
Maybe the OSHA "mandates" from yesterday are really just to push more negativity/closer to being forced to do the 25th at Joe?

Now it's the setup for Kamala to be portrayed as the "good" alternative?

Am I way off base here?


I was talking to someone today that said they had gotten the first two "jabs" and the doctor said they were 90% protected. But they just got the third and the doctor said they're now 100% protected. Note that he's in a vulnerable category.

Aren't the vaxes only ~40% effective?

How many people these doctors are telling this to? These are lies.


Just had a thought... why is Ron leading us to being able to boot over the network? Most modern computers can do that, actually, if turned on and a central server is there to allow it to do so.

He mentioned something about PCAPs last week, and (to me anyway) sounded like he wanted to discredit them. Then he acted like he had new info. The whistleblower?

Anyway, that leads me to I wonder if the PCAPs are actually the PXE boots (among other things of course), thus providing these booted over the network on election day and/or were using VDI or something similar.

This also leads to questionable encryption... which means the PCAPs may show a lot more data than anyone is thinking they will show.

(My background: I'm technical, but personally haven't used PXE in years nor have I used VDI. I do know and understand the fundamentals of how each work, but not sure on the encryption employed, if any, at each layer. I know what PCAPs are. The only other thing I'm not sure is how much data each uses, so the data Lindell has may be way less than actual data that would be used for such things, meaning this hypothesis may be incorrect.)


"A whistleblower has stepped forward. Today the tides turn..."


Sounds like August may be starting off HOT. 🔥


So, during the 2016 election I know someone who voted at their precinct and was given an already filled out ballet – for the Ds. We've both wished MANY times we had better documented it then, but we didn't know any better. Anyway, this got me thinking today even more...

  1. This was in a solid red state (Alabama).
  2. Was in a solid red county.
  3. We've always heard about "people being bussed in" for elections around here. Mainly the small town/city elections. Call it conspiracy theory, but people have seen it.

Anyway, I wonder how many of these "blue" areas are really that blue? I wonder how many mayors actually won their races? The D run areas are some of the absolute worst in the state. Why would people continually vote for a failure?

I'm ready for our state to have an audit. Not just for presidency (tho that, too), but for the entire down ballot people and constitutional amendments. And not just for the blue parts, either.

Finally, the next election that rolls around we better be out working the polling locations and ensuring there's no funny business. Probably what's convicted me most is the lack of involvement I, and people I know, have in working at these places. For my state, here's the requirements: https://www.sos.alabama.gov/alabama-votes/become-poll-worker


I was thinking about the lawsuit that Lindell filed where they claim to have packet captures of data flowing between different countries and dominion machines. I have a technical background, and from my experience, that'd be difficult (impossible?) to forge and pretty damning evidence – especially if they do have the packets and (IMHO) can validate it with actual network conditions/logs. Also, there'd have to be something in the middle capturing/sniffing/mirroring those packets. I'm wondering where that might be and how they can validate it. I wonder if Nashville might be a "key" of some sort tying all of this together?


So, we're roadtripping to campsites and exploring some of the western states. Several of our stops take us thru NPS lands.

  1. Almost every NPS has mask Nazis. One of the places (Zion NP) requires it to board the shuttle, which is the only way to get to much of the parks trails. One of our drivers (who you aren't legally even allowed to talk to, signs posted say) said that he at one time had to wear THREE at one time. This guy, you could tell, was over the mask crap, but they're videoing everything so he was attempting to enforce it. Some weren't as enforceful and could slip below your nose.

One of the people at the boarding station WAS wearing three masks. He was an older guy. He was getting pretty pissed off no one was wearing a mask so got a younger park ranger to come yell about how it's required. He yelled out, "yay!!!!" when she did. BRAINWASHED.

  1. Native American reservations, which we passed thru in NM and AZ are absolutely maskers to the nth degree. We didn't wear them. We were stared at the entire time and definitely were the only ones anywhere without them.

  2. Utah, outside of the NP, didn't seem to care.

  3. CO you can definitely tell where the libbies live and where the conservative areas are due to how free you are. There's a pretty heavy lock down in some of these areas. One place, which is out of season, I read required masks OUTDOORS WHILE SNOW SLEDDING. And some idiot was complaining in reviews about it not being fully enforced all the time. I actually love where we stayed, but probably will never be back due to the lack of decency in the town from other things, though (touristy town that has people cursing at our family walking down the street – should work on cleaning that up instead of spreading covid via masks).

Anyway, I'm sick of these stupid masks. It seems a better vacation this year might be Florida or Texas, should you be wanting to do that this year.


So, my wife and kid were at the park the other day and he was playing with a kid who was six. My wife said he was talking pretty loudly so everyone could hear. He said:

"My brother lost his job because he got sick. He wouldn't get the flu shot that is for corona. If you get too much of it, you'll die."

And then he said this gem:

"My mom knows more than the doctors and scientists."

Good to know there are based kids running around spreading the truth to other kids.


What is the "certain announcement" that Trump keeps talking about. It isn't a rerun of the presidential election, IMO.

"I look forward to doing an announcement at the right time. As you know, it’s very early, but I think people are going to be very, very happy when I make a certain announcement."

So, I'm wondering if we should be expecting "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us......." at some point that'll make us happy. Sure would make all of us very, very happy!



"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Just leaving this here. It's so simple. It's our 2nd amendment.

The way I read it is, the "gun control" was meant for the government, not the people.


I have no "facts" or news stories to back this up with, but was just considering this.

Is the "missing" nuke sub what the DS is hoping to use for insurance/strong arm patriots to not expose the containership? Here's my thoughts...

Sub = DS ownership to use if they're about to be exposed. Patriots know where it is and their plan, but it's a trump card to show/halt via Space Force when the time is needed. They have ties to government. This will be exposed.

Containership is under whitehat/patriot control now. They caused it to wreck. They're pushing behind scenes for the unload, which will eventually lead to human trafficking. Russia and US on both sides to prevent escape of other containerships that have other victims.


Just interested in hearing how others came across Q.

Personally, I quit following all news back in 2017, due to the negativity. I'd consider myself a news junkie before that and always very conservative. I didn't vote for Trump in the 2016 primaries. I honestly forgot who I voted for then, but did in the general. I wasn't really sure about Trump then. ("Fun" fact – I believe 2016 was the election my mom went to vote and had a ballot already filled out. We're in Alabama, definitely not a swing state, but interesting nonetheless. I've wished so many times she had taken pictures and documented that like crazy.)

Anyway, the whole covid crud came last year and I remember someone saying they thought the masks and lockdown crap was coming here. I brushed it off, and a week later it was.

I won't lie, I believed a lot of it for a good while. I still only watched news about covid, and even that it was more "stats". It probably wasn't until around June or July that, after I saw the silencing of opposition on Facebook that I began to really start questioning. I remember one video that doctors put out that was deleted as soon as it uploaded. Very weird.

I deleted my Facebook around September or October of last year and have since deleted my less used Twitter and IG.

To say their OWN tactics of censorship awoken me is a huge understatement.

I wasn't sure what the election would hold. I stayed up until they decided to "stop counting." Then I really awoke, I guess you could say.

I started following some people for 100% of my news – Lin Wood, Ron Watkins, Trump attorneys, etc. Somehow, I was lead to discussions of plans and eventually saw posts from Q. And really picked up since then.

What's great for me is my parents follow a lot, too. Dad always tries to get me on X22 (which I do listen sometimes), and so we're always able to discuss things. They've been following longer than I have, apparently lol.

Anyway, I'm a relatively new anon and was wondering how others found out about Q?


We have been 'online' for a long time. Both by the name you know us by now, and another.

I just posted a message last night that I thought George may be part of Q/a Q poster.

Thoughts? Who else could the "another" be?


So, I was just thinking about this and thought it might help someone else.

You know when you have a big vacation coming up how you just can't wait for it to get here? Maybe the date is Jul 2nd. If you just plan for it, but don't pick a date... there's nothing to "look forward" to... it could be Jul 2, it could be Oct 2nd. But when you pick a date, anticipation and excitement builds.

That leads me here. We're looking and longing for "things to happen" and that "if this will be the day," and it can be discouraging sometimes when a day you thought might bring a lot of booms turns out, to you or us, as a dud. Think of it like your vacation plan. We have (very) rough plans for a west (Colorado, national parks etc) vacation later this year. Before we get a set date, there may be other "setbacks", too (ie, we just had a minor car accident this week). But that doesn't change our plans. We don't have dates or anything yet so it's just exciting to think about but nothing to anticipate. We have to just stay "excited" about what's the come and not get wrapped up in what didn't come or happen.

Anyway, we all know there's a plan, let's just all trust that there's a process to get there and it's probably not going to be a time when WE expect it. Someone else has that date, and it's something that, if the enemy knew, would fight tooth and nail to squash.



Just something I've thought today. Pelosi all up in arms right now... did they really think that nothing was going to come of it? That the entire country didn't see it? That the MSM did a good job covering it up?

It's really mind boggling how stupid they thought we were. And how they thought Trump, who doesn't lose, would just pack up and leave without dealing justice.

Seriously, they've asked for what's coming. Literally begged for it.

So, let's pop some popcorn, sit back, relax, and literally enjoy the show! And get ready for a truly FREE country once again. It's been a long time. A long time.


Perhaps I'm slow, but I finally figured out what the litigation was for about the election. It may have been partially to show the corruption, but a secondary goal was to distract from what was actually going on.

I just read the sticky, https://greatawakening.win/p/11S0l93Gp7/here-is-a-good-breakdown-of-how-/ and now realize if there had been no yelling about fraud, everyone's attention would have been on why these massive changes are happening... instead, we just saw them and people kept telling fraud/no fraud.

Is there anywhere to download all Q Data, with unmodified/resized photos?

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