FINISHED - CNN will have to report it all - the soy reporters and manboy women journalists will have to report it all - no one can say a WORD against it.



Full confessions, total capitulation, complete defeat.

Of course the scumbags will try to worm and whine and maintain some dignity and face - and of course that will simply be used against them in their trial - which wil come later- BUT THEY WILL ALL BE MADE TO resign - and the top ones will have to announce it live on TV.



There is no better outcome in the world than having your detractors, enemies and people who have stolen from you and tried to defeat you through all kinds of dirty tactics - come out and resign and admit what they did.


and if the evidence is there - and TRUMP said he has it all - there will be nothing these people can do - they will have to stand down in total shame.

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