meremento 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was 19 years old and I remember I went to a party at a cabin. It was the first time I drank 6 beers in one night. I felt like SHIT the next day. That's what I remember of Y2K! :-P

I lived in a small town at the time so the hype didn't really touch the community or freak anyone out that I can recall. I just remember it being an excuse to have a huge party and place Prince music!

meremento 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am writing as someone who is now from the spiritual community who was raised Catholic and had a career in science. Take or leave the below depending on how it feels to you.

It is thought that the veil is thinning. The younger people are more susceptible to this thinning as they were born 'lighter' than us older people. The vibration of the planet has been rising for decades.

When the veil is peeled back (or vibrational reality is changed), it is thought angels and demons reside here. The 3d world is influxed with spirit energy and the very sensitive younger people are more attuned to this. The older sensitives (like Shamans) are almost extinct. Protect their energy field and infuse it with light. Then teach them how to do this for themselves to only allow benevolent energy in. This requires PRACTICE. It gets easier with time as most teachings do. You will be able to find a lot of information about energetic protection techniques online and also in books. This may help rid any energetic (mental/emotional) parasites attached to the son to complement the treatments for physical parasites.

Sending love!

meremento 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am professional Evolutionary Astrologer and I approve this message (although I don't agree with everything Jeffrey Wolf Green writes). :)

As a side, I am a former skeptic (of astrology), a recovering Catholic and educated in science. I also used to work in mrna patent tech which I don't believe is a coincidence.

I believe intuition (inner calling) is our direct link to Source/God/Creator. As a whole, we've been largely taught to ignore our intuition and rely on logic and authority figures.

I stopped trying to show people another way to think about 8 months ago. It was very hard to let go of trying and sometimes still is. Each individual has their own journey to take, however.

Love to all!