It was set up to weasel regulations on speech. They thought by intentionally lying to ignorant people they could get Trump to regulate the media. Regulating the media is regulating speech. Once you trick him into regulating speech by proxy of regulating the media you start the path to dismantling free speech. It why Barry was so disappointed in not being able to do gun reform. Because he thought he had the first amendment destroyed by allowing the corporate press to lie 24/7
If you go way back in history there was one group of people who took the surname of the male lineage in marriage!
Can you guess who?
There was a religion created which taught against this practice!
Can you guess who?
Can you guess why?
Look around and youll see nearly every celebrity reject the taking of the surname of the male lineage in marriage.
Is there a reason behind it?
Does it correlate to a lack of faith or to the corrupted faith?
Why does it extend to those not of faith as well? (Atheist agnostic etc.)
Do celebs have anything to do with the extension to those not of faith?
Are celebs faithful? Are you sure they’re not faithful?
You run one agency
Your wife runs another agency
Your wife's sister runs a different agency.
Now do this with 500 different people.
Now do it globally
Oh and also do this with the largest companies in the world.
Peace and love of Jesus Christ be with the ones who fight this evil.
While alive man accrues a counter of sins and good deeds. Some folks have more sins than good deeds and vice versa. On your death, the day of your judgement, you will take all of those sins and good deeds, wrap them up in a luggage bag, and stand present before perfection, otherwise known as the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord will take your luggage bag, open it, segregate the sins from the good deeds, unique to you, and reveal all of your sins to you. If you don’t have the correct explanation for why you have a luggage bag full of sin, and how you are reprieved of those sins, the Lord Jesus Christ will say “I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” For Him to know you, He has to know you on earth, while you’re using His gift of life. The only way he gets to know you on earth is through His Son. Jesus the man who sacrificed His life for you in the greatest act of love in history. So when he tells you, on judgment day, depart from me, He’ll take the sins, unique to you, put them back in your luggage bag, keep your good deeds, and caste you and your sins with you into hellfire. You won’t be alone. You’ll be with all of the people just like you, who not only have to suffer eternity with their own sins, but have to suffer with everyone else’s who are suffering in their sins too. An eternity of people in pain, people mute from terror, people who scream in eternal torture, et cetera.
So as you fill your luggage bag on earth, understand that one man went into Judgement day with a luggage bag that had no sins. And God said you shouldn’t be here without sins in your luggage how can I help you. The sinless man said save those which don’t know better! And with perfect obedience to perfection rose from the dead.
Now if the sinless man were to have said anything different [an act of pride, self satisfaction, look how good I was]. Anything else would have added one to his sin counter. Therefore breaking his promise. But he didn’t. And he gave all of us who are taking mounds of sin to judgment day in our luggage a way out. He did that 2000 years ago.
Let Him into your heart. Not only will He set you free eternally (from now until forever) but He’ll set you free internally (from now until your flesh dies). He will give you a peace which can’t be destroyed. A peace that you will carry with you into Judgement day. A peace which is the only thing God is looking for at Judgement Day. Its a peace which is a consequence of putting the things Jesus commanded into practice. Repentance, Judging Righteously, Believing Jesus was sent, by the Father, as the Son, to show man how to practice faith in the Father, died in perfection by crucifixion, and rose on the third day.
Brothers and Sisters don’t end up thinking you’re going to get by on being a good person none is good, save one, that is, God.
How sad is it that the public is more outraged by the abuse of dogs than the abuse of man.
This is the level we’ve fallen to emotionally. People make excuses for why you should stand 6 feet apart, wear mask, and take death jabs. But the moment you find out Fauci isn’t just abusing man but he’s also abusing dogs….then there is outrage.
If God wasn’t stripped from us by our elders you’d have had the same outrage for the death jab, the African AIDS jabs, and everything else they’ve been doing to God creation, as you have for the dogs.
Part of waking up is by manipulating your conditioned emotional response. You spark the emotional response to something everyone agrees with (dog torture) and you use that emotional response to wake up to all the other evil fauci’s done.
The kicker is the people who said jabs were safe because fauci said so are now mad at fauci for abusing dogs. The cognitive dissonance breaks because they were never honest about believe the jabs were safe. but the are honest about not liking people who abuse animals. Result is the connection that not only are jabs bad because of fauci. But anything fauci does should not be trusted.
Every meaning is hidden!
National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (NCSWIC)
This is the first step in the dismantling of Islam. The struggle with SA is that the country is ran by the color of law in their Koran + Hadiths. Hadiths interprets meanings in the Koran. The keystone to the faith is that it is a faith of violence and ambiguity. Because it’s a faith of violence and ambiguity you have to have ways to explain those violent acts and ambiguities.
The Koran, alone, survives on the fact that the majority of Muslims haven’t read the Arabic, because they can’t understand it. The Arabic language was invented for Islam, Islam didn’t use a or existing language called Arabic.
So when you get rid of the opinions of scholars, imams, and experts, who spend their lives dedicated to Hadiths; as a matter of enforcing political and legal matters; you end up with pure Koranic scripture. Pure scripture according to people under the delusion of Allah [Satan].
This will force The Koranic scripture into their legal affairs without the cover of Hadith. I presume the Muslims who start to see the true evil of Islam, based of Koranic law, will be the first to jump ship.
As we near the conclusion of the mass deception on the world. Big players will come to light. Prep for booms. And always remember that Jesus will come back. We don’t know how or by whom God will use. Get to know Yeshua and you will be saved. Once saved the Holy Spirit will protect you and let you be able to see just how God Saves.
Be forever glorious in Jesus name
Our 7 years of tribulation were his presidency.
Who play's Jesus in the move
Why does apple list 11/2/2021 as "Election day"?
Bathe in NBC’s narrative
Taking the derogatory statement “Fuck Joe Biden” and replacing him as the subject of the phrase, while also changing the derogatory statement to a statement of praise means you’re praising Joe Biden.
Brandon is to Joe as Vax is to Jab
Both statements are about Joe whether you’re smart enough to believe it or not.
Sheep follow trends ignorantly