Well known online publication in alternative/conspiracy circles that annually publishes the 25 "most censored" stories of that year.projectcensored.org/why-support-project-censored/ (accessed: November 21, 2015): "Media Freedom Foundation is the fiscal Non-profit Fund Raising Corporation that Supports Project Censored and related Media Freedom Efforts. The following is a list of foundations that have supported Project Censored and the Media Freedom Foundation in the Past: The Caipirinha Foundation ... Working Assets ... Agape Foundation [received major financing from the large San Francisco Foundation] ... Tides Foundation ... Nation Institute... Stern Family Fund...."The Nation magazine and the The Nation Institute receive financing from many of the major foundations. The magazine was largely rebuilt by Soros man Hamilton Fish V, who also headed The Nation Institute for many years.The Tides Foundation, as this article demonstrates, clearly has a strategic partnership with Rockefeller, Ford, Soros, Bill Gates and related foundations.The now defunct Agape Foundation was small and low profile, but does show up here and there in the grants lists of the Tides/Threshold Foundation, as well as the San Francisco Foundation with numbers in the tens of thousands involved. 2002 annual report, Threshold Foundation, p.15: "Unity Foundation/Agape Foundation was founded in 1976 for the purpose of promoting world peace, cooperation and unity. [Works] toward a permanent elected body representing the people within an evolving United Nations. $4,030,-. San Francisco People's Assembly project. 744 Treat Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94110." 2004 Tides Foundation grants list: "Agape Foundation. $500.00. UNITED STATES. www.agapefn.org."The Stern Family Fund was controlled by Philip Stern, a wealthy Democrat activist close to Bilderberg steering committee member George Ball and who had once received a Rockefeller Fellowship.projectcensored.org, 'About Us' (accessed: November 21, 2015): "In 1976, Dr. Carl Jensen founded Project Censored at Sonoma State University... Sociologist Dr. Peter Phillips became director in 1996... In 2000, the Project came under the oversight of the non-profit Media Freedom Foundation, founded by Jensen and Phillips, to ensure its independence."May 1, 2015, Peter Martin Phillips for The Press Democrat, 'Close to Home: A life shedding light on areas left dark by corporate media': "Carl Jensen founded Project Censored at Sonoma State University in 1976. The Project has remained a distinguishing aspect of the university's curriculum for 39 years. ... But his legacy is not fully encompassed by his published work. It also includes the hundreds of undergraduate students, at Sonoma State and in classrooms across the nation, who each year research news stories from the independent press to determine if those stories were censored in the corporate media. Faculty experts review the stories for credibility and then post them on Project Censored's website. In April of each year, all the students and faculty vote on the hundreds of nominated stories and 25 are selected for publication in Project's annual yearbooks. Mickey Huff, a professor of history at Diablo Valley College, has been director of Project Censored since 2010. Andy Roth, a professor of sociology at Pomona College, is associate director. Carl Jensen is present within us all at Project Censored. Peter Phillips is president of the Media Freedom Foundation/Project Censored, past director of Project Censored (1996-2010) and a professor of sociology at Sonoma State University."Peter Martin Phillips is primarily respected in the conspiracy community for his 1994 Ph.D. dissertation on the Bohemian Grove.9/11:Controversy erupted in 2007 when Project Censored included 9/11 WTC collapse researcher Steven Jones in their list of censored stories. Two members of its panel of judges resigned because of it.Peter Martin Phillips was the keynote speaker at the 14th annual 9/11 Truth Film Festival on September 11, 2018, talking about his book Giants: The Global Power Elite.projectcensored.org/about/ (accessed: November 21, 2015): "About MFI: The Media Freedom Foundation (MFF) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation established in 2000... The MFF raises funds for and works closely with Project Censored, and other investigative research and media related organizations. Founder: Carl Jensen... Board of Directors: Peter Phillips (President), [email protected]... Abby Martin: [email protected]..."projectcensored.org/category/top-25-censored-stories-of-2014/page/3/ (accessed: November 21, 2015): "1. Ocean Acidification Increasing at Unprecedented Rate. It's well known that burning fossil fuels in the form of coal, oil, and natural gas releases carbon dioxide (CO2) into the air. Less understood is that a quarter of this carbon dioxide—about twenty trillion pounds, every year—is absorbed by oceans. Writing for the Seattle Times Craig Welch invited us to "imagine every person on..." 2. Top Ten US Aid Recipients All Practice Torture. ... 3. WikiLeaks Revelations on Trans-Pacific Partnership Ignored by Corporate Media. ... 4. Corporate Internet Providers Threaten Net Neutrality. ... 5. Bankers Back on Wall Street Despite Major Crimes. ... 6. The Deep State: Government "without Reference to the Consent of the Governed"... 7. FBI Dismisses Murder Plot against Occupy Leaders as NSA and Big Business Cracks Down on Dissent. In October 2011, when the Occupy movement arrived in Houston, protesters were subject to local and federal surveillance, infiltration by police provocateurs, and police assault. Months later, Dave Lindorff reported for WhoWhatWhy, a document obtained in December 2012 from the Houston FBI office shows that the agency was aware of a plot to assassinate Occupy movement leaders—and did nothing about it. ... 11. Wealthy Donors and Corporations Set Think Tanks' Agendas. Think tanks provide information and analysis to policy makers and the public, making them increasingly influential institutions in our political process. However, many think tanks—including the Brookings Institution, Heritage Foundation, American Enterprise Institute, Cato Institute, and the RAND Corporation, among others—receive significant financial backing from extremely wealthy corporations and/or individuals. ... For example, the Center for American Progress instructs its analysts to consult the organization's development staff (who maintain the closest contacts with donors and potential donors) before publishing findings that might upset its contributors. In its study of the nation's top twenty-five think tanks, FAIR finds that all have received money from corporations, foundations, government, or major individual donors. ... FAIR found that almost two-thirds of the top twenty-five think tanks have taken money from oil companies, with thirteen funded by ExxonMobil, nine by Chevron, and four by Shell. Representatives of Big Energy also serve as members of many think tanks' boards. Similarly, half of the top twenty-five think tanks receive money from weapon manufacturers. ... 14. Accumulating Evidence of Ongoing Wireless Technology Health Hazards. ... 17. 2016 Will Find Gaza out of Drinking Water."kpfa.org/program/project-censored/ (accessed: November 25, 2015): "The Project Censored Show is a weekly public affairs program that airs Fridays from 1-2 P.M. Pacific time on KPFA Pacifica Radio. The program is an extension of the work Project Censored began in 1976... The program focuses on The News That Didn't Make the News. Each week, co-hosts Mickey Huff and Peter Phillips conduct in depth interviews with their guests and offer hard hitting commentary on the key political, social, and economic issues of the day with an emphasis on critical media literacy. The program began broadcasting in 2010 and is nationally syndicated on over 20 stations."March 28, 2013, earth-matters.nl, 'Project Censored: The Movie!' ("liberal CIA" assets everywhere): "This film, made by former PC Sonoma State University student Doug Hecker and longtime Project supporter Christopher Oscar, features original interviews about PC and media censorship with Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Michael Parenti [ANSWER], Greg Palast, Oliver Stone, Daniel Ellsberg, Peter Kuznick, Cynthia McKinney, Nora Barrows-Friedman, John Perkins, Jonah Raskin, Khalil Bendib, Pacifica and KPFA Free Speech Radio personalities, Abby Martin of Breaking the Set, Al Jazeera English, several PC affiliated faculty, students, and features Project founder Dr. Carl Jensen, former director and president of the Media Freedom Foundation Dr. Peter Phillips, current director Prof. Mickey Huff, and associate director Dr. Andy Lee Roth and much, much MORE!"
Now that the world is wise to the antics of the DS?
Infowars is a distribution of information platform. Never has Alex broke news. It’s not a coincidence that at the turn of 2000 he became popular.
Infowars is designed to make you arrogant in knowledge. Satans production.
National Zoom mtg Sun 10/17 6pm CDT on new article from Bob Avakian (BA) "ABOLITION REAL & ILLUSORY" BA addresses one of the biggest illusions holding people back—especially young people who want to end racial oppression—struggling with them & raising their sights.
Reply for zoom info or DM @therevcoms on social media. & go here for more info http://bit.ly/AbolitionBA
Surâh Yûnus 10:3
Verily, your Lord is Allâh Who created the heavens and the earth in six aeons and (at the same time) He is well-estabished on the Throne (of authority). He regulates all affairs. As an intercessor, there can be none ( to intercede with Him) save after His leave. Such is Allâh, your Lord, so worship Him. Will you not, then, mind?
Surâh Fussilat 41:9-12
Say, 'Would you really disbelieve in Him Who created the earth in two aeons? And do you set up compeers with Him?' He alone is the Lord of the worlds.
He placed therein (- in the earth) firm mountains rising above (its surface) and showered it with His blessings and placed in it various provisions according to a set measure, (provisions to which) all those who require them have equal rights, (and all this He created) in four aeons.
Again, He directed Himself towards the space. Behold! it was (like) a mass of gas. (The Almighty God) said to it (- the space) and to the earth,
Come both of you (in obedience to Me) willingly or unwillingly.´ They said,
We obey you with all our will.´
So He ordained them seven heavens in two aeons and assigned to each (heaven) its (relevant) function. And We decked the nearest heaven with lamps (- shining stars for light) and made it to guard. Such is the decree of the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing.
So what is it 6 or 8?
Also notice how in Yûnus if you replace Allâh with the word Jesus...You prove Christians message.
Also notice how they use the word Verily. Just like Jesus.
Just more and more evidence that the Catholic Church is behind the veil. There is not a snowballs chance in Hell that the effort Muslims put into this book is on the same energy level as Catholics put into their church. You've met the type! The type with a delusional mind and a obsession with the religion. Tying to fleshly rationalize things God hasn't reveled to you.
You'll have sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, who'll bathe in pride. Dancing in virtue while there is a fake pandemic. Yet their moxie is weak in the face of real danger. A vessel fill with sin manifests chaos. A vessel fill with Jesus [The word of God:Truth] manifests truth
Bill or Hillary
Understand were talking about 2.3 to 2.8 billion people globally. Under the spiritual dictates of the Catholic Church.
Rome got mad that Constantine canonized the scriptures of the original Jesus following Christians.
So they infested the original message with false doctrine [Praying to Mary, taking sacrament, Worshiping graven images etc.].
300 years later came an illiterate boy who is the messenger for Muslims. Why doesn't Daniel appear in the Koran, but Job, David, Aaron, Abraham, Jesus, Mary, Issac, etc. do? Why does the Koran specifically tell you to go to the followers of the Book (Injîl = Gospels of the Christians)? Then it tells you to kill them!
Why didnt the Roman Catholic message find root in the middle east prior to the canonization of the Bible and post Jesus. How many places int he Mid East were CHRISTIANS before MUSLIMS?
Put the pieces together and you understand that Islam's Koran is the Bible plagiarized and with stories twisted.
Its always been about the control of the the papal state over as many people as possible. The Catholic Church thinks they have ownership of your soul by their own virtue. It is manifested as the Holy See. Its papal bondage where you volunteer by your own will. So when the Catholics saw that real Christianity was taking root during Constantine...something had to be done..
So you had to target the one group not privy to Jesus.
And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
Jesus says that loving your father or mother more than God is the same crime as getting jabbed to keep your job.
You're not worthy of Jesus when you put man above God, just like you aren't worthy of Jesus if you're willing to murdered God's creation to keep a job.
if your guess was 6666 you were correct
G7 was held June 8–9, 2018 in Canada
Trump went from G7 to Singapore to meet with Kim
Trumps high flying in the sky while at 03:56:14 AM the "insert name here" group had a Rocket set to launch from X location the morning of June 10, 2018
And for ye fools and blind....Q predicted it
When they ask you why MSM didn't cover it... Ask them after Russia Russia Russia failed and Trump en Route to see Kim; who could the MSM blame the launch on!? When you find the answer is no one....You understand why MSM didnt cover it.
I thought Injîl meant good news? Referring to the Gospels.
how say ye to my soul, Flee as a bird to your mountain? For, lo, the wicked bend their bow, they make ready their arrow upon the string, that they may privily shoot at the upright in heart. If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? The LORD is in his holy temple, the LORD'S throne is in heaven: his eyes behold, his eyelids try, the children of men. The LORD trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth. Upon the wicked he shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and an horrible tempest: this shall be the portion of their cup. For the righteous LORD loveth righteousness; his countenance doth behold the upright.
Psalm 11
Imagine now you run a country. A country you've taken hostage. A country so vast climates change. Imagine the doctrine for your country is to homogenize the planet. Imagine your population goes haywire, and you try and control it because you know the consequences if you dont... Imagine that fails and you finally get your dreams of infecting the west... Imagine being the wise guy at the CCP Dept. who spent all their money[stolen] infecting the west... Imagine explaining how you cant feed your population and your 30 years short of your acquired target date to take over the West... Imagine setting your plan in motion 20 years in advance because now we're at the point in communism where its, "Quota or...Quota". Now imagine finding out less than half of your land is actually arable...
The fools will trick themselves into believing none of this was planned. The wise see the mistakes made from haste because the wise knew the plan and prepared for the outcomes.
The CCP is at a point of create wartime situations [In Taiwan w/ western supprort b/c they can't Nuke the states or invade b/c they want the land and we're armed to the teeth] or commence mass starvation.
Trump saved the lives of millions of people by:
Selling grain to China [saves CCP hostages/ chinese civies]
Promoting the Jab [Saves the delusional TDS sufferers from taking it because he said not to]. Yet anyone who who claims to have taken or claims to know somebody that has taken it based off Trump promoting it speaks with the devils tongue. As everyone knows Trumps for:
America First
Freedom of Choice
Nothing Forced
Real Vaccines
Therapeutics and everything thing else beyond the scope of The Weapon (The Spike Protein shots) is the legal foundation so you cant get forced jabbed. Plus common law and civil and criminal and international law
Youre protected by the Father first, saved thru Christ, then second, protected by the meaning behind the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. Not just to the paper it was written on. The same goes for the Holy Bible too.
May God Bless the world and save those in danger all over the world. In Jesus name.
The Powers that Be
Do Catholics call the priest Father and Jesus says only call God your Father
Time to wake up to history folks. The most repressed history of our time. Jesus