So if we claimednthat the majority of residents effected were these new migrants, would they start spending billions to resue them?

il Donaldo for the Win (truthsocial.com)
posted ago by motrhed3 ago by motrhed3

and how many people that see this cannot understand the sarcastic criticism of flooding new with the same topic?

only tag I have available seems to be NSFW, which is weird.


Ok, so it is a low effort post, but still. Was talking to my neighbor about things and he brought up red pilling some acquaintances. We both agreed that when trying to get some of the groggy folks to awaken, it best not to push with too many facts and red pills when it occurred to me: when trying to get a seed to germinate, you need to awater it ( information), but when you over water it, you kill it. Could this also be what Q meant by "watch the water"?


so my sister woke me up today to tell me they busted a suspect in the serial killings of the women found dumped at Gilgo Beach on Long Island. made me think how back in the day the govt used to deny that there were even such a thing as serial killers. you know, like they are trying to downplay child sex predators and the human sex trade. when I was an mp in north carolina back in the 80's we got there was a brisk trade in young college women from the area. when I talked about it with relatives and friends, they all looked at me like I was crazy. times have not changed much. stay well all, and remember, wwg1wga.



Just got out of theatre. Awesome movie. Do encourage all to go see. Please remember, economically challenged frens can get free tickets through angel.com and more economically priviledged frens can donate tickets as well. Thanks for reading, hope I am not wasting anyones time.


I understand alec baldwin had his charges dropped. Please feel free to leave l8nks debunking this.


sorry for this low energy, low iq, low info post, BUT...

have not heard much lately other than Sidney being reinstated on twitter. what is going on with it? also is anyone helping rudy giuliani get his law license back? what happened with all those suits? was hoping better researchers than my tired old self might shed some light.

Trump's sister? (infogalactic.com)
posted ago by motrhed3 ago by motrhed3

maybe this is not the best place to post this, but looking to get a VPN now. What are my best options?


no one looking into that huh?

RoC vs PRC (www.cfr.org)
posted ago by motrhed3 ago by motrhed3

In light of recent revelations from Mar a Lago, I will now be referring to the fbi as the fbia, as they have been infiltrated by the cia. so they are now a hybrid organization.

Also, since Geotus is the GoAT president, I will now be refering to him as Goatus. Greatest President of All Time.

let me know what you think. possibly point out any other new terms you feel are relevant these days.


"Some people don't seem to understand that only one side has to play by the rules and has the law enforced against them and guess what: that's our side. Antifa, BLM, and other left wing terrorists can post all of the threats they want online and get away with it. Our people cannot. This is the reality of the situation. Understand this reality clearly and use caution accordingly."

seems it should be repeated in our circles.

How can one be Bisexual these days? Especially when there are 31 flavors.


basically what the title says.

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