noobiesnax10 5 points ago +5 / -0

I’m sure it’s operations for the National Guard. Something like 7000 is said to be staying until March. This is just what an illegitimately “elected” leader looks like.

noobiesnax10 1 point ago +1 / -0

Rap music is done for

noobiesnax10 2 points ago +2 / -0

If it goes down, won’t take much for the majority of them to understand how real war is and scurry back home.

noobiesnax10 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok just figured I’d share MY experience with it. You have bigger problems with this vaccine than Bells Palsy, but alright. It’s really not that big of a deal. Worse thing a can and will happen to people over their lifetime. Just saying it could always be worse than it is.

noobiesnax10 1 point ago +3 / -2

Bells Palsy sucks. I had it two years ago. Lasted about 2 weeks. It’s not the worst thing in the world but definitely a huge inconvenience and so uncomfortable. Had to sleep with an eye patch over gauze and use eye drops constantly. At first was very scary as I thought it was a stroke. It just happens sometimes and they still don’t know what causes it exactly. Was prescribed penicillin as the current belief (at least by my Doctor) is it’s an infection of the nerve on the side of the face affected. Can move everything on that side of my face now, but definitely not to the extent I used to be able to. Cannot raise that eyebrow as high and the corner on my mouth on that side doesn’t curl like before. But all in all, not the worst thing that could happen. I’m not getting this vaccine, but this can happen for no reason whatsoever. My bet is majority of cases are stress related.

TLDR: Bell’s palsy sucks, but it’s not the worst thing and most of the time temporary. However, minor issues can linger.