spread this document. Worldwide Abortion Practices Certain facts about abortion need to be appreciated: -- No country has reduced its population growth without resorting to abortion.
Here is going to be a long post show how the USA government has had an interest in Population control and other things related. With the current court case set to probably overturn abortion I thought it would be a good time to post something like this to expose their bullshit.
Please share the details (documents) of this because its important to understand why current actions are taken and approved by Deep State actors and International actors such as the UN.
There are a ton of documents you could find relating to this so this post will be limited to some. I will be brief with some documents and if you want to know more you can read through the documents. It's a lot of information.
I will first start off by bluntly saying that abortion is about Population control and not about "health" . ^4 volumes of the report on population across the world and the senate document
In volume 2 page 700 in the Section Commission on Population Growth and the American future
it talks about John D. Rockefeller and this report.
Notice how family planning and birth control are used as ways to reduce the population/reduce fertility. Fertility is also a metric they use in the Global report 2000 and in this document below
The government using taxpayer money to fund Fertility Control Research and implementing Population Control Programs (some which could be classified as national security).
On pages 166 -190. This commission recommends regular natal/medical services voluntary sterilization, safe termination of unwanted pregnancies (abortion) and medical treatment of infertility.
Now on to the USAID document
CHAPTER VI - World Population Conference From the standpoint of policy and program, the focal point of the World Population Conference (WPC) at Bucharest, Romania, in August 1974, was the World Population Plan of Action (WPPA) The U.S. had contributed many substantive points to the draft Plan We had particularly emphasized the incorporation of population factors in national planning of developing countries' population programs for assuring the availability of means of family planning to persons of reproductive age, voluntary but specific goals for the reduction of population growth and time frames for action
here is the UN document
Funny how people argue there is no conspiracy to do these things when they have conferences and meetings doing this. AGENDA 21 hidden in plain sight.
Are we really to believe the UN who works with and protects pedophiles really care about people. I don't.
some details in Part 2 of Kissinger's report
"The following basic elements are necessary parts of a comprehensive approach to the population problem which must include both bilateral and multilateral components to achieve success. Thus, USG population assistance programs will need to be coordinated with those of the major multilateral institutions, voluntary organizations, and other bilateral donors. The common strategy for dealing with rapid population growth should encourage constructive actions to lower fertility since population growth over the years will seriously negate reasonable prospects for the sound social and economic development of the peoples involved."
In other words working with corporations and government institutions. TRUST IN BIG PHARMA /s
"Over the past few years, U.S. government-funded population programs have played a major role in arousing interest in family planning in many countries, and in launching and accelerating the growth of national family planning programs. In most countries, there has been an initial rapid growth in contraceptive "acceptors" up to perhaps 10% of fertile couples in a few LDCs. The acceleration of previous trends of fertility decline is attributable, at least in part, to family planning programs."
Some FOIAs could take care of this (the classified ones)
"In countries where U.S. assistance is limited either by the nature of political or diplomatic relations with those countries or by lack of strong government desire. In population reduction programs, external technical and financial assistance (if desired by the countries) would have to come from other donors and/or from private and international organizations, many of which receive contributions from AID. The USG would, however, maintain an interest (e.g. through Embassies) in such countries population problems and programs (if any) to reduce population growth rates. Moreover, particularly in the case of high priority countries, we should be alert to opportunities for expanding our assistance efforts and for demonstrating to their leaders the consequences of rapid population growth and the benefits of actions to reduce fertility."
DO NOT TRUST THE US Government WHILE THE DEEP STATE IS IN CHARGE (my advise to countries not controlled by this cabal)
Skipping down to the conclusion.
II. - Action to Create Conditions for Fertility Decline: Population and a Development Assistance Strategy A. General Strategy and Resource Allocations for AID Assistance Discussion:
Past Program Actions "AID currently provides bilateral assistance to 36 of these countries. State and AID played an important role in establishing the United Nations Fund for Population Activities(UNFPA) to spearhead multilateral effort in population as a complement to the bilateral actions of AID and other donor countries. Since the Fund's establishment, AID has been the largest single contributor. Moreover, with assistance from AID a number of private family planning organizations (e.g., Pathfinder Fund, International Planned Parenthood Foundation, Population Council) have significantly expanded their worldwide population programs. Such organizations are still the main supporters of family planning action in many developing countries." So as I said earlier abortion is population control. Note International Planned Parenthood.
Are you paying attention???
III. International Organizations and other Multilateral Population Programs A. UN Organization and Specialized Agencies Discussion "In the mid-sixties the UN member countries slowly began to agree on a greater involvement of the United Nations in population matters. In 1967 the Secretary-General created a Trust Fund to finance work in the population field. In 1969 the Fund was renamed the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) and placed under the overall supervision of the United Nations Development Program. During this period, also, the mandates of the Specialized Agencies were modified to permit greater involvement by these agencies in population activities."
Worldwide Abortion Practices Certain facts about abortion need to be appreciated: -- No country has reduced its population growth without resorting to abortion. -- Thirty million pregnancies are estimated to be terminated annually by abortion throughout the world. The figure is a guess. C. Utilization of Mass Media and Satellite Communications Systems for Family Planning
Utilization of Mass Media for Dissemination of Family Planning Services and Information. "The potential of education and its various media is primarily a function of (a) target populations where socio-economic conditions would permit reasonable people to change their behavior with the receipt of information about family planning and (b) the adequate development of the substantive motivating context of the message. While dramatic limitations in the availability of any family planning related message are most severe in rural areas of developing countries, even more serious gaps exist in the understanding of the implicit incentives in the system for large families and the potential of the informational message to alter those conditions." Operation Mockingbird (note the CIA was involved with the earlier reports).
V. Action to Develop World-Wide Political and Popular Commitment to Population Stability
"In the LDCs, although 31 countries, including China, have national population growth control programs and 16 more include family planning in their national health services ── at least in some degree -- the commitment by the leadership in some of these countries is neither high nor wide. These programs will have only modest success until there is much stronger and wider acceptance of their real importance by leadership groups. Such acceptance and support will be essential to assure that the population information, education and service programs have vital moral backing, administrative capacity, technical skills and government financing."
All this info is from the 1970s, 1980s and I wonder what they do now (slight sarcasm). Maybe a .......................................Great Reset.
Another interesting document I found which relates to agenda 21 and population control. "What are the goals of the secret elite group, the inheritors of Illuminism (Moriah Conquering Wind), the Cult of Dionysius, the Cult of Isis, Catharism, Bogomilism? This elite group that also calls itself the OLYMPIANS (they truly believe they are equal in power and stature to the legendary gods of Olympus, who have, like Lucifer their god, set themselves above our true God) absolutely believe they have been charged with implementing the following by divine right: " Page 15
Below this paragraph in the document are the list of goals claimed in this paper.
Are some of these being carried out right now? Agenda 21 Agenda 30 Bohemia grove Bilderberg WEF (check the partnerships with them you will find all the main covid vaccine companies) UN Terra Mar Why does the UN protect and work with pedophiles knowingly? Why did Epstein and Maxwell meet with the Pope? The media doesn't ask these questions because they are part of Operation Mockingbird and they work for these same people. Don't be part of operation mockingbird. Ask the unconformable questions. Make the politicians sweat profusely as they try to figure out what lie tell next.