There's this theorist from Australia named Patricia MacCormack who according to the NY Review of Books says cannibalism is "queer in its collapse of subject and object and food and sex" and that "the death of the human species is the most life-affirming event"
She is supported by the Leverholme Trust and other elite foundations. So you can come out and suggest universal genocide and it's OK if you're queer and you also want to eat their corpses while you rape them?
Look her up. It's even worse than I'm saying! I can't read anymore! Someone stronger than I needs to read her work so I don't have to. It's not that there's someone who believes this that worries me but that she is "a leading Continental philosopher" which basically means, rich people pay her to say this shit.
The recent Time Magazine cover was a trigger for sleeper agents to go undercover. Did you see it? A pair of lips with a zipper on them.