We're always told to archive things offline. I don't know how everyone else it doing it but I always found it tedious and time consuming. Which probably means I'm doing it wrong.
I found ArchiveBox which touts itself as a powerful, self-hosted internet archiving solution to collect, save, and view sites you want to preserve offline. I installed it and it seems to work pretty well so far.
I am not affiliated with ArchiveBox in any way. I found it on Hacker News and decided to pass the message along.
This is day two of not wearing a mask. Day one is here https://greatawakening.win/p/12hkYNlwyE/first-time-in-a-year-at-the-gym-/
Went to the gym. No one was at the attendant desk this time. I signed in and started walking to my station. I walked past the guy that checked me in the day before. He was refilling the paper towels. I nodded to him. He nodded to me.
I didn't have any interactions with anyone while I was there. About 20 minutes later I see the police walk in. I knew they were there for me. So I put my weights away and packed my stuff up. I was just going to leave. It didn't need to be a big issue and I didn't want to start one.
I'm half way to the exit and the officer says "Can I talk to you for a minute?" I said "I know what it's about. I leaving now." He said "Don't act like a bitch. Come over here and talk to me." I stopped and said "There's no need to get confrontational right off the bat. I'm leaving. There is no need for that." He said "If you want to act like an adult, I'll treat you like an adult. If you want to act like a bitch, I'll treat you like one." I said "Like I said, there is no need to start calling names. You're obviously trying to create a confrontation out of nothing. It's not going to happen." And I started to walk towards the door again. He said "Unless you want to be hit with criminal trespass, you're going to stop and listen to what I have to say." Trying to act like a big boy, he got up in my face and he gave his little speech about how it up to the company if they want to require me to wear a mask or not. When he was done I said "You have bad breath. I can smell it through your mask. As I said before, I've leaving now." And I left the building.
I wasn't sure if I had a membership anymore or if I had just been kicked out for the day so I called the national office a couple hours later. They couldn't find my membership in the system. Even if my membership had been cancelled, I'd still be in the system. She called up the club I was kicked out of to figure out what was going on. Yup! Membership cancelled. I've been banned from that location too.
I was told that even though they cancel your membership, they still do some sort of investigation to figure out if it was frivolous or legitimate. The manager from the location I was kicked out of is supposed to call me sometime today. I don't think anyone will call but we'll see.
First time posting. Please be nice.
Personal story on masks:
Yesterday, Gov Abbott announced he is dropping the mask mandate, state wide, starting March 10. Right after that, Tarrant County announced they will be dropping the mask mandate immediately. Great news! I’m in Tarrant Country.
This morning I went to the gym without a mask. Attendant at the desk asked if I had a mask or if I needed one. I politely let him know the mask mandate had been rescinded. He said that was starting March 10. I let him know that Tarrant Country rescinded it, effective immediately, after Gov Abbott’s announcement. He said that company policy hadn’t made a judgement on it yet. I said “Ok. Let me know when they tell you what to think.” With that, I went in and worked out, without a mask.
I got a few judgmental stares but no one said anything do me. I had interactions with people. “Are you done with this bench?” type of stuff. No conversations. No one was brave enough to follow my example and remove their masks but a lot of people were more willing to drop their masks under their chin for long periods of time. Front attendant avoided eye contact with me at all cost.
I was talking to a friend who is a cop a few days before. He said the best anyone can do is call the police who may not even show up unless the company wants to trespass you. If they want to trespass you, they obviously don’t care about losing business. Our movement is strong and corporations are losing their power over us.