DRQ- 3 points ago +5 / -2

Not in the long run. The plan is civil war between browns and whites will occur, to wipe out Europe. Muslims are the broom of the Jews to sweep the world clean and leave it all to them. Israel is not in the Middle East, it is the whole world. The Jews have no particular country because they believe they already own the whole world. Just as Ukrainian were fed into the Russian meatmincer to clean out the country, so too will Europe and the world, then the Jews inherit a clean earth. Or so they believe. https://archive.org/details/you-will-have-no-place-to-run.-islam-is-the-broom-of-israel.-rabbi-rav-touitou

DRQ- 11 points ago +11 / -0

I’m not a retard. My brother had Down’s syndrome so I know what a retard is. He died of the jab last year, along with my father, after I could not convince him ABC was lying. 10 years ago I studied every conspiracy, spent months on the moon landing. I’m an electrical & mechanical engineer and I currently work as an expert witness in Australia. I’m a member of Mensa. IMO, no Apollo mission landed on the moon. The earth and moon are balls in space. Flat earth is a CIA psyop to make all of us seem like lunatics so any truth we post can be discredited. The moon emits X-rays from its surface due to higher energy radiation from the sun hitting it, since it has no atmosphere to protect it. There’s no engineering solution to that. Man has never been above low earth orbit. There is nothing on the moon, just dust. It’s solid, made of rock similar to earth. The mars, moon and ISS footage are all faked. Just more theft from the public by the cabal.

DRQ- 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Jesuits are against free market capitalism and countries ruled by popular vote so if Javier survives it means the order has been defeated. https://x.com/thekeksociety/status/1741627297201799627?s=46&t=OVDNk-UwdRgNK9MAjkBQ-w

DRQ- 15 points ago +16 / -1

Yeah, although to be fair the reporter is just a brainwashed useful idiot and the enemy is the hidden satanic cult structure above him that is programming his mind.

DRQ- 18 points ago +18 / -0

He’s done quite a few Q and frog tweets over the past year.

DRQ- 4 points ago +5 / -1

Watch Europa: The Last Battle and you’ll realise Trump is Hitler and he’s saving the world from satanic Jews.

DRQ- 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not all lithium batteries are the same chemistry, phone batteries are LiPo and will swell and catch fire if punctured, traction batteries and UPS are usually LiFePO4 which don’t catch fire.

DRQ- 5 points ago +5 / -0

JFK to 9/11 Everyting is a rich man’s trick https://youtu.be/niTwvtokYf0? Fall Cabal https://www.fallcabal.com/fallcabal/the-fall-of-the-cabal/ BBC announcing building 7 collapsing 20 minutes before it did https://youtu.be/mY7F4xMcE4s? Europa: The last battle https://europathelastbattle.net/

DRQ- 8 points ago +9 / -1

Agreed. Q implied Hunter came to our side and so is being protected.

DRQ- 6 points ago +6 / -0

Doesn't matter whether it is leprosy or ebola, I will not take any 'vaccine' for it, particularly if the government mandates it, even if my neighbours are dropping dead.

DRQ- 2 points ago +2 / -0

https://files.catbox.moe/q2zbf4.jpeg Behold a pale horse, pages 80-81

DRQ- 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hunter is a white hat IMO, based on Q drop 4891 "On purpose [years of being treated poorly by 'Pop'] or simple negligence? If such information existed on LAPTOP why wouldn't contents be claimed? Several attempts made to contact to claim? Messages left? Why wouldn't H. Biden want to reclaim knowing the contents on the drive could bury Pops & family. A troubled life? A troubled family? Looks can be deceiving. Q"

Everything is now for show. Likely not even the original Hunter, just as Joe Biden isn't.

DRQ- 3 points ago +3 / -0

Drop 918, Q said "Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here.", meaning to me they always intended we would find out, but I expect that wouldn't be until the show was over. So I expect later this year we will find out.

DRQ- 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why does anybody thinks child sacrifice ever stopped? It just became taboo once the world became more civilised, so it literally went underground or to bohemian grove or on top of the Georgia guide stones or under the Vatican. I’ve seen video of the blood on the guide stones https://youtu.be/ROkojUt3o10? and the testimony of a girl that was rescued from bohemian grove.

by PepeSee
DRQ- 2 points ago +2 / -0

As an engineer, I’d say the synagogue and its tunnels were there before underground services were installed.

DRQ- 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m an atheist so I will settle for my children free and not barcoded, tracked and traced and eating bugs by the end of the year.

DRQ- 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m sure Dylan is a white hat plant. Actor. Doing a great job. Look at the damage to the woke companies and the lgbt movement.

DRQ- 23 points ago +23 / -0

It’s absolutely exactly what it looked like. People don’t get arrested for digging tunnels. Tunnels aren’t hidden in walls of a synagogue for escape in war time, or dug in the past 6 months by teens for kicks. The fact that they tried to concrete them over like Epstein did at his island shows they he something nefarious to hide. It was for human sacrifice and rape of goy children. Guaranteed. I hope the bust hit all the synagogues at once so they couldn’t concrete over the other tunnels. I agree, the MsM reaction confirms it.

DRQ- 2 points ago +2 / -0

The military went door to door checking phones, the power grid and internet was shut down, police were told not to comment on it. I expect the mall cam footage was erased too. I’m not saying it was aliens but it was unknown creatures, not men dressed up. Blue beam would have allowed footage as that is the purpose. So this event was unintentional I believe.

DRQ- 2 points ago +2 / -0

They are claiming a few young teenage Jews did it and the older ones were trying to fill it in with concrete. I believe they knew a raid was coming and tried to cover up the evidence.

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