Thank you and God bless all frens for sharing your valuable insights. They are a blessing and inspiration. I tend to be a lurker, not wanting to step on any toes. I've been a truth seeker for decades but have felt like I was on such a different page with most people, that I chose to keep most of what I understood as truth on the inside of me. I'm aware of how varied our perspectives are and want to respect that greatly, I love all people. I feel the need to share what's on my heart today, which surprises myself. Many of you have probably already seen the two videos I'm referencing here; Perhaps some have not. Please give me some latitude and Grace with my shared musings. Hopefully, this message resonates with some.
To one and all: I hope your Christmas was extra special. May you all be abundantly blessed. May we all experience Divine turnaround in the upcoming year. Is it finally here? Decades in the making. Patience isn't my strong suit and I've learned that His time is certainly not my/our time. Many of us are sensing, that so much is about to change in.our world, in a big way: and God's hand is in it big time. That's certainly my humble opinion. May the Most High's Will be done for all of us, and not the will of any person &/or spiritual forces other than Him. Many of us have explored other paths but have ultimately returned home to Him.♥️ I knew Him from a young child and had a profound spiritual experience and was very close to Him in my heart. Even so, there have been times that I was deceived while trying to better understand other paths and explored merging them. Deception abounds 'For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.' Ephesians 6:12 Jesus is the way the truth and the life... John 14:6. He is the only way. May His Truth, absolute Goodness and pure Agape Love be poured out over all who love &/or seek Him. 🙏♥️😊
Thank you greatly for the many GA posts that inspire my musings and prayer so deeply. I pray for us all. There are many prayer warriors on this board. Many of you have shared out loud what a lot of us have kept on the inside, for various reasons. 911 was a perfect example: How many of us on that day, knew that the News narrative made no sense? Any attempt to use critical thinking met with a wall of resistance when we wanted to genuinely seek truth; it amounted to yet one more unresolved issue and being labeled as conspiracy theorists. Sometimes we need to unlock what's on the inside of us and share our perspective on the outside. Exploring and sharing truth on the outside through our reach is important, if we value freedom. I am grateful for the wayshowers on this platform and the difference you make. The Truth is welcome here.
This video from Christmas 2023, touched my heart and resonated deeply with tears of joy. Watching the video on a big screen is extra special.The screens in Time Square all went dark and then shared a very special message. In the ways of the world, lots of advertising dollars were lost, and usual content was replaced with a massive display ...resonating with the love of Christ. It was beautiful for all to see and exemplifies the reason for the season. The events of the last several years especially, have opened many hearts to be more receptive to His love and goodness. His love has no limits. We need Him and He is where true joy and peace abound. What a gift! Times Square – Christmas Message
A beautiful sentiment is at the below link, shared by POTUS 45-47. The dash was just a pause, that includes the 2020 election, that was stolen. It will come to light far and wide in God's Time. .. The Brunson Brothers Supreme Court case; Only God knows the big picture and full scope 360°, past present and future; Meanwhile, this is a beautiful message to all ... POTUS Christmas Message to all
It's Trump's turn now ... and the pivot appears to be finally here after so many years. Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming! May the Most High's hand be guiding POTUS 45-47 and all leaders everywhere that have power over the people. May his Divine Providence prevail and bring the best gifts ever.
May our family and friends that are not understanding that He is the one and only way, open their spiritual eyes from worldly spiritual deception and let him move deeply in their hearts. In Jesus name I pray, Amen. 🙏 ♥️😊
I still love you all, even when we're on different pages. Our Creator didn't make any cookie cutters, so no two of us see everything the same. The Truth should not be subjective, but still we hold differences. Love and acceptance of our differences is in my heart too.