If the jabs are lethal as Dr. Robert Young’s analysis of graphene oxide conclude, a mandatory jab becomes a demand for an employee to commit suicide to maintain employment. That does not appear to be a legal demand. https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/transmission-electron-microscopy-reveals-graphene-oxide-in-cov-19-vaccines

Dr. Dave Martin has claimed the applications for FDA authorization and their patent applications which mandate that the ingredients of the jab must be listed but they are absent. Required tests on live lab animals were discontinued after all of the animals died. But humans must accept the jabs or get fired ??? ref. https://www.bitchute.com/video/9HxsE5llViby/.

Numerous immediate adverse reactions have occurred after jabs, including fatal strokes by pilots of commercial airlines. The jabs are safe ??

Ivermectin is claimed to be available from India. https://buyivermectinforhumans.us .

For Ziverdo Kit (Zinc, IVM, DOXy) https://www.genericcures.com/product/ziverdo-kit/