Lmao. Only Q people would call this "very high quality." Perhaps a lot of good information here but this is an awful infographic. Who the hell would ever read this? Information overload. Infographics are about boiling things down to the most essential elements and presenting them in an aesthetic and digestible way. This is the opposite of that.
Q was a psyop that delivered a lot of true things to you re: the evil satanic elites, but it was ultimately a pacification operation designed to make you complacent and to create a cult of personality around Trump. Keep your fire - we are in a fight for our lives. But please leave Q behind.
There's no point. Don't do it. We will find out tomorrow either way.
Yep. 100% right. It's time to wake up to reality. Trump lit a fire. It's up to us to keep it burning.
Nope. Time to re-enter into reality. Trump lit a fire. It's our job to keep it burning. But we have to do it now without him.
Gah, I pray you are right.
Don’t stop praying!
With you. Holding on to hope for 2 more days. If he gets sworn in, I immediately stop waiting for a deus ex machina and start organizing.
Seriously. No more moving the goal posts after that.
I’ve been thinking the same thing. Tempted to believe you’re right.
All I can say is that we will find out soon enough. If you are right, you’re absolutely correct that we MUST not let it demoralize us and we must hit the ground running organizing a real resistance to an illegitimate regime. We will see soon enough. In the meantime - pray.
Seconded. I’d like to see a link!