Was it a copy of his speech or a book of names?


Is it just me or is there a common thought now to not want to pay my taxes this year? With all this waste (only 2 weeks in) that is being exposed, how many of us think that President Biggest Balls needs to give us a tax holiday this year? We deserve one this year. Still file. If you are due a refund, then you get it. If you owe, then it’s waived. And if the country does not complete come undone, then it’s permanent.


This is more than likely how it goes down. Politicians behind closed doors say to new members, you make a project and it does not matter what it is and it will get “funded”. Just don’t duplicate projects. That is how you get these crazy projects like “does snorting cocaine make snails move faster only in non rainforest climates”. You give 5% to the “project” to make it look legit, kick 10% to the Big Man, politician keeps 20% for himself and rest is funneled into dem super PACs. Now you can keep an extra 5% if your project deals with gays, trans, gender identity and any other sick sexual activity. Now go out and make projects and make money…and don’t worry, no one will ever look into this. I’m sure I pretty much nailed it.


New policy…you don’t let us land we open the back door and drop them off. Do that a few times, and you will have ALL illegals Speedy Gonzales it to the boarder on their own not to have a plane ride.


Can someone please explain why these 2 countries will remain receiving foreign aide from US?


There are approximately 6000 patents that are classified, can we get some momentum going to have these declassified.


Set it up like the petro dollar. All tariffs need to be paid with Trump Coin. BOOM!


As the title says if you could skip Christmas this year to have Trump start on Dec 25, would you? That would be the best Christmas present ever!


Does anyone know if these are appearing on radar?
Is this Blue Beam practicing? If so these would not be on radar. That would be the first tell that this is fake. The WH playing this down is another big tell. Also I remember DTJr telling us several months ago to resist what ever they would be forcing on us. Many thought it would be another COVID like vaccine, but what if it was the “planned UFO invasion “.


Would be awesome if he was actually acting the whole time, and tucking the money we gave him off to the side. Trump calls him up and says, “we are going to need that money back”. The instead of giving it to Ukraine military, he hands it to our military. Makes the US military as attractive as a professional athlete.


The election will somehow be canceled or postponed with in the next few days. Trump already said when we vote Jan 5. Trump told us to vote early for a reason. So the election is postponed, but the voting machines were already “programmed” to flip and add votes for cameltoe. So no one is out voting but all of a sudden there will be this huge spike in votes. People will say that’s impossible because no one was voting. Space Force has the tally before the election was postponed. The machines are then reset, voting resumes and there is not enough time to reprogram the machines to flip votes. Granted I’m probably missing a few pieces, but this is something that I find very plausible.


I asked DeepAI about horse mouth being qualified and this is what I got…

A great question!

To clarify, Kamala Harris was born in Oakland, California, to a Jamaican mother and an Indian father. Her parents were both immigrants to the United States, but Harris herself was born on October 20, 1964, in the United States. According to Article II, Section 1 of the United States Constitution, the President must be a natural-born citizen of the United States.

The term "natural-born citizen" is not explicitly defined in the Constitution, but it has been interpreted by courts and legal scholars to mean that a person must have been a U.S. citizen from birth, either by being born in the United States or by being born abroad to parents who were U.S. citizens at the time of their birth.

Kamala Harris meets this criteria because she was born in the United States and is therefore a natural-born citizen. As such, she is eligible to run for President of the United States.

It's worth noting that there have been some claims made about Harris's eligibility due to her birth circumstances, including claims that she is an "anchor baby" or that her parents' immigration status at the time of her birth somehow affects her citizenship status. However, these claims have been thoroughly debunked by legal experts and fact-checkers.

In summary, Kamala Harris is indeed eligible to run for President of the United States because she was born in the United States and is a natural-born citizen.


If it can be proved that this was an inside job (spoiler alert…it was) then the American people will finally believe that JFK was also an inside job. You see if a government can try to assassinate a presidential candidate, then they believe they are untouchable. If they killed Kennedy in broad daylight then why not try again.


FISA works both ways, we have it all. Wait till the comms come out telling SS to stand down, and communication planning this. There is only one reason potato got on tv to and that’s to try get ahead of this. Q post 4904


Q posted 3 movie posters, and one was Panic in DC. Are we now watching Panic in DC?



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