2 years now and there are people walking around still praising the vax. "Protecting my family and friends!"

Really? But then I hear myself say, they are depopulating the world! They control the Governments, Banks, and CDC!

Boy 10 years ago, I'd call myself a loon!

This is seriously tough, my eyes and ears see and hear what's going on. My brain is processing the terrible facts, but I have this urge to cover my eyes and ears at the horror! Like hiding from the boogeyman when I was a child.

Everyday I see: Mothers and Fathers vaccinating their own children, and BRAGGING about it! Good people resisting tyranny getting trampled, jailed, and their uninvolved families banking frozen. Your livelihood or your life! the boogeyman would demand.

Things are never going back to JUST the way it was, I won't be the same. And unfortunately neither are my countrymen who covered their eyes and ears, because the boogeyman is real. We have to kill 'it'.

If we ever want to walk under the Sun free and safe again, we must keep our senses open, and steel plate our hearts with the thousands of needles that they have plunged into us. We must fight, and we must win!


Given the amount of coordination world wide, there are quicker ways to depopulate. So why this method? I was pretty sure we were being set up to fight Russia if Trump didn't win.

Maybe they intended for us to be at war with Russia/China, and Covid was a released bio weapon for 90+% vax acceptance?

Maybe they want to 'legally' depopulate, so they can stay in control of the survivors? Which Q have successfully made 'impossible'.

They control so many companies what are they so afraid of? if the population grows those companies will grow along with it.

Perhaps we are almost at the beginning of a new Technological age, where man power is not very important and thus money itself will not be as needed. I know we can automate almost everything now.

They wouldn't expend everything they have and more, just cause Bill Gates doesn't like a few billion people...right?


Did you know IVM kills the young parasites and wormwood kills the older ones?

Anyways took both for 2 weeks 4 months ago, didn't think much of it. Now I've lost around 15 pounds, activities are much more fun, I have much deeper insights into things (like cooking/decisions), humor has improved. Eye sight still shit, gums not any better.

Used to doom way more when things weren't even this bad, but no need to doom at all now. So to all the doomers take a parasite detox plz! I actually don't even give a shit (ha) what Trump said about the vaccines, IVM + wormwood is amazing! Doomers just fool of mind's parasite I guess dunno.

(is this a shit(ha)post?) [joke explained: you shit out parasites]

POTUS is also the leader of the vax_xed. He needs to lead the 40% of the sheep for he loves all Americans even foolish ones.

He needs to leads us all as a united country in a final 'resolution'. Like a movie finale



  1. Trump was good Biden is bad
  2. Trump was cheated and lied to, like half of the public
  3. Trump was coerced into things like the the public was with the vax mandate.
  4. Its a huge conspiracy even the doctors, the ones most trust so much, is part of it
  5. Post Trump, will people still have so much faith in idols? Trump makes mistakes (human)

Trump isn't interested only in his followers, his job is to take care of the USA as a country, including even his haters. And the Dumb Haters are the only ones left that needs convincing. And he does this by being someone the sheeps can relate to.

Must Tell .... 'The Truth'. Very proud of the 3 vax....saved millions world wide. The way it's constructed if similar to Q messages. There are parts left blanks to be reviewed later.


MODS power up and may you fulfil your duties swiftly and righteously! We knew this day would come! Watch out for the Infiltrators frens!!

from now on please call the vaccinated Vax_xed.


Mechanism of death of that vaccine doesn't match with covid. How many people died of blood clots before the vaccine? how many covid-19 was purely remdesivir death? I think none/few and most.

What if the spike protein was unrelated to Covid? What if Covid was just a modified flu virus (more deadly)?

Have we got a decent study on the blood of non vaccinated covid deaths yet?

IF we can prove the spike proteins made in these Vaccines is unrelated to covid 19, we win!

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