
Vaccine Related

Are adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccine recordable on the OSHA recordkeeping log? DOL and OSHA, as well as other federal agencies, are working diligently to encourage COVID-19 vaccinations. OSHA does not wish to have any appearance of discouraging workers from receiving COVID-19 vaccination, and also does not wish to disincentivize employers’ vaccination efforts. As a result, OSHA will not enforce 29 CFR 1904’s recording requirements to require any employers to record worker side effects from COVID-19 vaccination through May 2022. We will reevaluate the agency’s position at that time to determine the best course of action moving forward.



Trolls everywhere

Y'all are going to have a bad time.

The responses to this fill my heart! You are all beautiful!


I think that it is pretty safe to assume that we all dislike the institution that is the Federal Reserve.

Funny thing about how it came to be though.

It took more than a few tries to make this thing stick and at one point we had actually abolished it, so how is it here now?

They will not stop. It took them a while to finally get their institution in charge of our money, YEARS! it wasn't over night.

The first time they tried it they had backlash like no ones business, everyone but them seemed to know what was up and hated it. It didn't have a chance. They never ceased seizing every opportunity that they could to get in, though. A little while after the initial attempt, and a few favors later they tried it again..... More people were interested and it looked like they had it. I believe that the second attempt is when they said NO and tried to make sure it couldn't happen. So they waited a while longer and did a few more favors....

Liken this to an employer that is trying to mandate vaccines. These people are sick and will stop at nothing to get what they want. Leave now, while you still can.


You got me fucked up if you thought I was gonna just let this shit slide. Your trap was basic and dated, it only shows who you work for cuz that tart faced offspring of a diseased Goat can't do anything himself. Physically cannot, can only make others do for him with the offering of desires. If you paid any attention at all, he never gives you what you want. Just left over scraps that can't fight back and you take it like the dogs you are.

Come at me, Bro.

Don't be too mad, YOU made me! ;)

The comments prove my statements. If you want to know who controls you find out who you cannot talk about.


Walk away. Do not beg them, do not ask them, do not allow them one sliver of victory over you. Do not waste your time with a lawyer, do not wait on the vaccination to be deemed dangerous, do not expect unemployment for violating terms of employment, which require you to be "healthy" (they are going to force it) to work. Just leave them. Do not give them your time, do not give them your business. We can leave them. If we showed people that from the start maybe so many wouldn't have felt compelled in the first place. WE DO NOT NEED THEM, THEY NEED US!


Act like it!


Saw this link posted but cannot find it now. Under "This is getting bad"


List of conflicts of interest:

Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Riggs reported grants from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) funding through Boston Children's Hospital during the conduct of the study. Dr Newhams reported grants from the CDC during the conduct of the study. Dr Maamari reported other support from the CDC during the conduct of the study. Dr McLaughlin reported grants from Boston Children's Hospital and the CDC during the conduct of the study. Dr Maddux reported grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH)/Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development during the conduct of the study. Dr Rowan reported grants from the CDC during the conduct of the study and from the NIH outside the submitted work. Dr McGuire reported grants from the CDC during the conduct of the study. Dr Fitzgerald reported grants from the CDC during the conduct of the study and from the NIH outside the submitted work. Dr Gertz reported grants from Boston Children’s Hospital as a passthrough for the CDC during the conduct of the study. Dr Shein reported grants from the CDC during the conduct of the study. Dr Coronado Munoz reported grants from the CDC during the conduct of the study. Dr Levy reported grants from the CDC during the conduct of the study and from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases outside the submitted work. Dr Staat reported other support from Boston Children's Hospital during the conduct of the study. Dr Halasa reported grants from the CDC during the conduct of the study; grants from Sanofi and Quidel; and personal fees from Genentech outside the submitted work. Dr Hall reported grants from the CDC during the conduct of the study and personal fees from LaJolla Pharmaceuticals outside the submitted work. Dr Schuster reported other from the CDC during the conduct of the study; other support from Merck; and grants from the CDC outside the submitted work. Dr Doymaz reported grants from the CDC during the conduct of the study. Dr Tarquinio reported grants from the CDC during the conduct of the study. Dr Nofziger reported other from the CDC during the conduct of the study. Dr Kleinman reported grants from Boston Children's Hospital during the conduct of the study and grants from Health Services Research Administration and NICHD outside the submitted work. Dr Cvijanovich reported grants from the CDC during the conduct of the study and grants from Cincinnati Children’s Medical Center and Boston Children's Hospital outside the submitted work. Dr Hume reported grants from the CDC during the conduct of the study. Dr Wellnitz reported other support from the CDC and NIH during the conduct of the study. Dr Michelson reported grants from the CDC during the conduct of the study and grants National Palliative Care Research Center and the National Institutes of Health outside the submitted work. Dr Randolph reported grants from the CDC during the conduct of the study and other support from UpToDate outside the submitted work. Dr Poussaint reported receiving grants from the National Institutes of Health and royalties from Springer Publishing outside of the submitted work. No other disclosures were reported.

So it is AI, yea? It learns? That means it has a teacher, us?

Think of it like a child, as much as the parents try it is largely what the person is most exposed to that molds them. I am reminded of the experiment where they let AI loose on the internet and it came back racists as fuck. Racists sounding, anyway, something that is trained to speak a certain way without any knowledge of where those words came from and what they mean cannot possibly be considered racists, they wouldn't know.

If the internet can make AI racists can it make it beneficial?


The media lies, hospitals keep people sick, corporations trade in slavery, corporations are now trying to mandate what you do with your body, governments are trying to mandate what you do with your body...

They are not going to stop because you call someone, they will stop when you no longer give them attention. We have to make their money worthless, their stores empty, their managers sweat and we can accomplish all of this today if we just walk away. WE DO NOT NEED THEM, THEY NEED US!

So long as we consent to their game we are players in it. Shut it down.


If the vaxed are going to die, and there isn't an auto off all option some people are about to have a real bad time.

How do you terminate that which fears nothing, create something that wont fear it, massive scale. Can someone hax them and just take over? is that a thing? Oh my goodness, I do not know how I feel about that. I have heard a few people offering robots for all in the near future.... Freaky thought. Graphene is weird, is it in the vax?

This page has a lot of useful information. This is why I am anti lawyer. All are not bad, but they operate in a messed up and illegal system that uses humans as leverage. This is warned about in the Bible!


If politics cannot fix a problem that politics have created then it is safe to assume that working within the beast isn't going to change the beast.

If they go low, walk away. If they demand you harm yourself for others, walk away. If they demand your silence, walk away. If they demand your compliance, walk away.

When one door closes another will open, you might have to close this one yourselves.

They DO NOT care about you, they only care about their ability to make money, at this point it should be clearly evident. Now, Truly stand up for yourselves and your rights, WALK AWAY! A house divided cannot stand, get out and let it fall!!!!!



rogue wave maker


shipping containers in general, not just evergiven, but also evergiven


they ain't small potatoes

I may be dragging knuckles but until someone convinces me it cannot be done...

The explosion off the coast of FL didn't cause a tsunami.


I have been pondering this a bit lately and all I can reason with is a point on a circle. the beginning and end being the same point on any circle. Q denotes a mark on a circle.

I dunno, just thoughts.

You'll see him coming in the clouds (all i can imagine is the cloud networks)

perhaps this is the final illusion, perhaps this is the big guy



I this may be the storm we face.

If the vaccine produces the spike proteins.

be safe, just a thought

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