I'm watching CNN eating the rest of my popcorn because lets face it that's today's theme, and in a moment of blessed autism I literally started seeing it as a movie, then I came out of it an instant later and realized this movie would fucking blow if the some deus ex military coup happen RIGHT NOW. the military wrote this movie. they are geniuses and we are autistic. they will strike when ready. for Trump's hands to be clean the idea the military made its own decision must be undeniable. I have no doubt a hard coup will happen when least expected! I just wish the popcorn wasn't so expensive.
Faith is honed in darkness and times where those around us lose hope. God gave you the will and now the greatest time to strengthen your faith. This is a blessing in disguise. Trust in God's plan. He will never abandon us.
Never give up! Never surrender! God has a plan. God wins. Place your faith in God. Pray for our Military. This is over when they vacate the Capitol!
What if they hire a bunch of illegals to escape them over the fences! They've been planning this counterattack for years! How did they find us out?!!! Blasted- arghhH!!!!!!
Asking for a fren...
If the Military acts now, it is by instruction of the Commander in Chief, President Donald J. Trump. This is an optics nightmare, and impossible to rationalize to future Americans. Imagine MSM assets around the world saying Trump had ACTUALLY ordered a hard coup.
Moreover, Trump cannot simply hand the keys to the military. That means the Presidency must be relinquished to Biden.
(I'm vaguely remembering someone somewhere said the Bible said the devil sits on a throne for a bit before Jesus hamslams him, can anyone please post if they know).
The military then has the stage set for their hard coup.
I don't know when it will happen, but with their presence and entrenchment pretty solid already, my guess is within a week the storm rains down on the Capitol.
In it to win it frens. No retreat.
God bless our Military. God bless America.
Q has stated Trump will stay out of sight for optics.
The Military is largely seen as non-partisan (they will preside over the greatest justice our country will ever see)
This must be the reason behind the FBI and MSM and whoever else played the background checking NG for Trump support narrative.
Pray for our Military.
God bless America.
Our Military, after having been taken for granted, sent off to war, and murdered by these traitors will deliver the justice to all the traitors who treated them like shit if they found a way home. Thank you to all those who have given their lives and the families that have given their loved ones so we could make this last stand in the year 2021. God bless our Military, the greatest human force in God's creation.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
It seems highly unlikely, and a strategic impossibility, to me that all these NG troops from all these states are flooding in to make all these arrests. If I were a communist with nipple rings I'd send my own guys in to hear the scuttlebutt. I think, clearly they are there to occupy the capitol (not a virtual inauguration) with the countless resources being poured infrastructure to make the chaz commies wet themselves.
Clean and Swift: Marines will make the arrests. NG will hold the fort and secure the tribunals.
The best way to red pill the normies will likely be through the election fraud narrative. The DNI report on China's election interference may be how they snowball the narrative. After the MSM's mail-in brainwashing and months-long muh evidence pseudotantrum out best chance, especially with it being so fresh, to break the mind control is to break that exact narrative. America is the last stand for our God given liberties and freedom. As we go, so goes the world. If we don't stop these luciferian commies, there will be no more elected officials. 2016's election was won by the element of surprise. In 2020 they knew we'd break the algorithm again and they printed ballots like the fed prints money. There is no element of surprise ever again to win another election. I believe God has a plan. I believe we will win here and now because without America this world will not know the freedoms God gave us. We will win, because we can't lose. Remember how each of us made it here. If I consumed all the info it's taken to get me here between now and the 20th I'd explode into a puddle of sexy green autism. As their lies come to light, so will their generations-long crimes against humanity and more importantly their acts against God. Our greatest feelings of sickness, sadness, and horror will be made anew within those we love the most when they learn the truth, and as God guided us through stormy weather to all us frenz here, it is now our duty to comfort our frenz out there.
White Squall ends with Trump's character leaving his post. I always found it strange (and up until now stupid) as an allegory. It seems to me, at this point, the plan includes President Trump handing the reins of the operation entirely over to the military, and that is exactly what happens in the movie.
God bless you Frenz. God bless America.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
p.s. January 19th is National Popcorn Day