I’m just hoping this red pills him so he can stop thinking I am crazy... lol
I mean I don’t like to put a date on it. IT HAS TO HAPPEN
What were the red pill coms?
these are not rumors - i am simply piecing together months worth of things i have been following on 4ch. look at the links i posted.
Link to original piece on Epstein (thought nothing of it until after MI Crash was SKETCHY) https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/285091385/#285093654
Info on crash. Mostly gone but RELEVANT AUDIO
LIVE ORDINANCE ON THE PLANE CONFIRMED https://voca.ro/19HX74Jg2H7m THEIR WERE TWO F-16S NOT ONE AS OFFICIAL STORY STATES https://vocaroo.com/196zrrSZOCb6 ORDINANCE ON THE PLANE IS BOMBS CAN NOT CONFIRM PILOT EJECTED https://voca.ro/1nHNSMxfKJat ”what exactly was heard over this line” https://vocaroo.com/1dq0JAWQMQfX LT COL Dunlap/lop Running the show w/GLOWIE IN TOW https://vocaroo.com/15CSFihW9O0T MAKI THE MASTURBATING COP https://vocaroo.com/1df3xFdUegoF TWO GLOWIES REPLACING LOCALS AT CHECKPOINT 6 LMTV INBOUND 12/10 https://voca.ro/14anexfnHTHH
live feed https://www.broadcastify.com/webPlayer/23343 Declared no fly zone https://tfr.faa.gov/save_pages/detail_0_1887.html Radio in the area, using 500 watt radios The helos comms on station 123.025 Audio Clip Cache https://mega.nz/folder/JkAzQAqa#we8ZjDHfTOPeEkap66-pcg Previous Threads https://mega.nz/folder/CwZiERwL#761x-p3IQr1ocZ-IPdFMrA
I had come across this and thought, could it be this simple? https://www.keystonevotes.org/
and search "f16 crater" only old ones are on there but you may be able to find something useful
I am unable to share posts. search 4chan for "epstein michigan", youll see how only a couple show up, but are removed.
My brand new laptop LCD screen "broke" as I was in the middle of downloading these. Now - they are nowhere to be found.
There were. Like I said - everything is purged. All you can see are the older threads from 3 weeks ago. We were onto something here. There were over 70 threads. started disappearing when the epstein connection was made.
Makes me wonder why the LCD screen on my laptop suddenly turned white as though it was dropped, in the middle of my research where the files were bookmarked
No. This was nothing like that. https://boards.4chan.org/search#/epstein%20michigan
scroll down - they start to mention it but the posts are all deleted.
This could be a real happening. About 1.5 months ago an "gov insider" on 4chan claimed that Epstein was indeed alive and being held in Hiawatha National Forest in upper Michigan at a heavily guarded "safehouse".
A few weeks later, an f-16 crashes in the same remote forest in Northern michigan near the Canadian border. Possibility of "live ordinance" on board according to local radio comms,They could not locate the pilot for days, and a huge crater was left. https://www.mlive.com/news/2020/12/pilot-who-died-when-f-16-jet-crashed-in-upper-peninsula-was-decorated-combat-veteran.html (watch feed of aircraft over the area that evening around 9 CST..)
4Chan was removing the threads as fast as they could be created, did not have chance to archive offline, but those 2 coincidences + this new info from Linn makes me wonder just how many coincidences....
This could be a real happening. About 1.5 months ago an "gov insider" on 4chan claimed that Epstein was indeed alive and being held in Hiawatha National Forest in upper Michigan at a heavily guarded "safehouse".
A few weeks later, an f-16 crashes in the same remote forest in Northern michigan near the Canadian border. Possibility of "live ordinance" on board according to local radio comms,They could not locate the pilot for days, and a huge crater was left. https://www.mlive.com/news/2020/12/pilot-who-died-when-f-16-jet-crashed-in-upper-peninsula-was-decorated-combat-veteran.html (watch feed of aircraft over the area that evening around 9 CST..)
4Chan was removing the threads as fast as they could be created, did not have chance to archive offline, but those 2 coincidences + this new info from Linn makes me wonder just how many coincidences....
This could be a real happening. About 1.5 months ago an "gov insider" on 4chan claimed that Epstein was indeed alive and being held in Hiawatha National Forest in upper Michigan at a heavily guarded "safehouse".
A few weeks later, an f-16 crashes in the same remote forest in Northern michigan near the Canadian border. Possibility of "live ordinance" on board according to local radio comms,They could not locate the pilot for days, and a huge crater was left. https://www.mlive.com/news/2020/12/pilot-who-died-when-f-16-jet-crashed-in-upper-peninsula-was-decorated-combat-veteran.html (watch feed of aircraft over the area that evening around 9 CST..)
4Chan was removing the threads as fast as they could be created, did not have chance to archive offline, but those 2 coincidences + this new info from Linn makes me wonder just how many coincidences....
Read the book. Very dark. Spiritual war on earth, basically demons vs people.. a man is trying to save a girl,from the devil. Priest named Flynn involved. Quick read but slightly disturbing. God wins