But Putin added, that the German Government does not want cheap gas. I am not sure, but I think that both Northstream pipes are still ok, and it was only a psyop for people to wake up on the deep state.

My new night life is dreaming. I dream almost every day several dreams and can even fall into the story again after waking up from a dream. I enjoy my dreams and sometimes I ask myself, if the state of dreaming is not the reality and the state of being awake is the omgoing dream. Anyway I use the night and dreams to wake up fresh every morning, after six to seven hours. For sceptics: I have a good life, no money or health problem. And being 62, I try to connect to my real being and to the Creator.


Climate is Long Weather. The definition is: average weather of the last 30 years. Hence it changes year by year, meaning, the definition contains the change itself. But I wish, it would get 2 degrees warmer in winter and more CO2, am I the only one?


please make your own comments, what you think, not what you copy from the Internet. Thanks.

This question divides the wheat from the chaff.

Donald Trump Bird (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by lbrt ago by lbrt

I have the gut feeling that Twitter and Truth Social could be a winning team. Thruth social taking Fakebooc down and replacing it? Your thoughts, frens?



L and

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W ater

What is missing? Add it to the word LAW.

AND in mirror thinking is DNA.

In the "Divine Comedy" of Dante the worst level of hell is the 9th Circle.

The Ninth Circle of Hell Treachery is punished in the 9th and lowest level of hell. Those who have betrayed a special relationship in committing their crimes are condemned to the lowest and most horrific level. And the three greatest betrayers in history: Judas, Brutus, and Cassius are at the very center of hell, in the ever devouring mouths of Satan.

And that circle is not hot it is a frozen lake.
