Create a conspiracy theory of huge proportions over some years....

and then have it all come to nothing....

after that - no one will be able to discuss alternative narratives again.....

It's a bit like a giant version of Chem Trails and Flat Earth theory....

you put out BS for long enough until no one is interested in any kind of conspiracy theory at all - even when it's obviously true....

Enough BS.

Trump at this point has either been worked over, betrayed, or was in on it all along.... there are some maybe theories that could be thrown around about perhaps Biden being a place holder for a financial crash and / or a take down of the CCP - but at this point you have to look at the fkg reality that is in front of your face - not a load of fancy foot work and hot air.

Possession is 9/10ths the law - whatever is in front of you if what is in front of you.

Biden is calling foreign leaders, making policy and moving right along.

What are you doing ?

Watching some imaginary alternative reality nonsense.....

If someone owes you money you don't sit there listening to one load of BS after the next - you get on and collect it - file papers, go visit them - do what you need to do - or you write it off.

If someone is fkg your girlfriend you don't say - well let me prove it with a paternity test once she's given birth to twins - you fkg take action or you are an idiot.

Simple as that.

Plain Common Sense is needed.

Time for a national strike.

Time for a national sit in - park on the freeway with a full tank of gas and an esky of food. Block up everything.

They love their lockdowns - fine - let's lock the countries up all over the world. International F Off Govt Day.

If everyone with a car or a truck or a motorbike or a scooter - sits on the freeways all over the world, it will come to a total fkg standstill.

Biden in long conf call with Mexican President AMLO & Mex Sec. of State

Biden talking with Xi at virtual Davos Conf.

Xi warns to avoid new cold war (not much chance of that :0-)


so what's happening here is the fireworks from InAug nite are showing up on the live feed from 24th - so they are showing you a "live whitehouse" web cam that's actually looping old footage, and clowned it up with the one thing you can know 100% sure that it's old from 20th ...... so what is it they don't want you to see at the WH ?


One of the biggest lessons that anyone should be learning from all this is that the dramatic mood swings - your hopium and dooming - are BOTH - in actual fact - horrible lower emotional states that should both be eliminated - the highs just lead back into the lows. Pain and Pleasure cycle.

You gotta think like special ops solider - you are already dead - the rest is just bonus....

"If you can dream—and not make dreams your master; If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim; If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two impostors just the same; If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,

The way to stop this constant flux is actually by becoming more self aware and literally kind of watching yourself and you begin to see the thoughts and emotions of the psyche are not really you at all - just sort of visitors that come and go.

Then you start to nurture the real conscious part - the soul if you will and that's lovely to do and then you start to pray to be rid of this messy emotional highs and lows that lead you off all over the place....

It's a lovely beautiful thing to do - it's the essence of all religion and self improvement really, but it has absolutely nothing to do with what is taught by any of these ceremonious stuffy old religions - they lost their way long ago....

I got back into it a lot in the last few months, cos it's the only thing that keeps me sane.... watch those thoughts and emotions and pray to be rid of them however you feel works best.... it's just fantastic... over a few days a week or two, you become quite clear and balanced and it's so refreshing than this roller coast of psyche and lower emotions....

try it !


Imagine the amount of money that could be made by persuading very dominant almost monopoly companies to make serious political / treasonous mistakes. What is "big tech" - other than lots of people on mid 90s html and some web servers - web servers ? - big deal !

How long would it take for Twitter, Facebook and Google to be replaced ?

A week - A month ?

Imagine if you got your enemies heavily long those stocks and they goto zero overnight ?

Imagine if you were quietly building the alternatives.

Imagine if you could take down all these people, not just replace their companies over night, but also seize all their assets.

Be worth a shot wouldn't it !

In any situation it's necessary to consider downsides.

People are generally not very good at this.

So what are our outcomes in the next 1-2 months.

1.) The exposures start. Legal, Durham, SCOTUS. Military, Arrests, Media shutdown and replaced with alt media - or massively changes tune. Trump either rolls back in - or steps aside for someone else to run the country.

Big tech, Big Pharma takes a massive hit. FB, TWTR, GOOG maybe gone - assets seized, moved into new companies- It's a massively profitable venture to pull this off - economic warfare - makes me thing it can easily happen. They all interfered in the election - all can be pulled apart. huge $$$$.... cancel the USD debt with China - China in upheaval - CCP booted. Amazing.... holiday in North Korea Christmas 2022.....

All happy happy joy joy, new tech comes out, massive sentiment swing in the whole world - this is basically what we're looking for. GREAT ! Peace on earth !.

2.) A watered down version of above, but the vaxes continue, vax passport continues. New money system on digital wallets linked to your ID. Not quite what we envisaged, but not an immediate disaster. With right wing in control, it's not as invasive or mandated as it might have been. It's ok(ish).

3.) 1- above - but with a counter attack. New virus - more economic warfare, power outages, internet outages, food supply disruptions, maybe animal pandemics hit the meat supply - this is looking nasty - heading into 5. Basically the spooks don't back off even though they take a short term hit.

4.) Biden grinds along, Kamala takes over soon enough, life goes on and the loonie left gets stronger, but there is a live and let live for a while- but i think this will absolutely include all of no#2 - also looking like it's heading into 5.

5.) The full vax n tag roll out - a second pandemic - pbly caused by pathogenic priming from the vaxes, but blamed on non vax'd ppl. Massive drive to vax n tag or quarantine everyone. Military involved. Hunger Games type fragmented society.

Of all the scenarios - 2 to 4 are all heading quite likely into no#5.

So where does that leave us - are we wishing on a star here ?

Hoping for some massive renaissance - but in reality heading ever further into decline?