I'm in the tech industry, and have some upcoming forced diversity training... I've ignored it for as long as I can apparently and have been told I need to do it "or else". No joke it is called "Diversity Inclusion and Equity Training" DIE!
I've talked to the person telling me I need to do it, and they've told me "you don't need to believe it, you just need to do it". I've been struggling with whether I should resist or just waste time and do it.
I've come to the conclusion that if I resist, every other job I can get in this industry is going the same way. So can I just laugh and waste time while doing it? That's my plan at the moment. The "training" is through Trailiant. This is a company that seems to pander to current woke ideology.
I'm planning on reporting back, what the videos and training are on, etc.. There certainly is a part of me, small maybe, but a part, that feels I am betraying my very being. Why would I waste my time with any of this BS?! Well, this has certainly caused me to be disenchanted with the industry as a whole. I'm done "trying", I will simply keep up appearances to continue collecting a paycheck. If the industry changes, so will I.
I'd be interesting in hearing from anyone else that has had to do this. Any thoughts on my approach, whether cowardly, or of the opinion "what else can you do?". (Note: I am with a company that "recently went public", so of course they have to follow blackrock BS).
If you get the reference I'll be pretty impressed. ;)
When someone gets redpilled for the first time, it's always "Can it be that I have the world entirely wrong?", and the answer to that is "Not wrong, there's just more to learn!"
If I met myself today, 5 years ago, I would think I was batshit insane. But if you go step by step it all makes sense. I feel (and I hope I am right) that things are coming to a head. Truths will be revealed. There's always more to learn, and I am ready and willing to dive into that rabbit hole!
So sorry if you thought this post was about the title. It's more a question, and how to achieve such a thing.
I grew up on about over an acre of land. We had an orchard in the back of our yard, apples mostly. I yearn for the days of my youth. I make a good living, by most standards, I'm above average. So why can I not buy a house like in my youth? The divide seems so very large. By most measures I was in poverty in my youth. Yet I cannot even afford that lifestyle. Why is that? Why is housing so damn expensive?
One giant hole I always see in the gun debate, is leaving out how many people are saved by guns. It's always left out. If we're going to make decisions on firearms and just leave out that vital statistic, then we should also ban airbags (https://housegrail.com/airbag-statistics/):
- Airbags killed 116 children from 1996 to 2000.
- Airbags killed 75 adults from 1996 to 2000.
If you disagree, then you are for the deaths of those people. How many people are saved by airbags is irrelevant!
Some stats (note: not sure of the accuracy, so take with a grain of salt)
US Murder Statistics
In 2020, there were 21,570 reported cases of murder or non-negligent manslaughter in the United States.
US Murder Statistics by Weapon Used
8,029 Handguns + 2,863 firearms = 10,892 involved guns
US Violent Crime Statistics
In 2020, an estimated 1,313,105 violent crimes occurred in the United States.
Foundation for Economic Education Statistics
According to the Foundation for Economic Education, guns prevent nearly 3 million crimes a year.
Approximately 400,000 potentially life-threatening violent crimes are prevented annually with the use of firearms.
Let's say just 10% of that 400k would have actually resulted in a death (although I suspect that percentage is much higher) Then that is 40,000 lives saved per year
- Gun homicides ~ 30 per day
- Guns saving lives (most conservative est) ~ 109 per day
- Guns saving lives (most speculative est) ~ 1095 per day
Not to mention deterrence:
60 percent of felons surveyed admitted they didn’t commit crimes if they were aware potential victims were armed. What’s more, 40 percent of the surveyed felons reported being discouraged from committing crimes if they simply suspected potential victims were armed.
Finally, it is not likely, and certainly not clear whether those 30 gun related homicides per day would otherwise not occur with some other weapon. Not to mention that the people committing those homicides are criminals and would ignore any gun laws anyways.
This is in reference to https://greatawakening.win/p/15HIm81DAS/watch-the-water-share-this-with-/ and the Watch the Water documentary linked in that post. However before I begin, I think some of the other posts about this being a possible psyop or distraction could be right, so take all this with a grain of salt. After watching that documentary and finding covid might be related to venom or proteins derived from venom I went back and reread a bunch of Q posts related to the term "covid", and I found some interesting things. So let's just assume for the sake of argument that this venom theory is true, and let's have a look at these posts... (and I guess embedding Q posts has a limit of how many you can do in a post? So I added links to each Q post in case the embedded one does not work)
Why are they pushing back the [D] convention?
COVID-19 concern or strategic for last minute change?
Change of Batter coming?
Because the water at the location was not "clean"? Would that even be needed, just bring water maybe.. but then what about the majority of useful idiots/controllable people in high places?
What would have happened if POTUS challenged the COVID-19 narrative from the beginning?
Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkRBCS42TEE&ab_channel=DoppleExponential Back the snake poem.. "Shut up, silly woman, said the reptile with a grin "You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in" Also makes sense why Trump endorsed the vaccine. Just like the snake said he will not bite the woman, then does anyways, and it wasn't the snakes fault, it was the fault of the woman; because she knew damn well he was a snake. So take the vaccine on Trump's recommendation? You know damn well what that vaccine is, so the fault is yours. (Granted some are naïve to that, but this seems to fit marginally better then some other alternative explanations I've read here). Also thinking back on the "leaked" videos from China of people dropping dead in the streets. Maybe they were legit and it was just a dosage issue.
https://qposts.online/?q=4097&s=postnum u/#q4097 .
https://qposts.online/?q=4137&s=postnum u/#q4137 Is this because they know what it is? "Watch the Water" mentions HCQ is effective vs venom.
https://qposts.online/?q=4171&s=postnum u/#q4171 Because why poison yourself more than you need to? Also, https://hdr.undp.org/en/content/access-water-and-sanitation-china seems interesting, there are some pretty big numbers of Chinese without access to tap water.
Clapper, asked whether he’ll accept Sen. Graham’s call to testify: "Given my age demographic, I’d be happy to come after I’ve been vaccinated for Covid-19 ... I don’t particularly want to put my life or my wife’s in jeopardy” [says remote testimony possible]
Is the water safe there?
https://qposts.online/?q=4245&s=postnum u/#q4245 Because people will connect the dots on why these treatments work?
POTUS daily ingest HCQ prevent COVID-19?
HCQ helps with venom
Is this about the virus or something else?
Something else
https://qposts.online/?q=4343&s=postnum u/#q4343 Only those who are playing ball in the first place are going to lock down. That 850 was flu. Not putting anything in the water, thus no deaths.
Other interesting tidbits:
Did you know? The specific antivenom is manufactured by the Red Cross in Thailand
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8733962/ In the past, snakebite envenomation received little attention globally despite its dramatic socio-economic impact on the poor [5,9,10]. It was until 2017 that the World Health Organization (WHO) formally reinstated snakebite envenomation as a priority neglected tropical Disease [11]. Several strategies have since been put forth, with the aim to halve the disease burden of snakebite envenomation by 2030.
Red Cross, World Health Organization, and 2030.. that kind of raises the hair a bit
And then in the interest of being skeptical https://qposts.online/?q=4247&s=postnum u/#q4247 Why did [select] govs push COVID-19 positive elderly patients into nursing homes [most at risk_proven] This question does not make sense to me if this is venom. And the way Q phrases it here makes it seem important.
Anyways I thought these were at least interesting in the context of the whole venom theory, but I guess we'll see if this actually pans out or really was just a distraction.
Was just sent this letter from the Granite School District here in Utah:
Dear Patrons and Employees of Granite School District,
Please review this message in its entirety as it contains important updates regarding COVID.
Test to Stay Protocol - Please Register TODAY!
When a school reaches a certain threshold of COVID cases, state law requires that we initiate a "Test to Stay,” protocol which allows for testing of all students who are not vaccinated or have had COVID within the last 90-days. Those who test negative will be permitted to continue with in-person instruction while those who test positive, or do not test, will be required to remain at home per state law.
Parental permission is required to administer a shallow nasal rapid antigen test to your child if such a protocol is initiated. We will notify you in advance of such a protocol, but we are asking for parents to complete the permission form in advance to expedite the process if such a protocol becomes necessary. To be clear, you will only need to authorize this testing once per child/student for the entire school year.
Please complete the permission form here - https://c19.health.utah.gov/surveys/?s=ACRKKX7HTJ
Again, we will NOT test your child without your express permission as provided to us by clicking on the link above. For more information on “test to Stay,” please check out our website at https://www.graniteschools.org/covid/.
KN95 Masks for Children
We continue to strongly recommend mask usage within our schools per health department guidance. We currently have tens of thousands of high quality masks in stock at our schools and warehouse. If you would like a KN95 mask for child, we have those available for order through our warehouse. Please let your principal know and we can provide that for your child.
Quarantine Procedures Between Home or School Exposure
We have had many questions regarding the quarantine protocols for different types of exposure. The attachment from Salt Lake County Health Department helps clarify those differences. In short, if a student or employee is exposed at home and not vaccinated, they must quarantine. If a student or employee is exposed at school and not vaccinated, they have the option of returning to school but will be required to wear a mask (indoors and out) for 10-days from the time that the exposure occurred. More details are provided in the attachment.
Our COVID information page has all of these resources and information and more at https://www.graniteschools.org/covid/, including links to our case count dashboard.
Thanks for your patience and support as we work to keep our students and staff as safe as possible.
Granite School District
Just ridiculous, so even though being vaccinated does not prevent you from getting or spreading covid, they'll just skip testing them. And all for the population that is least affected. If you don't get vaccinated we'll single out and discriminate against your children
So I was recently talking with a friend about the Maricopa audit. This friend isn't really a Biden fan but does believe the MSM narrative of "This was the safest and most secure election in our history". They were kind of airing their frustration that there's already been 2 audits, and every time they don't find fraud, so then we need another audit. Over and over, and how if the roles were reversed and R's won and D's kept on audit after audit that I'd be upset too.
So I tried a new analogy that I've been thinking about and I think it actually worked in getting through to him, so here it is if you're so inclined and think it could be useful:
So MSM and dems in general have really kind of muddied the waters on what exactly is an audit vs a recount. They are playing it off like they are the same thing. And recounts can certainly be useful and reveal fraud, but not the type of fraud being alleged. So I was trying to think up an analogy to this that's just as easy to understand, but without those muddied waters. I think I came up with a pretty good one. So here it goes:
So have you ever heard of embezzlement? (Most people have, but probably don't know specifics, just that it's a crime) There are different kinds of embezzlement, they're all illegal, and one type is "cash receipts embezzlement" What it is basically, is someone with the right access, can take client payments, skim some of the money for themselves and change the receipts. Customer pays $1200, I take $200, then change the bill and payment information to say they owed and paid $1000. Then there's ways to hide and disguise that, some businesses it's easier to do it in than others, but that is the gist.
Companies have accounting apartments (also where a lot of this fraud comes from). They take care of "the books" is the common phrase. They keep track of money going in and money going out. One thing that can detect fraud or that something was stolen would be to see if the company's actual bank accounts have the exact right amounts of money that accounting says should be there. If after processing all these receipts and expenses etc.. and suddenly the company account seems to be missing $10k then something is wrong. Either someone just stole $10k or someone fat-fingered some data entry and made a mistake.
So what do you do? Let's do a recount. Check all the receipts, all our expenses, double check numbers and data entry. Did someone steal something or was it just a mistake? Just like we can do a recount in the election, hey are you sure these votes were for Biden or where they for Trump? Did someone try to cheat or just misplaced a pile or wrote something down wrong?
So now back to cash receipts embezzlement.. does this "recount" as I'm calling it catch that? The answer is a big fat NO! You had a criminal change the receipts. That example of my $1200 customer payment where I pocket $200 and change the bill and payment information to $1000 would not be caught. No matter how many times and how many people go back and look at the $1000 bill and $1000 payment the numbers will always be the same, they'll always check out when comparing the books and actual account dollar amounts. So what can possibly be done to catch this?
Enter the audit. An audit would look at all these transactions, and not just see if numbers add up, it would VERIFY that the numbers are correct in the first place. I won't get into specifics of what you look for and how to exactly uncover the embezzlement stuff, but this is the same situation with the Maricopa audit. An audit like this, actually verifying everything, not just recounting, has NEVER been done before. Not just in this election but ever (and fact check me on that, that's just what I've heard and have not been able to verify yet)
This really seemed to hit home with what I trying to get across, so maybe try it out.
BONUS: Remember I mentioned that "cash receipts embezzlement" is done by someone with the right access? So that's meaning it's usually someone that works at the company, and usually by an accountant. You need the right access in order to perpetrate the crime. So imagine if the company you work for was suspecting someone was committing fraud, something seems off, it seems we should have more money.. So first they trigger some "recounts" lets double check we didn't make some obvious mistake. Nothing comes up, okay lets do it again, make sure we didn't happen to make the same mistakes twice in a row. Still nothing.. okay lets do a full audit. Now the accountant is screaming there's nothing wrong, we just did a recount, twice! Do you know how much time and money it's going to waste doing this audit? Also this company has never had anyone embezzle before, so why would you think it's happening now.
So now back to the election. The type of fraud being alleged couldn't be done by just any random person. They needed access. That does not definitely mean that election officials were involved, it just means that's probably more likely. But funny how the people screaming the loudest to stop this election audit, and how we already recounted twice (but they'll use the word "audit") are the very same people that most likely would have committed this fraud if the fraud that is alleged actually happened. Makes you think...