I listened to the entire Devolution series yesterday and I have a few burning thoughts about what we have been seeing and dealing with, and it is all based on showing us (him) who can be trusted.
As PatelPatriot states throughout the series, "...Trump is always 10 steps ahead..."
First, I'll address the jab. Yes, he pushed it through and he has suggested people get it, but he always says that they have a choice. So, although kind of shitty, could this be a way for us/him to see who the "real" patriots are? Not the ones that were first in line when they found out it was available. The ones that waited and educated themselves and could see past the BS of the media saying we NEED to get it; those that have a healthy skepticism about a rushed medical product and refuse to get it.
Second, Pence. In part 10 (which was really f'ing long), Pence's letter from Jan 6 was narrated. In the letter Pence mentioned a couple of times that it was up to the states to decide who their electors were. Could Pence have been a white hat to show who in Congress would stand up for what was right? And, conversely, it would show the RINOS. In the letter he (Pence) said he would do his job and Patel (through narration) said it is not the Senate President's job to decide which electors to accept. Was Pence pushing the buck that day? One could say, Yes. But, one could also say he was doing his job according to the Constitution. In my gut I feel he should have NOT accepted the electors from several states that were challenged. BUT, if he did, we wouldn't have the AZ audit, which I'm hoping will be a BIG F'ing spotlight into a lot of corruption.
Third, everything that Jack Ass is doing, or has done since he was installed, were things that 45 set up and, if they were just left alone, things would have continued as they were. But NOOOOOOO!!!! He had to F everything up. Were those things set up, rightfully so, knowing that Jack Ass would "hang himself?" Namely, the border, AFG, etc. As mentioned in Devolution, 45 could have moved a lot quicker to get everything and everyone out of AFG. He didn't. Why? I think he wanted the world to see just how bad Jack Ass is. But, losing all those service members was a HORRIBLE consequence, which 45 never intended.
Those were the three things that kept popping in my head today and I just wanted to share them. What are your thoughts?
I know that 45 WILL be back, I just can't say when. But, I'm seeing things a bit more clearly now.
"What happens when the gag order is lifted [case dismissed]?
"I am not done."
Be All You Can Be.
Army Strong.
They knew they could not destroy America through invasion.
Infiltration at the highest levels of government, media, science, health, military CoC, …..
The last part of the last sentence is what got to me "...military CoC." The last sentence basically follows the time-line of the last few months. The government has gone to shit, the media has been off their rockers for the past few years, and the science and health of the last few months is out of control.
What have we seen the last couple of days? A Marine LTC throwing away a 17 year career because he is incensed with his inept "Chain of Command."
I also watched Bannon's special tonight and his daughter was on (she was a CPT, graduated from WP). One of her last comments was that the military has very low morale. They don't have the Commander in Chief's back because he doesn't have theirs. We're seeing it play out.
I remember reading a drop or two about the military but I couldn't find them so I don't want to paraphrase. But, I remember thinking "the military would never go against the CiC" but now I'm not so sure.
Has anyone heard of people that have recovered from the WuFlu donating their antibodies? I remember after my sis and b-i-l recovered from the flu there was some discussion about it but I haven't heard anything in quite some time.
I was reading an article about antibodies and how scientists have discovered a particular antibody that will fend off any variant out there. The particular antibody came from someone that had a SARS infection in 2003!!!!
Just like donating blood, can't people donate antibodies?
Once again, I ask the question: If no one has every isolated and/or identified COVID-19, where are "they" coming up with a "delta" variant? How can they claim there is a variant when the "original" virus has never been identified?
So, the uptick of new cases are worse than the original...what's the difference? Uh, maybe because so many people took the jab, which now shows they have more "viral load' than the first round. Which means they are the "super spreaders!"
I listened to a couple of episodes of X22 today and gleaned some interesting information. One thing I found interesting in the most recent episode is the talk about the USAR's 412 Engineering and their Caste Rock exercise.
The second is an explanation of what would/could happen if VP enacts the 25th Amendment. Here is the link for that episode: https://rumble.com/vlhpd8-dave-hayes-we-are-in-unprecedented-timesbuckle-up-its-going-to-get-chaotict.html Go to 7:45 to hear the explanation.
This is how it was explained: first, the VP would write a letter stating the reasons to enact and that has to be signed by 8 of the cabinet members. Then she would send a copy each to the House and the Senate and THAT IS IT. He would be removed and we would have an ACTING-Pres. She would not become Pres until inauguration.
LINDELL just said there is an important message in 5 mins (1910 EST).
They vote IN PERSON. They use PAPER BALLOTS. They don't have electricity to transfer information.
(Dr. Frank at Lindell Symposium)