posted ago by jojoQ1 ago by jojoQ1 +36 / -1

Sadly in this so called modern age these two facets of Consciousness and Intuition a real part of our existence are ignored, abandoned and ridiculed in favor of the intellect.

The intellect is simply a calculating machine. For any argument you want to put forward intellectually, I can come with a counter argument. There is never actually an end to intellectual discussion - it is always BINARY - UNTIL - you consciously have the clear answer - which is not an intellectual process.

For example - we can intellectually discuss a banana or snow - that someone has never seen before - we can postulate all kinds of theories and a person can learn all about those things intellectually - but only once they consciously experience eating a banana or walking across the snow - do they actually 100% know for certain about those aspects of reality. Conscious experience beats intellect every time.

The same goes even more so for Intuition.

You can read biographies of famous song writers and scientists - who will tell you "the song just came to me" - "I didn't really write it myself, it just fell out onto the page"

  • how did that happen ?

It's intuitive.

Einstein's work is more philosophy and conscious intuition than it is logic and intellect.

He said it himself - without imagination you don't have science. Imagination is a part of the consciousness.

With consciousness you can tap into the universal matrix and download knowledge to yourself. If this wasn't the case we'd still be banging sticks and eating fruit in the trees like monkeys do.

We have become religious fanatics in regards to the intellect - that everything must be intellectually perfect - and in doing so we have lost the ability to tap into consciousness and intuition.

It's very easy to feed and to improve consciousness. You just have to be calm and clear and happy - a bit like a child. We could do with some more of this than intellectual masturbation.

I reach for my phone before it rings and I know who is calling me - everyone does this from time to time.

I've been in a 50,000 stadium for a concert with no seating allocation and I find my friends (who I wasn't even sure if they were coming or not) - no cell phone needed, just mosey about and find them in the stands somewhere.... I've had a flat battery and no map in the country side at night and just taken turns on intuition until I found the place I was looking for. How is that possible - statistically impossible ? Consciousness !

Another time you get in a panic and you could drive around all night right past the place 50 times without thinking to stop.

It's not always possible to repeat these things in tests - Sorry I am not a super hero with skills on tap - but the consciousness is far more powerful than anyone gives it credit.

Work on it - try it !

We're trying to puzzle out the Q drops and these two facets will certainly be helpful.