The Michelson-Morley Experiment

I am going to post a few links to help broaden this topic, the first will be a link to a video proving what the original experiment set out to do. I will include one to the original experiment (one that covers the findings) and I will also share a link to a "science literate" channel that denies the experiment. Fun times.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjcS1kRkc6M We are currently using this to detect gravitational waves "ethereal wind".

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGp3FZSi900 Claims the experiment a failure

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-m-T2aIKS0c This explains the experiment as was conducted.

Nothing is new, they know, they have kept the truth hidden on purpose. Why?


Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

They need us to be like them. This is spiritual.


Commiefornia the fooks!

Let's demand from our representatives that anything produced with slave labor must be labeled as such. Any government's involvement should be labeled as well! Make this happen!!!!

Edit: Just finished calling all the Florida Congress people!


Just saw on the news that they are proposing to raise the fee of using a park from $1.00 per year to $20 per child.


The cities are broke!!!!!!!!!

I wanted to listen to my local police scanner like my neighbor but without spending money.

Anyway, this darling comes across my path : https://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/03/magazine/how-to-listen-to-a-police-scanner.html. the kicker, I found this at the end of my journey already knowing that http://www.broadcastify.com/ didn't have my local SO. Bummer! What else did I find? IPN? incidentpage.net. they offer a service to send all emergency info through text or a pager. I am gonna dig through the couch to give this a spin for a month. Opting for the pager so they don't have my number and if I like it it is a cheaper alternative. They are owned by imedia and it's sketch. MOAR!!!! Finding that broadcasify didn't have my jam I had to find the frequency, ya dig? That was relatively easy, got the computer overlords over at google to do the leg work and they spit out radiorefrence.com , is fren. So I find my frequency but I cannot for the life of me find a way to play it online without equipment. I can get scanners from like anywhere but my town. What gives? The frequency exists and is active, absolutely no one has it as far as the apps are concerned. The article in the link at top is obviously garbage advice if it isn't plain as day to see. Any advice would be loved as well as any similar stories. I am gonna try that service mentioned above. It's like $30 a month and see what that gives. Will update. Tl;Dr My raging erection for news requires constant up to date information. My fetish this week is local police scanners and I seek to add it to my growing collection of sources. I lust after knowledge entering me every way possible. Plz help me fulfill my depravity!


I want to share with everyone something that Christ said about prayer that I feel we should all remember.


5“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

9“This, then, is how you should pray:

“ ‘Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name,

10your kingdom come,

your will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

11Give us today our daily bread.

12And forgive us our debts,

as we also have forgiven our debtors.

13And lead us not into temptation, a

but deliver us from the evil one. b ’

14For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.


If I sexually Identify as an Apache Attack Helicopter does it make me gay to be attracted to that THICC ASS Globemaster BUZZING JIA?

Eagle70, that tickled



I gotta say some things. 1, I am probably the worst digger and I apologize, i just want to help.

I first started learning about some of the lighter offenses of higher ups when I was like 13-14. snooping the interwebs for a school project got more results than I could have hoped for or knew what to do. I remember running to the adults to warn about this or that and I ALWAYS hated the answer. "It's always been this way."

I have had a hard time maintaining relationships because I seem to have a death wish with getting the truth out. I watched as society was sculpted around me to make that as unappealing as possible. There must have been something wrong with me because I never stopped.

I am 32 years old now. This is my first account associated with anything like this. I was a huge lurker and hated the Idea of being followed and tracked. Too aware of the possibility of the men in black showing up at my door. (for the wrong reasons but it helped, this was born of my fear of UFOs and the government conspiracy cover them up, it's how I learned when and why conspiracy theory was coined so i knew to keep my mouth shut around people with influence) I scream every chance I get now. "Had we the ability to collect like this sooner it would already be done." blasting in my brain as I go on my crusades against the elite! it helps, I have so much hope.

I just wanted to say thank you all so much! I am sure I am among many with stories like mine, I am tearing up thinking how it must have been for everyone. I am so thankful that we all stayed and helped or tried to help to do a part, anything!

Thank you, Shills (you know they helped, little boost of morale every time one of them got called out)

ThanQ, Lurkers

ThanQ, Posters

ThanQ, PlaneFags

ThankQ, Bakers

ThanQ, Diggers

ThanQ, Crumb Gathers

ThanQ, Board Owner

ThanQ, President Donald Trump

ThanQ to all of our brave soldiers! I was too scared to get yelled at. lol

ThanQ, Jesus Christ for planting the seed 2000 years ago

ThanQ, God, for this amazing reality

I could not have asked for more! you are all so truly amazing,


Adding that after sending an email to them they finally let the transactions go through. NOK was fine but AMC had risen after the purchase so they charged me the higher price and only let it go through right before a drop. Another email was sent to inform whomever reads it that the Bosses at Stash are having their employees break the law.

Adding some more. Not sure how to post images. Yesterday I got 3 notifications that an account had been unlinked from Stash and that Stash had initiated the unlink. Also yesterday, when trying to purchase certain stock I would get a message that basically said that Stash was overwhelemed due to high traffic, bull. Before close last night I was able to get a few orders in and got the notification that they would happen in the next trading window, today... they are all still pending. Stash is playing the Game just like Robinhood. I can take screen shots but no idea how to post them to this. Have sent Stash an email letting them know a classaction is eminent due to their actions. Much like Robinhood manipulated the market by selling users stock without permission and unlisting certain stock Stash is unlinking linked bank accounts and was down for most of the day.

North of Jacksonville, and east of Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Osceola National Forest and Cary State Forest. To the east lie Pumpkin Hill Creek Preserve State Park, Little and Big Talbot Island State Parks and Fort George Island Cultural State Park to the North East Cumberland Island National Seashore and Jekyll Island... All within 1-2 hour trip by car, 30 mins top by plane. Wildlight is a fairly new development in town but boasts a Catholic Diocese. I have met some of the people that have invested and let's just say that we do not hang out. Gut never let me down, than Q Lord! I had no fucking idea! I had had suspicion about Amelia Island Plantation, Now Omni Amelia Island, but nothing concrete. Must also add that I know personally that the port in Fernandina does business with Wayfair. I am not suggesting that the owners are aware of anything but it is a chinese company with a shell in Cali and in Jacksonville with a child company operating out of Fernandina Beach. To be honest still nothing concrete but I am starting to draw a mental picture that isn't great. I am vocal about my position, not so vocal about my sources, I can only imagine what some of these people think of me. Lol.

Can I get someone to help dig?

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