Wife was forced to jab....... Pfizer...... any good links available??

I'm having her detox with baths and Apple Pectin.

Vaccine BOOM (media.128ducks.com)
posted ago by justkev ago by justkev

By voting........ usually for RINO's who lie about who they really are and/or who put them into their positions, We are giving our approval, sanctioning their continual fraud.

I have waited patiently one year for justice, nothing has happened.

It's time to give the radicals everything.....let them own all of it. They will clamp down......yes! They will destroy the constitution .........YES! But they will also now be 100% exposed and that my friends will be the TRUE GREAT AWAKENING. In the end, will we win? I think yes.

BUT continuing to VOTE is giving them cover to have the false binary option that has worked so well for their evil.

ONE man's Opinion.... thank you for your time.

And if you disagree.......don't act like a twat and cast insults....... Tell us all how continuing to participate with the bullshit game changes anything.


As discussed last week, the wife went ahead and got the Jab on Saturday against my wishes. Since, we have tried to give each other optimal space. I have noticed changes in my body since. I feel lethargic, like a quarter of my energy has been sapped. I also had tingling sensations all over my body that come and go and this morning I have heaviness/tightness in my legs.

Question, are there any good resources available for the risks associated to the non Jabbed??
I am doing a heavy vitamin load, C, D, A, Zinc & Quercetin.



Does anyone have info if the one J&J isn't as bad as the other 2..........

For the wife.............



Is there a good site that shows treatments for the jab?? Wife is getting it tomorrow for work.

Someone posted a doctor talking about a detox bath earlier in the week.

Reality (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by justkev ago by justkev

The Republican AG's around the country should make this the entire basis for the cease and desist with all mandates.........and EAU authorization for the jabs..

By allowing our border to be unprotected and admitting millions of illegals without mandatory Jabs...they have conceded that there isn't a PANDEMIC.

I will message my AG here SC with this message, I hope you all will do the same.


My wife has been given until the end of Nov to complete her VAX protocol or give up her career of nearly 20 years.

I'm pissed, she won't listen to reason.......she has scheduled her jab. I blame so many fucking people,,, from everyone that complied with the masks, the MSM......WHO ARE FUCKING EVIL.........to the illegal President........... to evil PHARMA....

But my guy........the guy I fought so hard to get into office, started us down this path with these evil companies........and who still to this day says......."GET THE JAB"

Thanks for starting this entire bullshit......... you COULD HAVE STOPPED IT ALL IN MARCH OF 2020........you went along with the 10 day pause........you put that cunt Pence in charge of the VAX..........you KEPT FAUCI......... and now nearly my entire family are at risk from a tyrannical President that you allowed to TAKE POWER.

Thumb this down, ban me...........our team sucks


Remember how everyone laughed off the Green New Deal???

Arguing about Covid, Ivermectin, hospital protocals.............ect.......... You're lost in the weeds. Covid is simply the mechanism for the New Green Deal. Until people awaken to this fact, they'll be spinning in circles arguing about variants, Vax's......

IT's the GREEN NEW DEAL ......call it what it is.


I went fishing to clear my head a few minutes ago and this thought just appeared........ How can we explain this away?

Do not vote for Congress, Senate or President in 22 or 24; Give the Dems everything.

This is the only way for the TRUE Great Awakening. Right now, it is set up as a Left/Right paradigm where the Left have their convenient patsy. Give them everything, they will overstep and there will be a MAJOR CORRECTION.

Fuck voting for Rino's.......show me where that has gotten us? Name 5 Republican's that you TRUST.............. crickets