missann 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because he usually spends time here during the summer at his club in Bedminster.

missann 12 points ago +12 / -0

I do believe God is sending you a message of hope, that everything will be alright. Be sure to thank Him for the beautiful message, He chose to send it to you for a reason, maybe to spread hope to others.

I actually had a dream of President Trump last night, which has never happened to me before. I saw him at an event and was able to speak with him. After thanking him for reigniting my love for God and my country, I asked if we had to really endure four years of this. He said, what if we do? And I replied that we would make it through stronger than before, and he agreed. I pushed again, but is that what we really will have to do?? And the brightest, gleaming smile spread across his face that lead me to believe he was keeping a great big beautiful secret. Sounds weird, but his face told me everything was going to be okay and like he always says, the best is yet to come.

missann 2 points ago +2 / -0

I love Lorie Ladd, she has such a beautiful spirit. It’s so nice to encounter another one of her followers here! Thanks for sharing - I hope others benefit from her words as well.

missann 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not the series, but Castle Rock Entertainment has Oval Office sets.